Chapter 8: Real-Life Pursuits and Hidden Jealousies

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Prabhas’s Pursuit

In real life, Preeti found herself in an unexpected situation with Prabhas. His father was a close friend of her own father, which meant Prabhas was often at her house. His frequent visits started innocently enough—he would join her family for dinner or stop by for a chat. But slowly, his attention turned more toward Preeti.

One evening, Preeti was sitting in the living room, reading a book, when Prabhas walked in with a small bouquet of flowers. “These are for you, Preeti,” he said, handing them to her with a warm smile.

Preeti looked up, surprised. “Oh, thank you, Prabhas. They’re lovely.”

Prabhas shrugged casually. “Just thought you’d like them. I know you’ve been working hard lately.”

Preeti smiled, accepting the flowers. “That’s sweet of you. Thanks.”

These small gestures became more frequent. Prabhas would bring her coffee to the office, leave little notes of encouragement on her desk, and even started offering to help with her projects. He was always respectful and kind, but Preeti couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more behind his actions.

Sharing with Austin

Preeti found herself sharing these experiences with Austin in the game. During one of their late-night sessions, she brought it up.

“Adi, there’s this guy at work, Prabhas. He’s been really nice to me lately. Brings me coffee, flowers, and stuff like that,” she typed, her character Pink sitting next to Austin in a quiet corner of the game.

Austin, or Abeer, felt a twinge of jealousy. He knew he had no right to feel that way, but he couldn’t help it. “Oh, really? Sounds like he’s quite interested in you,” he replied, trying to keep his tone light.

“Yeah, maybe. But I don’t know, it feels weird. I’m not sure what to make of it,” Preeti confided.

Abeer took a deep breath, his fingers hovering over the keyboard. “Just be careful, Pink. Make sure he’s genuine and not just trying to get something out of you.”

Preeti appreciated his concern. “Thanks, Adi. I’ll keep that in mind. It’s just... I miss having you around to talk to about this stuff.”

Abeer’s heart softened. “I’m always here for you, Pink. You know that.”

Abeer’s Real-Life Dilemma

Meanwhile, in his own life, Abeer was grappling with mixed emotions. He couldn’t pinpoint why he felt so off after his conversation with Pink. The thought of her getting close to another guy, even if it was just in real life, bothered him more than he wanted to admit.

One evening, Abeer confided in his best friend, Aymoon. They were sitting in a quiet café, a place they often visited to unwind.

“Aymoon, I don’t know why I feel so weird about this,” Abeer began, stirring his coffee absentmindedly. “Pink told me about this guy, Prabhas, who’s been trying to impress her. I felt... jealous. And it’s affecting me more than it should.”

Aymoon looked at him sympathetically. “It sounds like you care about her a lot. Maybe more than you realize.”

Abeer sighed. “I guess I do. But it’s complicated. We’re just friends in the game, and I don’t even know her in real life. How can I be jealous of someone in her real life?”

Aymoon smiled gently. “Feelings don’t always make sense, Abeer. Sometimes, you just have to accept them and figure out what they mean for you.”

Abeer nodded, deep in thought. “You’re right. I need to sort out my feelings and decide what I really want.”

Austin’s Jealousy

Back in the game, Austin and Pink continued their adventures, but the tension lingered. One evening, as they were exploring a new quest, Austin couldn’t hold back his jealousy any longer.

“Pink, I’ve been thinking about what you said about Prabhas,” he began, his character pausing mid-quest. “Does it bother you that he’s trying so hard to impress you?”

Preeti, taken aback by his directness, paused too. “Honestly, it does a little. It’s flattering, but it also feels overwhelming. I wish he’d just back off a bit.”

Abeer’s jealousy flared, but he kept his tone even. “Maybe you should talk to him. Set some boundaries.”

Preeti nodded, her character turning to face Austin’s. “You’re right. I’ll try to handle it. Thanks for listening, Adi.”

Abeer’s heart ached at the thought of Pink dealing with this alone. “Just know that I’m here for you, no matter what. We’re in this together.”

Abeer’s Resolve

Abeer’s feelings for Pink were growing stronger, but he was still unsure of what to do. He decided to focus on his own life for a while, taking Pink’s advice about overcoming his fears to heart.

At work, he continued to bond with his colleagues, even organizing a small team outing to a nearby park. His confidence was slowly building, and he found himself enjoying the company of his colleagues.

As Abeer navigated his real-life challenges, he found solace in his growing friendship with Pink. Despite the distance and the complications, their bond remained strong, providing a source of comfort and joy for both of them.

Preeti’s Struggle with Prabhas

Preeti, on the other hand, found herself increasingly frustrated with Prabhas’s persistent attention. Despite her attempts to set boundaries, he continued to visit her house frequently, always bringing small gifts or doing little favors.

One evening, as they sat in the living room, Prabhas handed her a beautifully wrapped box. “I saw this and thought of you,” he said, smiling warmly.

Preeti accepted the gift, her patience wearing thin. “Prabhas, you don’t have to keep bringing me things. I appreciate it, but it’s really not necessary.”

Prabhas’s smile faltered slightly. “I just want to make you happy, Preeti. You deserve to be treated well.”

Preeti sighed inwardly, wishing he would understand. “Thank you, but I’m really not looking for anything right now. I just want to focus on my work and my own life.”

Prabhas nodded, looking disappointed but not deterred. “I understand. But I’ll always be here if you need anything.”

Preeti felt a pang of guilt but knew she had to stand her ground. She shared her frustrations with Austin during their next gaming session.

“Adi, I tried talking to Prabhas, but he just doesn’t seem to get it. It’s like he’s always there, trying to impress me,” she typed, her character sitting beside Austin’s in a peaceful in-game garden.

Abeer felt a surge of protectiveness. “You did the right thing by talking to him. Just keep setting those boundaries. If he really cares about you, he’ll respect them.”

Preeti felt a wave of gratitude. “Thanks, Adi. You always know what to say.”

Abeer smiled, his heart lifting. “That’s what friends are for, Pink. We’ll get through this together.”

As they continued their journey in the game, both Abeer and Preeti found solace in each other’s company. Despite the challenges and misunderstandings, their friendship remained a constant source of support and comfort, helping them navigate their complex lives.

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