Learning how to breathe

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roya's pov:

Me, Lo'ak ,Kiri ,Tisreya , Roxto and Neteyam were on a big rock .

Tisreya placed  a hand on lo'ak stomach, "your heartbeat is fast "

sorry said lo'ak embarrass "try to slow it down". I could see neteyam looking at roxto almost wanted to laugh ,while kiri just rolled her eyes. I almost laugh I hold my breath trying not to laugh. I closed my eye and said " the way of the water has no beginning and no end " think of the water as your home , bond with the reef and the creatures " I opened my eyes back and I heard silents I caught neteyam looking at me I signing at what do u want" I see roxto kinda knock him in the side and look at him I kinda new roxto was jealous because he liked me since we were small but when he asked me 

I rejected him so he just gave up. Okay now let's put you to the test I said, tisreya u take ur boyfriend lo'ak before I could finish talking tisreya slap me in my head I hiss at the stinging pain in my head, ow fine u take lo'ak and I take neteyam better I ask. Kiri u could explore since I know u like doing that I told kiri" she smiled and nodded, and then tisreya said we splIt up. 

I see tisreya smiling at lo'ak cause he got the shell, I'm happy  that she's happy . My brother is I'mmatuer but he's  good at that. Neteyam said making me jump I smiled at him and said I bet you there going too get together, he smirked and said alright bet and we hand shake 

     Creator: I'm sorry not posting for a while but Yh I'll be posting tomorrow sorry if it's short 😢

but anyway bye pookies ❤️

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