Part 25

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U wake up to kobe on ur chest still sleeping u look at him smiling
Kobe: gm
Y/n: oh ur awake
Kobe: mhm
Y/n: u still sound sleepy
Kobe: Ik I am
Y/n: then go back to sleep
Kobe: no I wanna stay up wit u
Y/n: ight ur sleepy voice is sexy asf btw
He smiles then tries to kiss me but I stop him
Kobe: don't block my kiss
Y/n: I needa brush my teeth first
Kobe: wow so u saying my breath is stinky
Y/n: no mine is
Kobe: idc kiss me
Y/n: but ion wanna
Kobe: ima break up with u
Y/n: ur literally so annoying
U kiss him on the cheek
Kobe: on the lips not the cheek
Y/n: u didn't say that
Kobe: cmon pls
Y/n: fine since u asked nicely
U give him a lil peck
Kobe: that wasn't a kiss
Y/n: yes it was
He gets off my chest and sits next to me on the bed pouting
Y/n: u get what u get and u don't get upset
Kobe: ihy
Y/n: cap
Kobe: no
Y/n: don't be a lil pouty baby
Kobe: I want my kiss
Y/n: you'll get ur kiss in a sec go brush ur teeth and I'll brush mine
Kobe: fine
U go to ur room and brush ur teeth Kobe brushes his and waits for u on the bed u go back into his room
Y/n: did u brush them
Kobe: yes
Y/n: lemme smell
He breathes in my face
Y/n: good job
Kobe: yea yea kiss me
U go on top of him and y'all start kissing then making out he puts his hands on ur ass u take them off then get off of him
Kobe: baeee
Y/n: whattt
Kobe: why'd u stop
Y/n: bc ur a horny mf
Kobe: no I'm not I just wanted to fu- I mean kiss u rq
Y/n: I literally hate u sm
Kobe: no u don't
Y/n: yes I do
Kobe: well I don't hate u
He says putting his lip out
Y/n: Ik I mean how could u hate this
*lightskin face*
Kobe: ur so mean to me
Y/n: ur so dramatic
Kobe: no I'm not u just don't like me so we're breaking up
(He said in a sarcastic tone)
Y/n: aii ima go to the club and party then
U try to get off the bed but Kobe pulls u towards him fast asf
Kobe: no tf u not
Y/n: damn u ain't gotta drag me like that
Kobe: ok but ur not going to no club unless it's with me
Y/n: we should go to the club tn
Kobe: no I didn't mean tn
Y/n: pls it'll be so much fun
Kobe: no
Y/n: plssss...daddy
U get on top of him again
Kobe: stop u can't do that
Y/n: do what
Kobe: u know what ur doing, were not going y/n
Y/n: not my name
Kobe: mamas
Y/n: better
Kobe: not tn
Y/n: fine then u get nothing tn
Kobe: is that a bribe
Y/n: maybe
Kobe: well it's not gonna work
Y/n: ok then
U leave his room and go into urs locking it and laying on ur bed Kobe knocks on it and keeps calling ur name but u don't answer he leaves u alone after a bit a few hours later it's 4pm and ur get in the shower then u do ur hair and makeup then change into this

u leave ur room and Kobe's on the couch chillin he looks over at u

Kobe: ur finally out ur room
Y/n: mhm
Kobe: where u going dressed like that
Y/n: no where
Kobe: ma
Y/n: u alr know
Kobe: I said I don't wanna go to the club
Y/n: ok u don't have to im going
Kobe: no ur not especially not alone
Y/n: who said I was going alone
Kobe: who u going wit then
Y/n: derek

u say smiling knowing u didn't ask Derek anything

Kobe: oh no tf u not
he says getting up and coming over to u
Y/n: yes tf I am
He chokes u (in a sexual way) and looks down at u making straight eye contact
Kobe: no tf u not stop playing wimme before I fuck u so hard u won't be able to walk for a year
Y/n: come with me then
Kobe: fine since u wanna be so whiny
Y/n: whatever hurry and get ready so we can goooo
Kobe: ok damn

He goes in his room and gets ready then y'all go to the club (also u and ur whole friend group know the owners of the club and all the workers and security guards so u can get in without having to being 21, Kobe introduced y'all his family is most closest with the club) we skip to the front of the line say hi to the security guard he lets us in and kobe drags me to the bar

Y/n: oh I thought u didn't wanna be here
Kobe: oh shush
Y/n: no drinking Kobe
Kobe: but whyyyy
Y/n: bc u have to drive home and we're not going home drunk we can crash and I don't wanna lose ur amazing self to something stupid
u say then kiss him
Kobe: aw thank you beautiful
Y'all kiss again then kobe goes up to the bar getting a shot and taking it
Y/n: kobe
Kobe: I'm srry it's just one
Y/n: but baby
Kobe: ma it's fine
Y/n: fine
Kobe: let's go outside rq u can wear my jacket bc it's cold
Y/n: okay ty
He takes off his jacket and gives it to u and y'all go outside finding a bench outside the club and kobe pulls out his 🍃 (iykyk)
Y/n: kobe no smoking u alr had a shot I don't want this to mess up ur driving later
Kobe: it's fine I drive high all the time
Y/n: ok be careful tho pls
Kobe: I will don't worry
he says while licking his blunt he pulls out his lighter
and lights it up then starts smoking
Kobe: u wanna hit
Y/n: no I'm good
Kobe: cmon ur the one who wanted to come here so be loose a lil y/n
Y/n: ok but I'm just trying to be safe and think about how our decisions will impact us later
Kobe: ok nerd jus take one hit
Y/n: fine just one

and the next thing u knew the blunt was almost gone and u and kobe were passing it back and forth high asf
Kobe: u smoking is sexy asf
Y/n: oh is it
Kobe: yes very Ill fuck u right here
Y/n: well that wouldn't be a very smart idea
u say laughing
Kobe: nah it would everyone would hear u scream my name and know ur mine
Y/n: well I wouldn't want that
Kobe: u wouldn't want everyone knowing ur mine
Y/n: no I wouldn't wanna scream ur name outside of a club especially one that we go to mostly and knows ur family good
Kobe: ur boring
Y/n: me?, never
Kobe: cap
Y/n: nah
Kobe: yea
Y/n: nah
Kobe: yea
Y/n: whatever let's go inside and dance
Kobe: bet
U go inside and start dancing and all that a few freaky songs were coming on so u were twerking on kobe
Kobe: bae I'm finna fuck u so hard
Y/n: oh rlly
U say standing up facing him putting ur hand on his chest looking up at him and he wraps one arm around ur waist looking down at u
Kobe: yes we can do it rn

U start kissing him and making out and while ur making out u stick ur hand in his pants and start rubbing his bulge he moves his hand from ur waist to under ur skirt squeezing ur ass once u feel him get pretty hard u stop smile at him and go sit down on couches that are towards the side of the club that are only for VIP he comes over and sits next to u

Kobe: fuck u for that
Y/n: calm down what did I do
Kobe: u got me all hard teasing me then u just leave me there
Y/n: we're not fucking in the club kobe
Kobe: so don't get me hard then
Y/n: srry I didn't mean to
Kobe: stop lying bruh
Y/n: ur being very over dramatic
Kobe: I'm not
Y/n: u are tho
Kobe: when we get home can we fuck
Y/n: ur very horny rn
Kobe: Ik it's bc of u
Y/n: ig I'm just hot asf then
Kobe: mhm
he throws his head back adjusting in his seat
Y/n: um u good
he sits back up looking at u
Kobe: no, this girl idk if u know her but she got me hard and horny yk and won't help me out
Y/n: oh that's tuff but no idk her
Kobe: mhhh yea ok I'm going to the bathroom be careful
Y/n: ok, I will
He gets up and goes to the bathroom a few mins later some guy comes up to and sits next to u putting his arm around u
??: hey sexy what's ur name
Y/n: um get u pls move over
??: nah it's all good
Y/n: move over pls
??: ur safe with me bby
Y/n: I'm not ur bby now move tf away from me rn
??: oh so u got attitude now I'll fuck that shi right out of u rn
Y/n: I have a bf get away from me rn he's gonna be back any minute now
??: ion gaf bout yo bf
Kobe: u don't gaf bout who nigga
??: oh so this is ur bf
He says getting up and standing in front of Kobe
Kobe: yes I'm her bf and who are u
??: I'm her side hoe bitch
Y/n: no tf u not
Kobe: ha like she'd ever go for a nigga like u
??: well obviously she would if she fucks me when ur not there

Kobe gets tense he balls up his fist and u know he's boutta try and punch the other guy so u go to him and slightly push him back kissing him he didn't kiss back tho jus bc he's mad

Y/n: baby he's not worth it don't pay attention to him
Kobe: nah bc this nigga thinks he funny
Y/n: he's trying to make u and on purpose
Kobe: Ik but idc
Y/n: kobe calm down pls
The guy makes a motion by ur ass like he's grabbing it and biting his lip kobe saw but u didn't
Kobe: no y/n move pls
Y/n: bae listen to me
Kobe: y/n move rn
Y/n: kobe
Kobe slightly pushed u out the way and sock's him right in the jaw making him stumble back
Kobe: y/n stay back
He punches the other dude a few more times he falls to the ground and kobe continues punching him some security guards come and pull Kobe off him and two other ones get the other guy and bring him out the club
Security guard 1: Kobe yk we love u man and ur family but u can't be starting fights in here
Security guard 2: yeah srry man ur going to have to leave
Kobe: aii srry for the scene I'll leave
Security guard 1: thank you
Kobe: mhm
U and kobe pick up ur stuff and exit the club getting in the car and driving home in mostly silence u put ur hand on Kobe's thigh
Y/n: u good
Kobe: yup
Y/n: I told u not to do it
Kobe: I had to y/n he was disrespecting u it was disgusting
Y/n: ok he said he fucked me and was my side hoe that's obviously not true so why'd u let him get to ur head
Kobe: he kept looking at ur ass y/n and was motioning that he was slapping it so I punched him
Y/n: oh
Kobe: yea
Y/n: I'm srry we shoulda just never went
Kobe: nah it's all good ma
U kiss his cheek

Y'all finally get home u get out and go inside sitting on the couch
Kobe: u know when I left to go into the bathroom I was beating my meat
Y/n: ofc u were
Kobe: I had to
Y/n: u rlly didn't
Kobe: I did tho
Y/n: u didn't tho
Kobe: I did
Y/n: ur so annoying
Kobe: and so are u
Y/n: whatever
U and kobe held eye contact for awhile then u started making out a lil later Kobe was on top of u and y'all were still making out he took off ur top (it was basically a bra itself so u didn't have one under) he started sucking on ur 🍒 and rubbing ur 🐱 through ur panties
Y/n: fuck me daddy ugh
he stops and sits down going on his phone
Y/n: ur fucking kidding me
Kobe: mhhh
U put Kobe's jacket on without ur shirt and crossed ur arms rolling ur eyes
Kobe: what happened why u mad
Y/n: literally shut uppp Ihysm
Kobe: nah
Y/n: two wrongs don't make a right
Kobe: it does to me
Y/n: well ur just weird
Kobe: nah that's u
Y/n: aii jus wait
Kobe: wym by that
Y/n: nun

a few mins later kobe films a tiktok

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Caption: she rlly wanna get fucked🙄❤️.

@theyluv_y/n ihy
↪️@kbreezo this vid says otherwise😩
↪️@dareal.jazmyn oh y'all on tht freaky shi
↪️@theyluv_y/n nooo💀
↪️@kbreezo yes😌
@vallyk get it ma boi
↪️@kbreezo 😈💙
@derektrendz smh. do this on ur own time don't post it
↪️@kbreezo jealous?
@kobesdirtyslut y/n lucky😩
↪️@kbreezo nah I'm lucky
↪️@mikesbootaycheeks awww
@gloryboyjai yurr my boy getting that 🐱
↪️@kbreezo u alr know😏
@y/nsbae manz is bricked up😭
↪️@kbreezo yea ofc only for y/n
↪️@theyluv_y/n shushhh
@y/n.shawtybae I didn't even know u and y/n were dating until this she literally doesn't post yall tg
↪️@theyluv_y/n I don't have to post us to show that we're together?
↪️@y/n.shawtybae oh ok srry I didn't mean it in a rude way
↪️@theyluv_y/n lmao it's all good bae
@slimedupmike yea get it besties
↪️@theyluv_y/n no mike don't hype this up

Kobe: maaaa
Y/n: yes
Kobe: if two wrongs don't make a right then why do u keep doing it
Y/n: do what
Kobe: yk what
Y/n: do u need help
U get on ur knees and put ur hair up Kobe thinks ur boutta give him 🧠 but u reach under the couch and grab something from down there then get back up and sit back down
Kobe: u didn't have to do all that
Y/n: what I was just went under the couch to get something
Kobe: y/n
Y/n: kobe
Kobe: I'm going to sleep
Y/n: ok and I'm coming
Kobe: no ur not
Y/n: I am tho
Kobe: no ur not u got ur own room
Y/n: ok whatever I'm boutta go to the store tho so if u wanna come u can
Kobe: bet can I have my jacket tho
Y/n: no I literally don't have a shirt under this unless u want me to go to the store shirtless
Kobe: I'm down
Y/n: kobe
U say rolling ur eyes
Kobe: I'm playing u can keep it on for now let's go
Y/n: wym for now
Kobe: for now u can keep it on until I rip it off u when we get back and demolish that pussy
Y/n: that's not happening
Kobe: it definitely is
Y/n: nope
Kobe: we'll see
Y/n: mhm

U leave going in the car and while Kobe was driving he was putting his hand on ur thigh slowly going up towards ur 🐱 when he got there he started to rub it through ur panties (also u still had a skirt on)
Y/n: kobe stop
He doesn't stop and parks by the store then starts sucking on ur neck
Y/n: mhhh fuck Kobe stop
He goes for a few more mins and unzips ur jacket half way but u move his hand before he can do anymore
Y/n: not rn kobe
Kobe: ok I'm sorry
He gives u a lil peck then zips up ur jacket and y'all go in the store getting some snacks y'all get in the car
Y/n: wait where's my takis
Kobe: u didn't get takis
Y/n: oh I must've accidentally put them back ima go get some
Kobe: ok give me ur wallet and all ur cards and cash
Y/n: why
Kobe: bc ur not paying
Y/n: bae there just takis
Kobe: so I still wanna pay for them
Y/n: fine
Kobe hands u his hard
Kobe: give me ur wallet
Y/n: lemme think abt it no
U close the car door and go into the store getting takis and a pregnancy test for a prank tmr😏 u check out then go back to the car and y'all go home

Y/n: I'm gonna go take a shower rq
Kobe: bet can I join
he says smirking
Y/n: no
Kobe: pls
Y/n: noo
Kobe: plsss
Y/n: kobe
Kobe: fine

He kisses ur forehead then goes in his room u go into urs and get undressed then go in the shower an hour later ur done and wear some of Kobe's underwear u had and an oversized tee u opened his door but didn't go in

Y/n: kobe it smells like straight up weed in here
Kobe: yea Ik u wanna hit
Y/n: no throw it out
Kobe: just take one hit
Y/n: no put it out and go take a shower I'm spraying air freshener in here
Kobe: stop acting like my mom it's fine
Y/n: I'm not trying to act like ur mom I just care abt u
Kobe: ur being dramatic
Y/n: and ur being an ass
Kobe: ok
U walk over to him put it out and throw it out the window
Kobe: y/n wtf
Y/n: I told u to stop no go take a shower
Kobe: u just waisted a bunch of money ur paying me back for that
Y/n: no I'm not Kobe u should try and stop anyways it's unsafe and u can die
Kobe: I'm not like ur grandpa y/n im fine


srry I haven't posted in a long time like always I just keep getting writers block but yea ily❤️  also srry if there's a bunch of mistakes I didnt feel like proof reading it

word count: 3230

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