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a/n: have you guys seen the new pucca episodes on netflix? i have! make sure to watch them on your own time : )

Pucca's POV

I pushed the big red kitchen doors open, letting the delicious aroma of Goh Rong noodles travel out. "Another order of the classic Goh Rong Noodles for erm— Garu!" I declared, feeling a small blush creep up onto my cheeks. My uncles glanced at me, wide smiles appearing on their faces. "Garu's back now is he?" Uncle Dumpling asked, raising an eyebrow.

I nodded, clutching the end of my black apron. "Well, from what I remember Garu hasn't been in here for quite awhile." Uncle Ho stated pulling out another pan. Uncle Linguini nodded, his face suddenly full of determination. "If that's so, then let's make Garu's noodles extremely good!" Uncle Ho stated as they all nodded, now focusing hard on their cooking. I chuckled, quietly exiting the kitchen. "I'll be back when it's done then, just call me over." I called as they all nodded.

I skipped out of the kitchen quietly humming to myself as I scanned the room, preferably trying to locate Garu. From a distance, he patiently sat there resting his cheek on his palm. His presence somehow made me happy. My heart skipped a beat as he suddenly turned his gaze over to me, our eyes meeting. Garu gave me a small smile, lifting his arm up to a wave.

Garu's POV

I waved at her, forming a small smile afterwards. Pucca seemed startled— no, shy. Her cheeks burnt red as she suddenly turned away with a bashful smile on. I rested my cheek on my palm once again, a chuckle escaping my mouth. A sudden force shoved onto me, my right arm feeling weighted. "Garu!~" I cautiously glanced down to my arm, a lady clutched onto me. I annoyingly sighed, trying to yank my arm out of her grasp. "Ring-Ring, please let go."

I politely asked raising an eyebrow as I glanced at the blue haired woman. "Awe. You're always so dull Garu dear. It's so attractive." Ring-Ring stated as she thankfully let go of my arm with a squeal, a pout then formed on her lips. I sighed shaking my head. She'd been bothering me for weeks now. "Here you go." I looked up to see Pucca once again, she carefully placed the steaming ramen bowl in-front of me as-well as chopsticks. "Thank you." I responded, meeting her eyes as I smiled.

Pucca returned the smile, her gaze seeming to shift right beside me. "Pucca. Been awhile." Ring-Ring said as a smile formed on her lips. "Mhm. Would you like to order something?" Pucca asked as her smile slowly faded. How come? I glanced over to Ring-Ring as she flipped her blue hair. "Mm, no. I just wanted to be here with Garu." Ring-Ring stated as she once again wrapped her arm around my right arm. "Agh— Please let go." I begged as I glanced back to Pucca.

My eyes slowly widened, she looked somewhat— upset? My heart suddenly stopped as I realized something. Is she jealous? Does she still like me? I thought as Pucca suddenly turned her gaze to me. I gave her an awkward smile, raising my shoulders to a shrug. "Well, you should let Garu eat his noodles. It'll get cold." Pucca stated offering a smile. "Ah— oh yeah. I'll eat this now." I responded, picking up the chopsticks.

"Pucca! We've got another order!" Dada shouted from across the room, catching all of our attention. "Well, that's my que to leave." Pucca said as she slid a hand down her pocket, waving a hand at me. "It was nice seeing you Garu and— Ring Ring. I'll see you around." She said as I noticed her take a final glance at me before leaving. My heart raced as I wiped my mouth with a tissue— could she still like me?

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