Part 3

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Y/n pov:

Levi put the movie on and we all got comfortable, we all were just watching the movie until a jump scare happened, without even noticing I jumped into Luca's arms. "Hey you ok?" Luca said, once Luca said that I noticed I was in his arms, "omg I'm so sorry" I say jumping back out of his arms with a slight blush on my face, "it's fine just if you ever get scared I'm here for you, ok?" I smiled at what Luca said, he made me feel really safe. Half way through the movie I started to get really tired and before I knew it, everything turned black.

Luca pov:

It was about half way through the movie, until I felt something on my shoulder, I turned to see what it was and it was y/n, they looked like they were sleeping so I didn't want to wake them up.

Charli pov: 

I was getting a bit bored so I went to turn to Luca but when I did I saw y/n peacefully sleeping on his shoulder. "Lucaaaaa" I whispered stretching out the last letter of his name, "what is it Charli?" Luca whispered back, "y/n looks tired, how about you carry them to bed" I said with a slight smirk, "o-ok" Luca pick y/n up bridle style and went up to her room.

Luca pov (again):

I pick up y/n and walk upstairs to there room, I place them down carefully, I put the covers on them and went to walk out, as I went to turn around to walk out I felt something grab my arm. "Stay" y/n said half asleep, I felt my face heat up and then I sighed, I sat down beside y/n and slowly laid down, they turned around facing me and we ended up cuddling, I felt my eyes get heavy and before you know it, I fell asleep.

Next morning (y/n pov):

I wake up and notice that Luca is next to me, I felt my face go red, I try to get up but I noticed that something was wrapped around me, I looked down only to see Luca's arms wrapped around my waist, I went to wake Luca up but he looked so peaceful. I ended up finding a way to slither out without waking Luca up, I went down stair and saw Alex making breakfast, "good morning, how'd you sleep" Alex said while putting a plate of food down on the counter, "I slept surprisingly well" I said sitting down, I ate my food and washed my plate, as I finished washing the plate, everyone came down for breakfast. everyone finished eating and I went to go upstairs until Alex stopped me, "y/n come here and everyone else come here to" we all were confused but we walked to where Alex was, "we go to the beach, I mean it's pretty sunny outside and I think it'll be nice" "yah why not" Levi calmly said. We all got changed then went to the beach.

A/n: hope you enjoyed this part, the beach thing will be in the next chapter, sorry if there's any mistake, hope you have a wonderful day/afternoon/night. I'll post the other chapter tomorrow

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