The Summer I Turned Pretty With Jeremiah "Jere" Fisher

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You are belly half sister, your dad is the same but you got two different Mom's, you are the around the same age as her, Jeremiah, and Conrad. Your mom is friends with Belly and the boys mom, so you are at the summer house with everyone else. Your name is Nicole, and while belly is into Conrad and vise versa with them two, you are into Jeremiah but he doesn't see you as someone who he could date, Because he thinks of you as his best friends sister.

This summer everything changes, you have went through a major transformation, you and your mom Lynn arrive at the beach house, Jeremiah is there with his mom Susannah, Conrad, Belly, her brother Steven and their mom Laurel. your mom hangs out with Susannah, and Laurel while all the kids get unpacked. Steven girlfriend Taylor is coming down in a few days, so you go unpacked and the bump into Jeremiah when you come downstairs and head towards the beach to draw and take photos, and write in your Notebook. Jeremiah smiles and looks you up and down, "Nicole you grew up since last summer" as you smile at him "I did a year can do a lot" as he pulls you into his chest hugging you, and he does something that he hasn't never done before he smells your hair and then kisses the top of your head, "I missed you Mouse" as you laugh "i missed you too Jere, is Connie here yet? i know Belly and Steven are here i saw them early" as he pulls back and looks at you "he will be here in the next hour or so, what are you doing? As you hold up your Notebooks and camera, heading to the beach to take some photos, plus do some drawing And writing" as he smirks "mind if I join you? As you nod your head at him then grabs his hand and you two head to the beach. You take some pictures, then you seat down in the sand next to him, he hands you your notebooks and takes your camera and takes a few photos of you while you write, then switch to drawing, you look up and lock eyes with him, he smiles and pushes some of your hair behind your ear, and says "so did you get accepted to any colleges? As you smile at him "yep Finch University and Stanford University I haven't decided on which one yet, how about you? As he smirks and says "Finch University or Stanford University with Con and Steven, Belly is going to Finch" as you smile and say "yep we apply together, Im going for Photojournalism and Art, I'm probably going to Finch with Belly" as he smirks "I'm leaning towards Finch too, I'll go for Nutrition, Fitness, & Health" as you smile big and you two enjoy some alone time together on the beach then head back to the house and Connie is there.

Belly and him head off and spend some time together as a couple, Steven is on the phone with his girlfriend Taylor, all your mom's are seating on the porch having fun together, leaving you And Jere alone in the hallway. Jeremiah smiles and then takes you to his room, you seat down on his bed and he smirks and he crawls on the bed and seats down next to you, he turns on the TV and you two watch a movie together. He can't believe how beautiful you have got since last summer, truth be told he has always find you beautiful, he wants you to be his girl, so this summer he is going make it happen, no matter what. You are laying down on the bed with him right next to you, he turns on his side and smiles at you as he moves some of your hair behind your ear and then just looks at you "Mouse i got to tell you something important" as you lock eyes with him "alright Jere, what is it" as he smiles "I love you Nicole, you catch my attention, i want you to be my girlfriend, but don't think this is new, i have had feelings for you for a couple of years now, will you out with me? As you are in complete shock but you nod your head agree to it, he smirks and kisses your cheek lightly, "great we will go out tomorrow for lunch" and I am giving you a heads up mom signed you and belly up for the debutante, the classes start Monday morning and I would love to be your escort to the ball in a few days if you will have me" as you smile at him and agree to that" as he smiles big then your guys mom's call you all downstairs, letting you all know we are all going out for dinner tonight at the country club, as you smile and then you all head to your rooms and get ready,

As Jeremiah comes to your room after he gets dressed up him, he is in black blue jeans, and a button up shirt, with a pair of dress shoes, he looks amazing and he spins you around and takes you all in and hands you a necklace he got for you it's beautiful it's cross with his initials JF on it as you smile big and thank him, he slides it around your neck. Then grabs your hand and you two walk downstairs to wait on the others.

To be continued this will be a 10 part story, with a two part final, so 12 parts!

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