FP Jones And His Younger Girlfriend ElizaBeth Smith Part 2

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A few minutes later, you two are done eating and enjoy the company before you two pay and head home to FP'S trailer, which is home too it's been your home for months, FP asked you to move in completely about 6 months ago, you did but you still have your house for future reference maybe you two will move there with Jughead, Jellybean and your future children. But right now you two are alright with the trailer with Jughead and Jellybean every so on, when you two leave the restaurant you two bump into Alice and Hal are done with dinner themselves, Alice comes over and says "did you tell FP about Charles? As you nod your head at her "yes he said he is down for it, as long as Jughead, Jellybean and I'm there, plus you Betty and Polly even Hal if he wants to be there" as she nods her head and agrees to call Charles and let him know the situation, as you smile and hug her before leaving with Hal and you go to FP and you two head out and back to the trailer.

A few minutes later you two make it to the trailer and he parks and then comes around to your side and opens the door for you then he helps you out and carry's you inside, next weekend you two will have a Jellybean, fp calls Jughead and see where he is right now, Jughead let's fp he is with Archie and Victoria at pops he will be home in about an hour or so as FP smiles into the phone and let's jughead know to use his keys you two are turning in and the door will be locked, as you go into the main room and get ready for bed, as FP gets off the phone with jughead and comes in and gets himself ready for bed, you are on the bed in your PJs,

Your hair is pulled back on SpaceBuns,

The colors are the same as early, FP comes in and joins you on the bed, he holds you against his chest and you two get comfortable in each other's arms, then you turn in, tomorrow morning you got to work the hospital then get off and head to pop's, you are working the morning shift at the hospital from 7 am to 3 then at 6 to closing at the diner, fp is working the night shift too at diner.

You two sleep in each other's arms all night, then next morning you are up and getting ready to head to the hospital, your hair is still up in SpaceBuns and you got your work clothes on, you got about 45 minutes before you need to be at work, fix your hair and let it hang loose,

FP wakes up when you seat back on the bed to fix your shoes, he opens his eyes and look at you "babygirl you leaving for work? As you smile and turn your face to look at him "yep daddy I'm finishing up then I'm heading to the hospital, I'll call you on my break then before I get to pop's" as he nods his head and says "alright babygirl I'll see you later on tonight, I love you" as you smile big at him "I love you too daddy" you stand up and fix your outfits,

then bend down and kiss his lips passionately before you head out and to your Jeep, FP goes back to sleep for a couple more hours then wakes up and goes to get ready for his shift at pop's.

You just got off work at the hospital and you change into your second set of work closes and then you head to pop's for your second job,

You pull your hair into a high ponytail, like in the picture with the clothes, just the colors from early. You leave the hospital and arrive at the diner, pop's is leaving for the night leaving you, jughead and FP to work, in two days time your new menu ideas And other things to help the restaurant begins, you walk in and see pops putting on his jacket, you smile and go help him with his bad shoulder, he smirks at you and you smile at him "pop's you have a good night Ahead of you, we got the restaurant covered" as he nods his and yells goodnight to FP and Jughead who are in the back. You wave him off then you go clock in, jughead comes out and smiles at you "hi Mama Eliza, how was the hospital today? As you smile at your boy, and Jughead is your boy you didn't give birth to him but you have been in his life since he was 4 years old, and Jellybean was a newborn, "it was good Juggie, did you have a good night last night with Archie, and Victoria? As he smirks at you "yeah Victoria is cool we have a lot in common, but I'm pretty sure her and Archie have a relationship going on" as you know about the relationship between Archie and Victoria but it ended a few months ago and they are just friends now, you don't want to tell Juggie about his best friend in Archie And so called ex girlfriend getting closer and Betty having more then just one boyfriend on the side, FP comes out and smiles at you "hi Mama you how was work? As you smile at him "good Papa, you two alright? As both him and Juggie nod their heads at you.

As you get everything setup for tonight's shift, FP is on cooking, Juggie is on dishes and you are running the front. Betty comes in with Archie and Victoria with her, you smile at her, then Archie and finally Victoria, as they go seat down and you go get their orders then take them back to FP. Who smirks at you then leans over and kisses your lips lightly. You smile then head back outfront, Toni and Sweet Pea come in and you get their orders.

To be continued!!!!

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