(Y/N), as revealed in Tiramisu's introduction, is the daughter and princess of a royal family. The Espresso kingdom has a similar situation to the Cacao kingdom: one missing monarch, in this case for the Espresso kingdom, there was only a queen. She remains unnamed like Dark Cacao's father.
An older brother to (Y/N), Espresso cookie showed a promising route towards becoming a masterful scholar and educator. At first, the royal family expected for him to become the heir to the throne since he was the eldest and renamed the kingdom in his honor, but since his skills brought him to a different passion, they allowed for him to pursue the path he wanted to go. Since the throne was now empty, (Y/N) was the only option. This caused extreme urgency and panic once the king passed away shortly after Espresso cookie's freedom and caused the queen to become a controlling puppet master. Espresso cookie had a very disconnected friendship with (Y/N) in the first place. He also had no clue what was happening behind the scenes for (Y/N), and his already weak relationship with her was severed whenever he was sent off to the most prestigious schools in a different kingdom.
Everything that (Y/N) did was supposed to be perfection, nothing short of being a monarch, to the point where (Y/N) was driven to escape the kingdom entirely. She managed to slip away under the guise of a silent traveling monk.
Tiramisu grew up with (Y/N) as her closest protector and guardian, offering her the only help and advice that she would ever appreciate. Though their friendship was strong (to the point where Tiramisu mistook their bond for romantic attraction,) (Y/N) didn't say goodbye or tell Tiramisu of her plan and left them behind knowing that they would attempt to keep her from leaving. Heartbroken but driven, Tiramisu was the only soldier that the queen could entrust with finding the princess since they had the highest chance of figuring out where she ran off to.
(Y/N) travels for about 2 years, narrowly escaping detection in many kingdoms and cities with various disguises to avoid any leads tracing back to her. This strategy stays faithful for her for the full ride. Up until she lands herself in the most dangerous kingdom she'd ever go to: the Dark Cacao kingdom. This is where the story picks up.
Milk Bread and Sopapilla cookie were two friends that grew up as maids in the kingdom since they were little, seeing the father of Dark Cacao grow up and Dark Cacao himself grow up. Whenever Dark Cacao was still a young cookie, the Oreo Dragon, a two-headed hydra with one chocolate side and one cream side, came and cursed the kingdom after fleeing.
Whenever the Oreo Drsgon came, Sopapilla cookie attempted to be a mediator between him and the kingdom, but was influenced by the dragon's careful wording and was eventually led to his trap: she was permanently cast under his control against her will under another curse. Unable to back out, she was forced to share the mind of the dragon which could also see into her mind. Because of this connection, she was the first to know about the garden that the dragon mercifully left behind to provide the kingdom under one condition: nobody with an impure heart could step inside of the garden or else it would wither away. (She did not have the physical heart of the impure dragon, just the mind.) Taking the risk, Sopapilla shared the location and secret of the garden to Milk Bread.
The reason that Sopapilla revealed the garden's existence to (Y/N) was, as stated by herself, she didn't expect for (Y/N) to live any longer in the kingdom. The dragon was the one talking to (Y/N) and saw the vision of her possibly ending his life, so he forced Sopapilla to stage the stolen sword: after Dark Cacao left the sword behind after an argument with his father, Sopapilla slipped the sword under the covers of (Y/N)'s bed and left it where Milk Bread would discover it. Unbeknownst to Sopapilla and the dragon, this would also place Milk Bread and herself under the judgement of the law. However, the dragon was less than caring about what would happen to Sopapilla since he was planning his next "visit" very soon from then.
^ I probably could have introduced the garden in a much more reasonable and different way. I still hate how I did it. But hey, too late to change it now.
Dark Cacao, seeing the similarities between himself and (Y/N), decided to take her with him to escape the kingdom together as made clear by many scenes. Posing as a soldier, he leaves with (Y/N) while leaving Milk Bread behind due to not having enough time to save her.
Milk Bread, as mentioned in one scene, was like a mother to Dark Cacao. Often she would read him bedtime stories and one time, she made a bedtime story out of the garden: posing it as fiction, but still keeping the truth inside of the storylines. It turned to become his favorite fairytale and he never forgot much of the story due to how many times he would ask for her to say it to him. Eventually, she revealed the truth to him about the origins of the garden, and he was told to keep it a close guarded secret. Milk Bread never told Sopapilla that he knew.
Once (Y/N) escapes, the Oreo Dragon begins to panic and sends Sopapilla to reason with Marble cookie to ask for her freedom in exchange for assistance with the case. Taken advantage of while he was drunk, Sopapilla uses the spell book to do astral projection between her and (Y/N). Furious but unable to turn down her importance, Marble cookie kept her free despite breaking the law of the church.
The scarred soldier who was the son of a carpenter was named Powdered Cocoa cookie. Becoming the Entrusted in order to eclipse his father's achievements, he is deemed the Entrusted after forming a fake bond with Dark Cacao that was one-sided. He loathed the sibling-like way that Dark Cacao saw him as to the point where he refused to call him "brother" back.
Speaking of Dark Cacao's brother, after believing that the Oreo Dragon cookie would keep his promises and could lead the kingdom to prosperity, he was literally stabbed in the back and left for dead after the truth of the dragon's sinister plans were exposed. After a failed attempt at claiming the mind of Dark Cacao's brother, the dragon killed him off before he could leak any information to the kingdom.
The first time that Dark Cacao and (Y/N)... banged... was not the only time they did it *wink*. Third time's a charm, you catch my drift? (But the baby isn't born yet!)
After a long while of searching, Dark Cacao's father ends up getting lost far beyond the boundaries of his own kingdom, his men dying alongside him, but he continued to search for his son.
Making a deal with Tiramisu, Powdered Cocoa and them set off on their secret mission with the only goal set on retrieving their lost royal alive and well. However, after many night of growing more and more close, Powdered Cocoa and Tiramisu very slowly realize that they developed feelings for each other in a way that was much different from every other cookie they'd ever known. They don't confess, however, until after the final battle once Powdered Cocoa nearly dies in Tiramisu's arms after his leg was crunched into pieces by one of the Oreo Dragon's two heads. (Dramatic kiss scene, woo!)
During the final battle, the whole ground trembles once the Oreo Dragon cookie lands within the kingdom, destroying the citadel and the castle with its bare claws. The army under the king, confused and without direction under any particular leader, begins to falter to the attacks of the vicious beast. In an attempt to subdue the hydra, Marble cookie and his most educated priest, Affogato cookie uses his spell book at the top of the main church's roof, but the spell fails after Sopapilla tackles him off of the roof under the control of the dragon. She battles him with irregular strength until he dies, being outmatched by the skills of the beast in her mind. Affogato cookie cowers from the fight with the spell book clutched between his hands and flees into the church.
A violent stirring in the garden where the giant flicks of birds and wildlife began circling around the perimeters of the space like a hurricane signal to Dark Cacao and (Y/N) of the kingdom's attack. They mount on their horse, accompanied by the birds that form a protective shell over them and follow the flock to the war. While on their way, the birds suddenly screech and depart off of the straight path sharply to the side, and after a little bit of arguing of where to go first, (Y/N) veers the steed over to the birds and encounter Dark Cacao's father nearly dead in the snow.
Despite his conflicted relationship with his father, Dark Cacao assists his father instantly and mounts him on the horse to be taken for immediate care and hiding.
Once they arrive back at the kingdom, they head towards the church to find a priestly medic only to discover Marble cookie's crumbs sprawled across the ground with Sopapilla cookie kneeled over his body clasping his broken soul stone in her palms, the once glowing liquid now a murky color and dirtying her skirt. (Y/N) is quick to scream profanities at her, refusing to beleive that Sopapilla was any good after the betrayal she was seeing before her very eyes. Dark Cacao and his father are silent and stiffen up from utter confusion. After glancing a blank and regretful look over her shoulder, Sopapilla cookie bounded off and hid before the cookies could catch her and because they needed urgent help for the king.
After dropping off the king under Affogato cookie's care, Dark Cacao and (Y/N) attempt to sneak into the kingdom to find Dark Cacao's sword, but halfway inside, Dark Cacao accidentally reveals himself to the dragon in the fighting arena on the roof which throws the beast into a furious fit of flame (unintentional onomatopoeia right there!) and with no choice, (Y/N) rushes to get the sword while Dark Cacao risks his life to distract the beast, just narrowly avoiding his hair being singed off. After deflecting the spitfire of the dragon with the metal of his sword, he pushed his way closer to the middle of the beast. Close to being cornered, the Oreo Dragon attempts to take flight, only to have Dark Cacao slice directly in the middle of the hydra from the crook between it's necks to the tip of it's tail, leaving it in two even splices.
Thinking that he had defeated the dragon, Dark Cacao and (Y/N) celebrate and try to lean in with a kiss, but the beast regains footing by sprouting two legs to make up for the most limbs and healing its entire sides to become two separate animals. Before they could kiss or react, the two dragons attack both of them, pinning Dark Cacao to the battle ground while the other throws (Y/N) out of the castle's walls because the dragon's fight "...wasn't with [her]."
While Tiramisu and Powdered Cocoa are heading towards the gates of the castle after an extremely short trip to look for (Y/N) and Dark Cacao, they spot (Y/N) being hurtled off the side of the castle walls and landed in the snow. They both quickly turn to her once Tiramisu recognizes her by her hair color and dough color. Once they approach her, they find her rendered unconscious from the fall, but unharmed since she landed in the pillowy snow. Tiramisu, though startled, regains their composure and picks her up and carries her along with no time to find a place for her to rest after seeing the two dragons focusing on something in the castle. Powdered Cocoa leads them up to the battle arena while Tiramisu leaves (Y/N) leaned up against the castle walls near the door leading outside.
Dark Cacao, struggling to defend against the now separated beasts nearly finds himself crunched between their jaws, only to have Tiramisu and Powdered Cocoa run up their spiny backs and strike their heads with their swords, making them release the prince and try to fend off from the intruders. For a while, the three skilled cookies fight off the dragons, but after a long while, they become outmatched again by the dominating beasts and find themselves literally backed into a corner to the side of the arena. Just when they thought they would inevitably lose the battle, (Y/N) rushed in with the knife that Dark Cacao gave her so long ago and sliced between the white dragon's shoulders, making them turn their heads once more where Tiramisu, Dark Cacao, and Powdered Cocoa slip out beneath the dragon's bellies.
Once (Y/N) loses balance and gets thrown off, however, she lands to the side and at first can only watch the three swordsmen pluck their weapons from where they were thrown and return to battle. Looking around to find some way to help, (Y/N) spots a roofed balcony that overlooks the arena hanging above their heads. Heading inside the castle, she passes by the private royal arsenal loaded with weapons of all kinds for training, and she grabs two heavy chained morning stars and drags them up the stairs with her slowly, eventually making her way to the balcony. Looking down for the perfect moment, she watches closely until the chocolate dragon had isolated itself from the cookies and the cream dragon had as well, she places the weapons on the cacao handrails over the dragon's necks before the perfect time to drop them, the weapons holding the slender necks of the beasts down to the ground. Taking their chance, the swordsmen quickly sit on the dragon's snouts to pin their heads shut. However, when Powdered Cocoa ran to mount, the jaws of the chocolate dragon crunched his leg off, leaving him in visceral pain.
All of a sudden, Sopapilla cookie, acting unnaturally, quietly steps into the arena with a devilish glare. She slowly begins to chuckle before sarcastically congratulating the cookies for submitting the body of the dragons, but that they were doing the worst if they were to kill them.
By the dragon's mind, Sopapilla voiced their reasoning by stating that the dragon saw in Dark Cacao and his brother that they would eventually fail the kingdom by their own rule. So, as a merciful gesture, the dragon proposed his own benign maturity to look over the kingdom once the king was dead. Of course, when the kingdom rejected his offer, he tried to kill off the kingdom before the real downfall started, but to no avail. The blizzard terrain and the garden blessing was his last curse before he came for his throne once the time was right. The real truth about Dark Cacao's brother was that he was not technically dead, rather soulfully infused with the dragon.
Connecting the dots together, (Y/N) realized that now since the dragons had been separated, maybe one of them had Dark Cacao's brother's soul while the other had the Oreo Dragon's soul. The three swordsmen, enraged by battle, go to plunge their weapons into the skulls of the beasts before (Y/N) cries for them to stop, making the dragons and Sopapilla grin. Announcing her theory to the cookies, Dark Cacao's face darkens when he realizes that one of them may be his dead brother, recalling of how his brother's soul stone was never found. Tiramisu attempts to kill the dragon they mounted on anyways, but Powdered Cocoa snatched the sword out of their hand before they could do it.
Tiramisu reasons that since both of the dragons were attacking them, it was probably a lost cause that his brother would be the same after being brainwashed by the Oreo Dragon. Dark Cacao, still hopeful, demands for all of them to get off of the dragon's heads. Reluctantly, they all dismount and look at Sopapilla while she stared amused.
Praising them for the prince's wise choice, she continued on to state that if they had chosen to kill the dragons, the garden would disappear and would make the whole kingdom fall. Dark Cacao asks if there's anything they could do to keep the kingdom in return for peace and the garden. Taking a few moments, the dragon asks for a pure blood royal heir as the sacrifice, their firstborn son, once he was born. Powdered Cocoa and Tiramisu look at Dark Cacao while Dark Cacao stared at (Y/N). (Y/N) tried to reject the offer, but Sopapilla interrupts her and claims that the decision is up to Dark Cacao only.
He stared at the ground for a moment, not able to make a decision. Powdered Cocoa shout in favor of having the child being handed over, while Tiramisu shouts to find another way. Once Dark Cacao opens his mouth, (Y/N) interrupts by revealing her royal blood to the dragon and asking for them to take her instead, but to allow for the child to be born before she was taken. Sopapilla looked to Dark Cacao and asked if he was willing to do that, and (Y/N) ran to him, clutching his arms and begging for him to just do it, that it would be easier for him to let go of her than to let go of their son.
Tiramisu tries to stop (Y/N), but Powdered Cocoa holds them back out of respect for her choice. At first he tries to reject it, but with her pleas, Dark Cacao faces Sopapilla once more and nods his head reluctantly, accepting the trade. With that, Sopapilla commanded for the morning stars to be taken off of the dragon's necks so that they could return whenever it was (Y/N)'s time, which the cookies abided by. Saying one final goodbye, while the dragon begins to take off, Sopapilla visibly takes back control of her body, gasping for breath and trying to explain of the mind link that she irrevocably shared with the dragon, apologizing and falling to her knees that it was all her fault. (Y/N) hugs Sopapilla and forgives her, where Dark Cacao follows her example. When asked, Sopapilla was still unsure if she had full control of her body yet and was afraid of doing anything horrible, so she pleaded to be sent to the dungeon to be kept in solitude for the rest of time. The lovers refused, and (Y/N) offered her refuge inside of her old bedroom with the safety of guards outside of her doors at night in case she lost control. Tearfully, Sopapilla accepts.
Tiramisu and Dark Cacao then mourn for (Y/N)'s impending doom, but knowing that her sacrifice would be for the better good of the kingdom, she was at peace with it. She then asked for Dark Cacao to do a favor once she was gone, which he eagerly stated that he would do anything she would ask of him. Despite going against his original wishes, (Y/N) commands him to stay with the kingdom to be their rightful king and raise their son to be a great heir. Seeing the duty he had to fulfill, he agreed to her wish with a lingering kiss.
With Marble cookie deceased and the king being utterly grateful for the smooth recovery that Affogato cookie provided to him, he appointed him the new advisor under the kingdom to thank him. The dirt of Affogato's cowardliness remained under wraps since Sopapilla, the only witness, had disassociated from the traumatic murder she committed. Marble cookie's death was considered to be done by the dragon after king scratch marks were found on his corpse.
The king, after hearing of the contributions that (Y/N) made during the final battle and her ultimate sacrifice, had allowed for her to stay in the kingdom as a princess would be treated, also forever grateful for her. Tiramisu sends a letter back to the queen of the Espresso kingdom to inform her of all the events that had occurred and of (Y/N)'s pregnancy and sacrifice. The queen writes a letter back swiftly to inform of her forthcoming visit to the Cacao kingdom for the birth.
Time skip quite a few months later, Tiramisu and Powdered Cocoa are now engaged after Powdered Cocoa retired from his position as the Entrusted from his disability. Realizing that he could actually care for someone despite his father's wishes and rivalry, Powdered Cocoa grows at peace
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