Chapter 8

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"I cannot believe you first have the wits to defy me, now you humiliate me in front of the very cookies who humiliated YOU?" The king paced around the grand throne room. His voice was still very much aggravated, yet there was a hint of confusion in his tone. Marble stood awkwardly between him and Dark Cacao as the tension rose between the kin. The prince cleared his throat and subconsciously held tight to the grip of his returned sword that was now safely mounted at his hip.

"Neither of them humiliated me if you keep this all under control," the prince responded.

"You are fully aware that I am concerned for your safety as much as the safety as the rest of the kingdom."

"Once again, your perspective is skewed beyond measure. All you see in (Y/N) and Milk Bread is what they could do to ruin us rather than what they can do to improve us," his voice raised a little bit.

Marble cookie attempted to insert his opinion. "Pardon me, your highness, but your son does hold a vital point in how you should be viewing your citizens."

The king huffed. "Those cookies are not my citizens."

"How so? Because they supposedly took my sword that I am extremely sure was impossible for them to take in the first place? If you would just listen-"

"YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO ME FIRST! If you had just listened," his eyes were now locked on Dark Cacao's, "then we wouldn't have had this whole ordeal in the first place, would we?"

Marble looked back over to see Dark Cacao falter just a bit. His gut feeling dropped a bit, screaming at him to say something, but he chose to keep the bubbling words from spilling.

The prince took a deep breath before returning his gaze to his father. "Remember what you told me when I was little? Back when I had learned to ride horseback before walking, those days?"

The king chewed his lip and fell silent, awaiting his words.

"You told me that every cookie's life was to be set before my own, for a good king upholds the well-being of his people before his own worldly desires," his lip began to tremble. "What happened to this..? Why would you tell me something so true and valiant, yet whenever it came for my real challenge and age of learning how to be a king, you became a hypocrite of your own words?"

The air seemed to only whisper to fill in the dead void that had been opened between the cookies. The king looked to the left, then to the floor, then to Marble cookie. It felt like forever for him to respond, like hours had passed by for the solemn words he spoke.

"You've got it all wrong," he began. "(Y/N) was never part of the kingdom. Your life goes before hers, she isn't a citizen."

Dark Cacao's fury rose sharply. "So this is who you've become, labeling every cookie as you please? Just so you can animalize them whenever they don't fall into your favor? So what if she wasn't part of the kingdom forever, what difference does that make between her and a freshly baked cookie? In the future, I will swear my oath to protect every cookie in the kingdom, not every cookie that stays a certain duration in the kingdom. Do you not stand by your own oath, father?" He paused to take a deep breath. "DO YOU?"

The king made no sound for a while. His posture was slumped, and his face was unreadable. Both Dark Cacao and Marble were focused solely upon what the king would say next.

"Your oath will be revised," his voice mumbled. Dark Cacao felt as though he was going to break his limit at this point.

"MY OATH WILL BE THE SAME AS YOURS!" his voice strained as he let out his raw demand.

"Dark Cacao, you've done enough," Marble said.

"YOU'RE AFRAID OF YOUR OWN PROMISES, YOU COWARD," the prince was now stomping up towards his father, Marble cookie tried his best to get between them before things got nasty.

"Dark Cacao! I beg your pardon-!" The well-dressed cookie landed to the ground with a thud as the prince shoved him aside.

"You're afraid of your own kingdom, what's WRONG with you?" the prince had gotten into his fathers face.

"Dark Cacao, you're going to make it worse!" Marble cookie tan up behind him, grabbing onto his shoulder and trying to bring him back.

The royals were standing their ground, the aggravated tension growing at every second the king remained silent. The dough of Dark Cacao grew hot with rage.

"Your highness, may I speak with your son in private? I- I have a few words to say with him," the right hand cookie spoke up feebly.

The king microscopically nodded before exiting the room without another word. Despite the prince feeling every urge to chase after the hypocrite, Marble's hand had grasped more firmly on his shoulder than before out of fear. Dark Cacao looked down at his father's assistant as he rounded to stand in front of him.

"You know I love you like a son, you really do," he began, "and sometimes I agree with what you say, but unfortunately..."

"Don't tell me you believe my old hag."

"Please, Dark Cacao, he really is right that you should listen to him."

"Listen to HIM? Did you not hear the entirety of our conversation just now?" The prince took a step forward aggressively, causing Marble to step back.

"You know it's his duty to protect us, and specifically that cookie (Y/N) has a lot going against her case than others."

"Like what? The fact a sword just magically appeared in her bed? I keep telling you all it was gone before I entered, why don't YOU listen to ME?"

"In the same way it was impossible for it to show up in her bed that one day, it was impossible for it to be stolen by another cookie when it was in her bed!" Marble tried to reclaim his stance.

Dark Cacao shook his head and rubbed between his eyes. "How would a sick cookie be able to pick up my heavy sword, not knowing the corridors of this place, and successfully sneak past our guards back to her bedroom?"

"Because maybe, just maybe, Milk Bread really did have something to do with it."

"Now don't tell me you'd believe she'd ever betray me like that! You'd actually think that?!"

Marble cookie shrugged and nodded cautiously, chewing on his lip with a defeated expression on his face. Dark Cacao had enough of it.

"I refuse to believe they did it," he began to storm off the opposite door of where his father had left, feeling like he has lost all respect to his guardians. Marble cookie tried to rush after him, but the door slammed on his face, clearly showing that the prince wanted him gone. The advisor groaned, looking at the new barrier out between him and Dark Cacao.

"Oh, Dark Cacao, You're too much like your father than you think."

Word Count: 1207

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