The ribbons of sunlight filtered through the curtains of (Y/N)'s room, falling upon her eyelids. She groggily woke up before yawning, rolling over to face the other side of the bed. The other elder cookie sat there as if she had been waiting for a long time.
"Awake now, dear? I didn't want you to get up so early, I'm sure you're exhausted from all this healing your body has been doing." The cookie's hands folded neatly in her lap.
"What time is it?" (Y/N) croaked.
"Time for your breakfast, and nothing more," as the old maid finished her sentence, the door to (Y/N)'s room flung open to reveal Milk Bread carrying in a large tray of rainbow jellies.
"Care for some of our specialties?" Milk Bread laughed, plopping the tray onto (Y/N)'s lap.
(Y/N)'s eyes widened at the multicolored sweets, in awe of how they seemed to glimmer with the early morning light reflecting in it's transparency. "You grow rainbow jellies here?" she asked, eagerly picking up her silverware.
"Of course! Do they not grow them at the Espresso kingdom? You have been missing out!" the other elder cooed.
"Well yes, but I didn't expect you all to have such a fine jelly to grow in these frigid conditions, plus giving them to me?" she shoved a huge portion into her mouth, chewing happily.
Milk Bread smiled. "Just ancient practices and traditions from the Cacao ancestors. However we can't share them because, well-"
"We don't even know how the gardeners do it!" the other elder interrupted. Milk Bread nodded.
(Y/N) continued to gobble down the remaining rainbow jellies and sat back in satisfaction. "I never was allowed to eat these kinds of jellies back in the Espresso kingdom."
Milk Bread brushed a string of hair out of (Y/N)'s face. "We love to spoil our patients whenever we can. Today you were actually lucky that there were leftovers from the royal kitchen's chef."
"Yes, he told us that they told him they weren't in the mood for eating that morning. I suppose they were caught up in more important things?" The elder cookie scratched her chin. "Royals these days only want to eat their fancy food, I'm purely surprised by why they would ever say no."
"I guess we can only thank them for allowing you such an amazing delicacy," Milk Bread commented.
Once the plate was scraped clean, (Y/N) looked over to the unnamed elder. "Yesterday Milk Bread cookie told me her name. Well, not directly, but I heard it. What is yours?" She locked eyes with the tan cookie.
The maid grabbed the folds of her apron and smoothed them out. "Oh, I'm Sopapilla cookie. My deepest apologies for not introducing myself earlier!" she bowed politely. A particle of brown sugar fell from her updo.
(Y/N) smiled, content with finally learning of the two kind maid's names finally. "Sopapilla cookie and Milk Bread cookie... are you two related? You both are somewhat similar in appearance."
The two elders looked at each other before laughing, catching (Y/N) off guard. "You have no idea how many times we've been mistaken for siblings!" Milk Bread wheezed.
"Just because we are puffy and airy in texture doesn't mean we are related, dear!"
(Y/N) couldn't help but laugh at her simple misconception about the two cookies. She swore that they were sisters! Their skin was almost the same shade of tan, only Milk Bread was a tad darker. Their hair had the same color but, to the doing of their recipes, Sopapilla had cinnamon sugar lightly sprinkled in her updo.
"How bizarre you two aren't related at all, not even a love child from the same mother?" (Y/N) pondered out loud. This only caused them to laugh even harder.
"My, you have quite the suspicion, dear. But alas, we do not share even a crumb of the same wheat," Sopapilla teased.
"You had me fooled for the longest time," (Y/N) threw her arms up. "What's next, the king is actually a cake hound disguised as a cookie?"
Their laughter stopped as they worriedly glared at her. "What?" she asked.
Sopapilla cookie suddenly got very close to (Y/N)'s ear. Her breath was hot against her dough. "If anybody else in this kingdom had heard that, you would be decimated to crumbs under the king himself," her voice shook.
"To let you in on a well-known secret, you're on thin ice with the king as it is," Milk Bread joined in. "He doesn't take kindly to jokes about him from commoners."
(Y/N) bit her lip until she could almost taste her own jam. "Do you want to die a brutal death?" Sopapilla whispered. (Y/N) shook her head.
"Just be quiet for a little longer until you're out of the palace," Milk Bread warned.
Not knowing what to say, an awkward silence fell over the room.
Sopapilla cleared her throat. "Well, why don't we talk about something a little more positive?"
"What do you mean you can't find it?" a well-dressed cookie crossed his arms in disappointment.
"I don't know! I left it in one of the chambers and it's gone. Poof. Not a single trace of anybody being inside," Dark Cacao hissed, infuriated. His voice echoed against the walls of an elegant office filled with books, maps, and scrolls.
"Your father is going to kill you if he hears about this. You know he already thinks you're as dumb as a fence post," the cookie sighed.
"That's why I need you to help me find it! I know that my dad doesn't trust me, but I know that I can depend on you just a little bit more, Marble cookie," the prince pleaded.
"...I'm starting to believe your father is right."
Dark Cacao snapped. "Don't you dare, he's paranoid! If he finds out my sword is gone, he'll kill me before my soul jam is destroyed!"
Marble cookie grumbled deeply. "If you're going to die most likely either way, what's there to save?"
"Maybe if one more cookie can help me find my sword, I might have less of a chance of having an untimely death."
"Still doesn't convince me you'll find it. I'm already six feet under in duties as of now, I don't need something else to worry about. You got yourself into this."
"But Marble! I know that you can see some things that I can't. Something about those rituals you do?"
Marble scoffed loudly. "My rituals are not to be used for non-religious purposes. That would be betrayal to my church!"
"Look, it's my life, or your church. How would my father react to his son being turned down help by his own advisor when his life is on the line?"
Marble cookie thought for a moment. Dark Cacao's hair stood on end while the advisor's eyes scanned his face.
"As long as you promise to be better towards your father, I'll help you," he finally responded.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" The prince clasped his hands together in relief. "I'll try my best, but I can't guarantee it!"
Marble cookie slanted his eyes before softly chuckling. "Good enough for such a rebellious boy."
Word Count: 1222
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