Chapter 35

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Perhaps this was the first time that he was genuinely concerned for the prince.

No, this wasn't just some regular, be-back-at-noon, trivial matter. He was going somewhere. To save the prince himself.

Is this the joy that comes with being important?

Despite the monotonous and boring conversation he had with the two cookies (in which he surprisingly found the least important cookie to be the most interesting and resourceful, admittedly,) the scenes of their words replayed over in his mind. The remote to his thoughts kept hitting rewind on those words, inhaling the information, the vapors of their sharp aromas seeping into him, an ecstasy muddling his senses like an addict.

Damn, and he only wanted more of it.

The sealed portion of the corridors parted for him like the Red Sea, his gallant steps rebounding off of their cool surfaces back towards him. The thundering applause that congratulated him for his great achievement: feeling emotion for something in his role for the first time. A box theatre of his own show, alone to be the sole star of the show.

The stables weren't too far from the scroll room, only a dozen or so horse lengths worth of steps from where he had closed those tall doors behind him once mo-


His lungs deflated from brute impact square on his sternum, sending him onto the floor with a crunch.

"You conniving cake hound!" spit flew onto the Entrusted's dough, his eyes shutting out of reflex.

He tried to inhale to speak only to feel the pressure worsen in the center of his ribs.

"Lying to me, stealing from me, keeping unjustified secrets from me?!"

The soldier's vision blurred as he tried to look up. The silhouette of a cloaked cookie shadowed over his crushed body. Without warning, his arm was yanked up towards the figure's bosom, ultimately pinning the soldier to the ground. Spit bubbled from the corners of his mouth as he struggled to breathe.

"Do you know how deep you are in debt to me? You disgusting rat of a cookie?" it continued, only pulling his arm closer and closer. "Tell me of what you heard behind those closed doors and then I'll consider letting you go!"

The soldier slid his free arm towards his neck, sputtering while clutching at his throat to show that he couldn't breathe. The jam pulsing through his temples thundered blood back again as the cookie leaned a little less of of his chest, allowing some room for air.

"Who- are you...?" he spat.

The hooded cookie glanced around the empty corridor, checking for no onlookers, before they reached up to the hood, tearing it off to reveal a halo of tight curls. Their face was creased harshly with anger.

"You know damn well who I am."

I still have no clue, he thought, his eyes boring back into the cookie. I don't recall a cookie- WAIT!

Tiramisu violently jabbed their steel toed boot into the soldier's side, making him shriek underneath them. The cookie was just as heavyweight and muscular as he was, attempting to thrust his hips and throw them off was to no avail. He clenched his jaw and accidentally bit off dough from inside his mouth, tasting his jam leaking between his snarl.

"Get your- damn... knee OFF OF ME!"

He struggles once more, looking like a flailing fish beneath the cookie's pressure. Tiramisu smirked at his efforts with a devilish grin.

"I won't tell you anything... you can- kill me if... you want," the Entrusted said, laying his head back and exposing his throat. "Never will- I leak that... info."

"Really?" Tiramisu yanked his arm again, placing more weight back as if to push out his words like paste. "Do you think the citizens of the citadel will be thrilled to hear of the news that the royals are keeping secrets of the whereabouts of the prince and (Y/N)? Sounds like a little bit of civil unrest will come out if you death if you choose not to speak," Tiramisu looked up at the heavens for a moment, "Oh, to watch a whole kingdom burn to the ground from the inside after discovering that their benign ruler has been lying to them this whole time. Seems a little bit ironic that you're taking after the royals themselves, don't you think?"

The soldier's insults stuck themselves in his throat like knives, refusing to come out without leaving a trail of damage. When the cookie stared back down at him, they seemed to look straight through his dough, seeing those weapons freezing just before he was about to spit them up. I dare you, they seemed to taunt, to insult me one more time. See where that gets you and your kingdom you swore to protect.

The Entrusted looked to the side, tapping twice with his free hand over the cookie's leg in surrender, in which they took their weight off of him (though it was clear that they wanted to keep them pinned with the glare that they gave him).

He rolled his shoulder back to normality after the intense strain the pulling had put on his arm, grimacing as the cookie held out their hand to him slyly.

"Come on now, you think I don't keep my promises or something? Cause you sure don't," Tiramisu giggled.

Frowning, the Entrusted took their hand, getting back up onto his feet in begrudging compliance.

"And before you act like it was your idea, I want our conversation to be just as private as it was whenever you were with them. Can't be leaking information I swore to protect, can I?"

"Yeah, yeah, let's just get this over with," the soldier growled.

I'm screwed if you're going to pry this mission out of me.

Word count: 971

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