Dark Cacao flinched at (Y/N)'s sudden sharp tone. She suddenly pushed out of his embrace and stood up, glaring down at him.
"What..? Did I do something wrong?"
"You left everything just for me? Do you know how stupid that is? Dark Cacao, you had a kingdom to withhold. And you just decided that I was more important than the thousands of cookies you're supposed to help take care of?"
He stuttered aimlessly while she shook her head. She would have never come with him in the first place if she knew his reasoning. Or rather his lack of it.
"Honestly, my life is not anywhere near as valuable as the Cacao Kingdom's lives. This was not a good idea whatsoever," (Y/N) furiously whipped around and began storming off into the foliage.
"WAIT! (Y/N), please! We can talk about this for just one minute, I swear! There's more to-"
"I don't want to hear it right now," she interrupted. She ducked underneath a low hanging branch and accidentally sent a flurry of birds releasing alarm calls. The prince tried gently grabbing her arm to hold her for a second, but she shook him off.
Suddenly he ran in front of her, blocking her path. One of his hands quickly pushed her against a thick tree, and he trapped her between his arms.
"Please, just listen to me for one second, I promise there's more to it," he begged.
"Let me go," she growled, trying to duck underneath his arm. He quickly lowered it to block her and she glared at him with her bloodshot eyes.
"Just sit with me for a little bit... please," his voice quietly whispered.
Her eyes drifted down slowly. Over his eyes, lips, chest, pants, feet, and finally to the floor. She could feel the warmth spread to her face the more she looked at him, the realization of how close he was to her. Dammit... you're weak, (Y/N).
She refused to look back up when she whispered, "Okay, okay. Fine. Let's just go somewhere a little more comfortable."
"I know the perfect place," he sighed in relief. She could hear him smile with his words.
He backed off, then began trekking through the bushes and the trees while (Y/N) reluctantly followed. Every now and then a butterfly would flutter it's wings as they passed, ecstatic to be noticed for it's marvelous display of colors along it's wings. Berries seemed to flow a unique radiance with their rich aromas and hues, saturated with the kiss of the sun shining on their leaves. But even with everything being so beautiful and positive, (Y/N) still couldn't shake the feelings of disappointment towards Dark Cacao. He's fit to be so much more than to be held back by me. I have nothing to give him compared to an entire kingdom.
After a while, the trees parted away to another clearing. The prince's broad stature blocked (Y/N)'s view to where she couldn't see what was in front of her.
"I found this little place when I got us breakfast, thought I'd surprise you," he said.
(Y/N) took a step to his side and blinked away the sunlight beaming down on the grassy clearing, a strange blur of something tall sat in front of them. When her vision cleared, she felt her jaw drop.
The cottage, though small and humble, towered over them with it's clay tiled roof and stone walls which had been halfway claimed with vines. Berries hung from the leaves, making the neutral tones pop with the life of the garden. A door with a curved frame made of a deep, rich, red material had a golden knob with swirled embellishments. Tiny windows allowed a bit of sight into the interior, displaying colorful furniture that looked as if it was waiting to be used after waiting for years. Everything about the cottage looked straight out of a romantic painting with the clear and radiant aura the scene held.
"It's so colorful," (Y/N) whispered.
"Yeah, and can you believe that this place has probably sat here for years yearning to be lived in? This whole place is a paradise!" he beamed just as much as the sun. "I can't wait to show everybody at home what we've discovered."
We didn't really discover it... (Y/N) thought bleakly.
"Why don't we go inside?" she asked, motioning towards the door. He nodded Iñ response.
The two cookies made their way towards the cottage, and Dark Cacao put his hand on the knob. Turning it, the small place flowed with a comforting energy like no other. (Y/N) breathed in deeply.
I won't be here for long.
The stealthy cookie forced their way through a tall cacao door, cursing whenever they heard it boom with a loud thud. All they needed to do was to make their rounds in the village for today, checking every crevice and every corner for information about (Y/N). Tiramisu flipped their hood over their head and strutted out of the shadows into the busy streets.
Already they could tell that the villagers were distraught. Children, instead of playing outside with their toys, were sitting on their parent's porches with solemn faces. It made Tiramisu shiver when one of the young ones gave them a dead stare.
Something bad happened recently, they thought.
They spotted a vendor selling handmade goods, mostly furniture carved out of cacao. Tiramisu wondered why they made everything out of cacao when they could use wood.
"Hello sir, you look like you need yourself some new furniture! Good thing I've just crafted one of my magnum opuses, take a look here," the vendor swiftly ducked towards a rocking chair with beautiful purple padding.
"That is a magnificent chair, I see," they calmly stated.
"Yes, I worked tirelessly to ensure the best production for every piece of my furniture here. If you're not interested in a rocking chair I have-"
"I was actually looking for some information about a cookie," Tiramisu kept their head low to shadow their features.
"Oh... I really don't think I should be talking on the behalf of another cookie."
"Surely you must know something about a (Y/N) in this kingdom, haven't you?"
The vendor stood their silently for a few seconds. An annoyed expression splayed across his face very quickly.
"If you buy something off of me, maybe I'll share something with you. I have someone inside that can fill you in on everything you need to know."
Tiramisu chewed on their lip. "Why do I need to pay you for a few minutes of chatting?"
"I've gotta make a living in these parts, bud. I won't ask for anything more, I promise."
Reluctantly, Tiramisu grumbled and searched their pockets, summoning a grand sum of money. They tossed it to the vendor lazily.
"Keep the change. I don't want any of your stupid furniture."
"Sheesh, you hit a nerve there, bud," the vendor hissed while pocketing the money. "Follow me."
They both turned around and went inside of the vendor's house, closing the door with a thud.
Word count: 1194
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