"I don't see the point in this conversation anymore."
"Well you're going to very soon. In fact, I have something of interest for you in particular," the shadowed cookie grinned.
The opposing cookie tapped their foot impatiently, yet still intrigued with a sense of inescapable curiosity. They took a moment, looking up and down at their contender, only to wave to of their fingers to coax them to continue.
The cookie grinned, pleased with how well enticed their client was. Searching beneath the folds of their clothing, they pulled out a rolled up poster, presenting it with a confident bow. The other cookie grumbled seeing the gesture, but took hold of the item anyways.
The paper unfurled slowly, their hands tracing down the lines of the document with careful time considered to each letter. Their spectator watched with patient eyes, waiting patiently for their reaction to their hard earned gift.
The cookie's eyes narrowed once they had read the rest of the illuminated manuscript, their blank eyes staring bleakly at the giver once more. The cookie shifted uncomfortably at the unreadable stare.
But slowly, ever so slowly, the cookie began to giggle. It grew more and more from a hearty laugh, to a full-blown cackle. His hands slapped the arms of his seat, the erratic behaviour shaking him contagiously. Soon the cookie began to laugh along with them, bewildered but gleeful at the positive reaction they were receiving.
"Oh, if only it were true! I do not believe you would be able to accomplish such a task," the cookie suddenly snapped, ripping the paper into shreds. The other flinched at the outburst.
"B-But sire, it is t-true, though it may not have only been m-me to complete it all!" the cookie bowed their head in cowardice, "The k-kingdom is more than the most protective sh-shepherd when it comes to p-protecting their sheep."
The muscular cookie thrummed his fingertips on the edge of the armrest, clearly remaining unsatisfied by the absurd claims his servant was making. His eyebrow arched unamusedly as he waited for a clear response to flow from their tongue.
"I swear upon my life that I am speaking the truth!" they cried, falling to their knees. "What else must I say? I influenced the outtake of your wishes! I desire to see you succeed!"
As the cookie heaved on the floor, biting back tears of anguish, the male cookie stood up and approached them, crouching down on his toes and pinching their face firmly between their grip, forcing them to lock eye contact with him.
"If I hear one more damned lie come out of your mouth, you best know that my wrath isn't as weak as it was before. I saw you as a worthy contender, now PROVE IT TO ME!" he spat, shaking them.
"I can take you to her! I talked to her in the dungeon, she's fully detained! I don't even believe she will live to see another sunrise knowing the impact of our plan coming to fruition! Oh, please believe me! If I told you otherwise, I would truly be lying to your excellence!" With their slurred shouts imbedding a blade of true panic into his heart, the cookie threw their face back towards the ground, tamed to an extent.
"Must I see her one more time, with her body attached to her head, assume your corpse will be the replacement to her unfit freedom," he growled. The cookie sobbed into the floor, their grip scratching into the ground with a frightened vigor.
"Yes sire! I swear upon it with my life!"
"It is well. Must you swear it upon something else, you would have been dead before you could blink once more."
Milk Bread felt her head spin like a swirling hurricane, confused and violent as it tried to touch upon solid ground. Her hands were chained behind her back, and her ankles were tightly bound together to restrict her free movement. Her limbs stiffened and her skin ached sharply from the tightness of it all.
She blinked, only to see a kaleidoscope of shapes around her. She blinked once more, the scene appearing to be somewhere familiar to her. And yet once again she blinked, now seeing a full picture of a new dungeon once again incarcerating her.
The clamoring of distressed, anguished prisoners flooded her eardrums to a sickening chorus of negativity. Some of them screamed out for mercy, others groaned as they beat their bars with bloody fists. She felt the venom of panic pump through her veins as if the environment had intoxicated her, transferring like a virus from one tortured lab rat to another.
One cookie, however, remained unaffected by the sickness of despair in the air, sitting curled up across from Milk Bread, whispering to himself of gibberish thoughts and ideas.
She quickly took notice of him, realizing he could be of help of loosening her from the jaws of toothy rope and steel. So with a quick shuffle, she looked to him in hopes of some assistance.
"Sir? Sir, these ropes are very tight on my ankles. Suppose you have some tools or just your hands to allow me some wiggle room from these restraints?"
"They're tight for a reason!" he softly said, his hands hitting against the wall with a clang as his own cuffs kept him restrained. "Must I know of your crimes before I even consider scooting an inch closer to you. You are lucky I have responded to you at this moment, seeing your jam leaking from your rope burns."
Frustrated, she rolled over to where her back was no longer facing him, her hands being crushed uncomfortably from her own weight. "I can assure you that I am no criminal, you must trust me."
"Why must I trust you if you do not give me a reason?" he said, calculating her wounds carefully. "How do I not know if you have killed a cookie, or a couple thousand? You must convince me, as that is what they do in all trials!"
"You want evidence? I have none to spare, but what I do have is my word," she curled her legs up to her chest.
"Then I shall ignore you in the name of the law until you can show me you are innocent," his eyes returned back to the floor, whispering more nonsensical phrases.
"How am I supposed to do that? I cannot show you what injustices have occurred to me! What are you, a judge?"
He remained unaffected, continuing his personal rants.
"I know of a cookie who can prove my innocence!" She exclaimed, hoping to see a reaction.
Luckily, he looked back up to her. "Tell me of their name, so that I may request to speak with them."
Milk Bread quickly realized that Dark Cacao would not be coming back any soon, so she awkwardly chewed on her lip. "He is not able to speak with you right now."
"Then I suppose you must sit in your ropes for a while longer until you know that I may speak with him. Witnesses are vital to your case, but if you have none, I cannot trust you," and with that, the man returned to his busy whispering, leaving her to suffer on the floor.
Word count: 1227
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