Chapter 12

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It wasn't the first time they had been in this place before. The damp walls, the silent corridors, it was too familiar to the point where it was funny. Barely anything had changed since the last time they had been here, chained up to the walls for the legal sins they had commtted. How pathetic it was how the kingdom tied them to walls like animals. Except this time, they were looking into the dungeon.

"Caught yourself in all this trouble?" they asked, peering into the darkness. A shadow shuffled whenever it heard their voice.

"Is that you?"

"You know why I'm out here."

Milk Bread's face caught a hint of candlelight, revealing a swollen eye and badly bruised face. She could barely see through her injuries she was afflicted.

"Why would you do this..?" Milk Bread choked, stuttering upon her own tongue.

"Don't act stupid. You never agreed with what I wanted. Why would I even care about you after how you left me out of the final decision?" the cookie kicked at the bars furiously. "All I wish for you now is to rot just like it."

Milk Bread peered behind the cookie, only to notice that the guard who was usually there was nowhere in sight.

"You know that they're looking for her and the prince right now, right? I'm sure you know all about it, don't you?"

"Hurting me like the soldiers do still won't get a word out of me. My life is already near gone, taking it away wouldn't make a difference in the world no matter how hard you try," Milk Bread's teeth clenched, trying to see the face of the wretch.

"Oh I know, you made that more than clear to me. But what about your precious?"

Milk Bread sharply inhaled. She couldn't allow him to be hurt by monsters like them. Her blood boiled just hearing their voice deceiving her once more, why hadn't she broken her trust long before? She wanted to punch herself right then and there from her stupidity, the years had allowed her to forget just too easily.

"Mmm... I can just barely see how much you hate me now. Kind of funny you refused to earlier. Now, I have other things to do for the king. Have fun counting your final days here in this ugly pit of waste," they spat, grabbing their garments and storming out of the dungeon, leaving Milk Bread alone to writhe in the filth of her mistakes.

Word count: 419

A/N: Apologies for the very short chapter, but I had to spend majority of my week studying for upcoming finals. Funniest part is that it all falls on the Monday of my birthday, but oh well. Happy 16th to me!

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