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〖ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴍʏ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴀʏ〗

kun immediately starts to let out more tears than before when he hears the beautiful cry.

"congratulations, it's a boy," the doctor smiles at them. "born on 2:18 pm, may 24, 2021."

the nurses call hansol over to the child and with kun pushing him weakly, he goes to where the nurses set down his son.

"he's a healthy one, 2.9 kg and 48cm."

the male just looks down at the crying baby and examines his face. immediately, he can vaguely make out the shape of the lips to be kun's and the eye shape to be his.

"if you would like to hold him, sit down on the chair over there, and once we swaddle him, we will give him to you. also, we found that babies tend to calm down with skin-to-skin contact with their parent so if you would like that, then also take off your shirt," the nurse explains to hansol.

once he reaches the chair, he takes off his shirt and while waiting, looks over to where kun is. the chinese gives the korean a smile while going back to focusing on the check-up from the doctor.

"here is your son," the nurse gently hands hansol his son and making sure to support the head. the baby immediately stops fussing just a bit and nestles into his father's arms. carefully, he takes small steps to where kun is and shows him their son.

"isn't he perfect?" hansol whispers in his ears, earning a nod from the other.

"he's perfect, our son," kun takes his index finger and gently strokes the face of the baby. "hi *xiaobo, it's daddy."

a nurse with a clipboard approaches them with a birth certificate in the works.

"congratulations to both of you! now, do you have a name picked out for your child," she asks?

both of them look at each other and share a grin.

"his korean name is **ji hangeon," hansol told her.

"and his chinese name is **qian chaohe," kun finished. the nurse finished writing the information and then presented the two new parents with the certificate.

"once again, congratulations to the both of you," and she leaves with a smile.

hansol looks down at their son and smiles as his eyes were almost fully opened. looking at him with love, he then also turns to his tired husband.

"do you want to hold him?" and kun nods, reaching for his son.

"aigoo, our little xiaobo is finally here," he gives a small kiss on the infant's forehead. "hangeon, do you know why we nicknamed you xiaobo? because you would wrestle so much inside daddy's stomach."

the doctor comes back into the room and smiles at the sight.

"kun, i want to tell you did an amazing job and congratulations on your little bundle. but, we do have to take hangeon to the nicu because he did come a little earlier then we expected."

the male nods and hands his little baby to the doctor, who then puts him into a small wheeled crib with a transparent top. once rolled out, the room turns quiet again and kun can feel his energy go out.

"are you ok kunnie?" hansol noticed the change in his husband.

"i just can't believe that we're finally parents," he blinks back the happy tears. "after all that time, patience, and pain, our son finally came."

his huband hugs him and gives a sweet peck on his lips. pulling back, he can see the tiredness in his husband's eyes, obviously feeling drained from the whole ordeal.

"go to sleep, you must be so exhausted," he helps to tuck in the blankets and make sure that he's in the best position. once he hears the small snores, hansol leaves the room and heads down the hallway to where their friends were.

"so," ten looks at hansol expectedly, having a nervous smile. "do i have a niece or nephew?"

hansol smiles the brightest smile he could give before answering.

"a nephew."


*: in korean culture, it's typical for a fetus to be given a fetus nickname that is gender-neutral because moms don't get to know what the gender of their baby is. because of this, a lot of fetus names are given based on many factors, some really common ones are the actions the baby does in the mother's stomach, the mother's cravings, or how they look in an ultrasound. "xiaobo" translates from chinese "little wrestler" so it could be inferred that the baby loved to rough around a lot in the womb.

** i don't know how common it is but what i've seen done with some biracial children is that they will have dual citizenship, one for each of their parents' home country but the last names used are different. so using this story as an example, in korea, the child would take "ji" as their last name because that's hansol's family name. but in china, the child would take "qian" because that's kun's family name. it would also be listed the same way in the child's passports in the future.


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