Tony: greetings there and good morning/afternoon/evening to you ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. If you don't know who I am, I'm- *gets pushed*
Lbat1901 (me): *pushes Tony away* alright, alright, alright enough. Err....where was I?
Director: you were going to say something
Lbat1901 (me): oh yeah right *clears throat*.......sorry for the interruption. That was my Tony who's also my Eddsworld fan character, just, just ignore him. Anyway, I bring you all a special treat. Welcome to my first ever Eddsworld Oneshots also known as Eddishots. You may request me for-
Tony: having me in the oneshots or having my own oneshot. Also you can- *gets pushed away again*
Lbat1901 (me): *pushes Tony away again* take your fake British accent somewhere else. You do realize that you're not even from England, right?
Tony: it's not fake and- *stomps off while muttering angry German swear words under his breathe*
Lbat1901 (me): again sorry about that. So yeah....what Tony said you can request me anything from skits, screenplays, or screen writes but in the meantime I'll be posting things that I wrote. So without a further ado, let the requests roll in. Oh yeah one more thing, you guys can do asks with the characters if you want. Bye
Director: and.......cut. Perfect
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