Longtime No Seen | (Red Leader!Tord x Reader)

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This oneshot was requested by tinkerbell720

I went all out for this one. I hope you enjoy


You and Tord were friends for a longtime. If it wasn't for Edd introducing you to him, you wouldn't become the chaotic duo that you are. You've always enjoyed hanging out with Tord and hear about his plans for the future. He even showed you his art which wasn't your cup of tea, but you encourage him to master his art skills along with showing you his many inventions involving robots.

You two were inseparable and you thought that nothing would come and ruin your friendship or so you thought. Everything came to a crashing halt when Tord announced that he was leaving in order to accomplish his dreams, but he did promise you that once he was done he would return. He even agreed to send letters to you while you send him letters in return.

However, Tord stop sending you letters after awhile which made you upset, but you accepted the fact that he was busy and decided to move on. Eight years later, Tord returns and you both instantly reconnected; however, little did you know, it was all a big lie once you've discovered why he returned.

Tord ended up revealing his plan of taking over the world while showing off his giant robot that was hidden underneath Edd's house. All you could do was look at him in complete shock and betrayal as you couldn't wrap your head around on why Tord would do this. Eventually, all of this came to an end once Tom fires a harpoon at Tord which destroyed his robot with him in it.

After that, you spent the next several years trying to process everything that just happened. Despite surging, your emotional wounds never healed. Fast forwarding into the future, the city of London was being attacked by a group who goes by the Red Army. You were the head solider of the rebellion lead by Tom and were tasked to evacuate the royal family who were being targeted by the Red Army.

You followed Tom's plan and managed to get the royal family to safety. You stayed behind to make sure that you didn't miss anyone. The last place that you checked was a chapel and once going into it, you didn't realize how big it was. Of course this is the royal family we're talking about, they deserve to go all out when it comes to certain things. You quietly walked around as you looked around until you spotted a dark figure sitting in one of pews in the front.

"Uh, hey there mister or whoever you are, this place isn't safe to be at. The Red Army plans on coming here just to kill the royal family. It's okay though, I'm apart of the rebellion meaning that you can trust me" said (y/n).

The figure doesn't say anything which made you believe that they were just too scared to reply back. You were about to say something but you didn't get the chance as the figure slowly stands up, revealing two horns that were on the top of their head. You stood there in fear as you recognized who's horns it was as the figure makes their way into the light, revealing it to be no other than Tord.

"Hello, old friend. Longtime no seen" said Tord.

"T- Tord!? How did- I thought you were dead" said (y/n).

"Oh, I had my ways, but I'm glad that we managed to find each other" said Tord.

Although you were put off by Tord's sinister tone, you remained brave. "Look, I don't know how managed to get through all the guards, but you're not laying a single finger on the royal family" said (y/n).

Tord just lets out a dark chuckle as you stood your ground. "Oh (y/n), you always had a way with words. I'm not here for those rich fools, I came for you" said Tord.

"You came for me? Why? Are you going to apologize for what you did to your former friends? It's a bit too late for that" said (y/n).

"I know it is. I wanted to reunite with you and have you join my army. By joining, you would get everything that your heart desires. You would drink, eat, party, and been given countries that the Red Army has taken over. I could also make you my second in command" said Tord.

"Are you out of your mind!? I would never join you especially when your just ruthlessly killing innocent lives" said (y/n).

"I'd figured that you say that. Paul, get them" said Tord.

You immediately get into a defensive stance as you ready yourself to attack, but you suddenly felt a sharp electric pain on the back of your neck before falling to the ground. As everything around starts to go black, you see Tord and some guy with a scar over his eye who had a taser in his hand.

"I've tried doing this the easy way, now I'm doing this the hard way. You're so lucky that I have no interest in killing you, (y/n). Oh, but don't worry, you're in good hands" said Tord.

Tord lets out an evil laugh shortly before everything went black. 

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