Give me your requests

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Hey there, fellow Eddheads! I've realized that I never said what kind of requests that I'm willing to do when it comes to oneshots soooo better late than never 

Since it finally summer break, I am open up for requests.  Oh and uh, if you requested a oneshot in the past, you can request more. There's no limit 

Here's a list of things I can write: 

- Character x Character

- Character x Reader (the reader will be gender neutral) 

- I can also write oneshots without any shipping 

- I can write angst and fluff

Annnnd that's basically it 

The only things that im not writing is: 

- nsfw (this also includes smut) 

- anything involving incest or child x adult. 

- I'm also not writing any ship involving Ringo in it 

Alright, that sound be it. So, if you have requests, feel free to leave a comment and I will get to it

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