A/N: Ugh... I can't believe it's been over three years since I've last updated this book. I honestly forgot that it exists and I apologize for neglecting it for this long.
Anyway, I had plans on making this oneshot ever since I first saw art of it over on Tumblr and ever since then I wanted to make my own version. Also, I would to apologize in advance if the writing isn't the best. I'm a bit rusty
Alright that's enough chitchat. Enjoy the story
It was a cold, chilly spring day in London and not many people would stay out for more than a few minutes. They would rather quickly head inside somewhere that was warm. Unfortunately, not everyone was inside. Sitting outside on the busy sidewalks of London was a large cardboard box that was near a pet store. Inside the box was a litter of adorable kittens waiting for people to take.
As time went by, the kittens were one by one taken by people and were given homes. However, there was one kitten that has yet to be adopted into a caring home. This kitten had grey fur and had black strips and even had the cutest sounding meow. Unfortunately, despite its best efforts, nobody takes the kitten.
Days pass and yet nobody bothered taking the kitten. The kitten doesn't give up hope as it continues to wait for someone to come and give it a home. Unfortunately, a sudden snow storm comes which halts the kitten's efforts. The kitten does its best to make itself warm by curling up into a ball but the chilling winds were too strong.
Meanwhile, a single lone man comes walking down the sidewalk, completely covered with a large winter coat, gloves, a hat, boots, and a scarf. The man walks pass the box only to quickly stop once he notices that the box had something in it. The man looks down to see a kitten that was shivering. This tugs the strings at the man's heart and without thinking it, the man gently picks up the kitten and wraps it up in his scarf.
The man quickly makes his back home which was a two story house. Once inside, the man places blankets on the floor near a fireplace before placing the kitten down. The man then goes to the kitchen and gets two dishes. One dish was had food in it while the other had water in it.
The man sits down next to the kitten as he waits for it to wake up. A couple of minutes passed and the kitten slowly wakes up to find itself in a room. As the kitten was taking in its surroundings a voice rings out.
The kitten looks up at the man who was wearing a green shirt, grey pants, and had brown hair.
"My name is Edd and I got you some food and water"
The kitten cautiously eats from the bowl that Edd gave to it as Edd watched. Once the kitten was done, it goes over to Edd and let's out a cute meow.
"Hmm, if you're going to live me than you're going to need a name. Oh! How about Ringo?"
The kitten thinks about it for a bit before meowing out of delight. Edd smiles at this before gently holding Ringo in his arms.
"Alright then, Ringo it is. I promise to take good care of you"
Edd pets Ringo as Ringo purrs happily. Little did they know, both Edd and Ringo became best friends from that day on.
-The End-
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