Part 11

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Next morning

Y/n P. O. V

I woke up to see a chest in front of me and I push the chest and it fall down but he go to back to sleep. Then I started to get scared becuz it's freaking MIN YOONGI. I go to the side of where he fall down and I shake him

Y/n: Yoongi~ it's morning. Wake up~

But he doesn't wake up so I got pissed that I kick his butt and he wake up but he look so scary and I knew I fucked up do bad. Good bye world. Thank u mom for borning me 👋

He glare at me and he took my hand and push me against the wall and push my hand against the wall

Yoongi: Y/nie~ you freaking make a huge mistake and u have to get it

He started leaning in and I knew he was going to kiss me but I said

Y/n: If u kiss me, I will dare u to dance with Hoseok hung to see who is better.

Then he was shocked for a while and he comes to my face but he go up to my ear and said

Yoongi: I want to kiss u but if I kiss u right now, u will be angry and not talk to me so I will wait until we get married or more like next week so be prepare *wink*

Then he release my hands and he go to the bathroom and my hear stared to beat so fast like it will get out any minute. I calm my heart down and I saw him coming out of the bathroom and my heart started beating fast again after seeing his face and started blushing.

He smirk and chuckle a but and come to me and hug my waist and whisper in my ear

Yoongi: *whisper* if u don't go to the bathroom, I will kiss u

Well me be in stubborn said

Y/n: I don't believe u, Min Suga

Then he grab my hand and nearly kiss me on the line. If I move, our lips will touch d I started to get scared so I push him and I run to the bathroom bu5 I forgot the clothes -__- FML

After I finished bathing, I wear a towel on my body and I go out clearly forgetting that Yoongi is still there and my towel was losing so I open the towel and wear it again and he saw it all like ALL

I stand there shock when we meet eye contact and he turned to the side and said

Yoongi: I don't see anything so don't worry

Boy I feel so shy. FMLLLLL

Y/n: I-i know that u don't see anything.

Then I ran to the closet and take the clothes and ran to the bathroom

I lock the bathroom door and I was blushing so hard and my heart was beating so fast right now.

Y/n *slap myself* It's ok. He saw nothing and it's ok. Just believe it but how can I believe it. HE FREAKING SAW EVERYTHING. WHAT IS LIFE ANYMORE???

Yoongi P. O. V

OH MY GOD????? MY VIRGIN EYES!!!! But to be honest, her body look so g---- YAHHHHHH WAT AM I THINKING???? I AM CRAZY for her. I have a crush on her since I come to school becuz I always drop Jungkook before I go to the company. I saw he and at that moment, I knew that I found the right girl for me and Jungkook always tell me what is
Y/n like and how she help him and that made me like her more. I LOVE HER

Y/n P. O. V

I go outside the bathroom and I don't saw Yoongi and I think he went downstairs. Oh my clothes here, I will show u

(Ignore the sentence and the purse and the perfume please. Thank u)

I go downstairs to find all of them in the living room eat in breakfast like becuz our dining room is small so yeah. I go to them and


Then my mom, sis and Hoseok hung fall down from the sofa and Hoseok hyung started crying.

I was suprised and I started laughing at the same time like who would have thought Hoseok hyung will cry?

I go and comfort him and I turned around to see Jin looking at me angrily but he doesn't mean like he show it but u know, I can read face expression of the person's face.

Y/n: Mom, where am I gonna sit?


Y/n: Oops. Sorry.

Then I look at Yoongi and saw him blushing. I sit beside him and that made him more nervous

Y/n: What's happening to u, Yoongi?

Yoongi: I am a b-bit sick

Y/n: Oh really?

Yoongi: Y-yeah

Y/n: Oh ok

I found it a bit weird bu5 I don't care

Author P. O. V

Y/n was eating breakfast and Yoongi look at her and he keep looking at her and he rest his head on his hand and he keep looking at her and Aaeran saw it so she look at Y/n and make her see Yoongi. She look at her and she smile shyly at him

And he regain conscious and he eat but

Y/n P. O. V

Namjoon: We have to go to work now

Thn we all stand up and I go and take my bag in my room and come down

Yoongi: I haven't done eating my breakfast TOT

Aaeran: U can eat it all if u don't stare at my sis too long. I know that she is pretty but u should take care of urself oppa

He started blushing so hard and I giggle a bit.

Y/n: Let's go. Bye mom love u

We kiss her on the cheek and we go out

Yoongi P. O. V

I have to say something to her after school so I will come home and I am gonna live with her mom

Ohhhhh something gonna happens next chapter

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