Day 3. 03/13 11:00 p.m.

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Start of my day.
I wake up, I have a glass of coffee, I go to my mother's room, is she crying? Yes indeed.
She looks at me with a face of hatred, she found my first diary. Where I used to draw "people" that were in my "dreams". Calling me ignorant without appreciating that she gave me life. Anyway, I told him it wasn't my fault, my father got up and yelled at me "idiot, fuck" he makes me feel bad, although I'm used to his yelling and hitting.

He asks me to serve him food despite hitting me. He says he loves me, but not me. He's right, why would I want a person who doesn't value me? He still believes that with blows I will change.
I feel bad, I will take a break in which I will focus on drawing my wishes for the future. Finishing up, doing the math homework, which is lousy, I hate that subject.
The man (My father, but from now on I will call him that) goes to work, and my grandmother gets angry because I didn't wash the dishes, I still haven't listened to her, my mother goes shopping having to take some pills that block her nerves ( Drug) I stayed with my brothers. I have always wanted to learn German, but I don't have a chance in my wish list the Nazi drawing is present. Lover of German history and leading researcher of life in the Soviet Union and his main role as Joseph in this, as well as his beautiful Nazi opponents. Western WW2 person wishing for a journal of his life should he die in the apocalypse. *Ends his fantasy and returns to the real world*. Well for now everything is OK.
Deep sleep...

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