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Cullen sat at his desk, looking through the paperwork in front of him. He sighed, trying to stay focus but all he could think of was her. He started to feel an ache behind his eyes. Probably another migraine he thought to himself, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He opened his drawer and rummaged through it, not finding anything useful. He suddenly felt a box and lifted it up, placing it onto the desk. He traced his fingers over the delicate design on the top of the box, memories flashing before him. Before he knew it, the box was open and he had his hand inside.

"I... need it.." Cullen mumbled to himself, almost in a trance.

He picked up the lyrium before punching his desk.

"No! I can't! For her!" He growled.

He threw the box across the room and walked towards the door, he needed her so badly. He needed to be held, to be distracted from the withdrawal symptoms. He placed his hand on the door handle befor feeling a sharp stabbing pain in his side, causing him to fall onto his knees. He leaned against the wall in agony, tears rolling down his cheeks. He tried calling out for help but only a squeak left his mouth. He clawed at the wall, attempting to get himself up but the pain kept him down.

Suddenly the door sprung open and one of the scouts ran in to help him up. He put him in his chair and knelt before him.

"Captain, are you alright?" He asked.

"Get... her... p-please.." Cullen mumbled before passing out.

Time pass

Sweat dripped down Cullen's forehead as he slowly opened his eyes. The room was unfamiliar but it felt safe. Two voices echoed in the distance as if they were having a conversation, but he couldn't make out the words. He tried to sit up but was too weak, making him whine quietly. The bright light of the sun shone into the room, but to him it felt like a fire at his face. Suddenly, the light was gone and Cullen's eyes slowly adjusted to the darkened room. It was a bedroom. Her bedroom.

Cassandra and the inquisitor walked beside the bed to look at the pale commander. His sweat drenched the pillow. The inquisitor took a cool cloth and wiped the sweat off his face, looking awfully worried. Cassandra sighed, looking at the inquisitor.

"This hasn't happened since the first week he stopped taking Lyrium." She mumbled.

"I told him to stop. I think he's just feverish" the inquisitor sighed, stroking Cullen's hair.

Cullen realised he wasn't in his usual attire but a simple shirt and trousers. He felt a little colder than usual. He shivered, mouthing 'water' to them. The inquisitor gently sat him up whilst Cassandra got a tankard of water. He quickly gulped it down like he hadn't had water for years. The inquisitor gently kisses his forehead before Leliana walks into the room.

"I found this on the floor of his office." She said.

"R...resisted... get... rid of it.." Cullen mumbled.

The inquisitor took the box and walked out to her balcony. She looked for a place outside the wall, then threw the box out. The three looked after Cullen as he recovered.

A few days later

The inquisitor walked into the room with a tray full of food. She places it on the bedside table and watched him sleep. He seemed at peace. She gently kisses his forehead then lay beside him, putting her head on his chest. His arms immediately wrapped around her as a small smile grew on his face. She chuckled and cuddled with him, happy that he's alright. Cullen buried his face in her hair, the smell of flowers erasing his nightmares. He was truly happy for the first time in his life.

Time pass

Cullen awoke and saw the inquisitor working. He sat up and looked beside him, spotting a tray of food. He grinned and started to eat, starving after not having an appetite. She smiled at him then continued to do work. After Cullen was done eating, he picked up his usual attire and got dressed. He walked behind her, wrapping his arms around her neck whilst resting his chin on her head.

"I'm glad you're feeling better, love" she smiled, kissing his hand.

Cullen's face turned red as he giggled, "I'm always okay when you're here."

She looked up at him and he looked down at her. After a few seconds of silence, they kissed passionately. Butterflies rushed into Cullen's stomach, making him feel giddy. He's not used to this love and he didn't want to lose this feeling. She rubbed his cheek with her thumb, then their lips parted. A bright red flushed over the inquisitor's cheeks as she smiled at him. She then pointed to a chair.

"Sit with me for a while?" She asked.

Before she could finish her sentence, he was already moving the spare chair over to her desk. She giggled as he tucked his chair in. She divided the papers and gave him his work. The inquisitor rested her head on his shoulder as they worked on shipments and other things to keep the inquisition in line. Cullen smiled so much that his cheeks started to ache a little, but he didn't mind it as he was happy. Nothing can beat this feeling he thinks to himself.

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