Anna, John, Angela, Brutus, Krystal, Sapphire, Lilia, Dawn, and her parents all stood around the table. One the table was an illusionary reconstruction of the Diabolos Manor based on what Luna had told me.
Krystal had stepped up on her illusion game and apparently has been practicing in secret, cause this is very impressive. I simply told her what Luna told me and she created a temporary 3D map based off of it.
"I'm going to need all of your help for this." I stated. "Are you all sure about this?"
"Absolutely." Anna nodded.
"We aren't letting this slide." John smirked, Brutus nervously nodding in agreement. However, a determined light could be clearly seen from his gaze.
"We're gonna kick their butts." Angela grinned.
"You can count on me." Sapphire nodded.
"Anything for you~" Krystal smiled.
"Of course, brother!" Lilia pumped her fist.
"We have your back." Dawn smirked.
"Of course we have to support the Prince." Camilla teasingly grinned.
"You've stepped up." Dracula huffed. "Don't make me regret this."
"Alright." I felt a smile come onto my face, staring at all of them as we planned this out. This is what I'm fighting to protect.
. . .
Step 1.
"So this is the manor." John spoke.
All of us seemed like a group of normal demon pedestrians, having Krystal changing our normal looks so no one will recognize who we are.
"Yep. I nodded. "You four ready?"
I turned towards John, Brutus, Angela, and Sapphire. All four nodded, smiles on their faces.
"We'll give them the best chance they've ever had." Angela grinned.
"I can't wait for when they realize I'm not you." John snickered.
"Stay safe." I told them.
"You too." Sapphire nodded.
"Y-yes, be careful." Brutus agreed.
The four of them stepped away from the rest of the group. We watched as Angela picked up John and as Sapphire started to transform into her large, three headed dragon self with Brutus on her back. It had been quite the time since I've seen that form.
Hopefully from a distance they'll simply see the brown hair and assume it's me. We're banking on that for our distraction.
"Did you hear? The Dark Kingdom has declared there will be a war if we don't back down..." Other pedestrians chattered as they quickly walked across the streets.
"I heard they caught the Diabolos' daughter!" Another gasped.
"Looks like your Dad has made his move." I looked towards Dawn.
"Mhm. And now it's ours." She grinned ferociously.
We watched as a ton of guards started to leave the manor. Since the Diabolos has been tasked with capturing me and have their own daughter captured, many of the guards from the manor have joined the soldiers in going after "me".
"All right. Lilia? Anna? You two okay with this?" I asked them. "You'll have the front of the Manor's attention."
"We got this." Anna smiled, wrapping an arm around my sister. "We've both been blessed, in different ways."
Anna tenderly held the necklace on her neck while Lilia smiled as she pulled out a cross.
"Alright." I nodded. "Remember the route, Dawn?"
"I got it." Dawn stated.
"Perfect. And Krystal?" I turned towards her.
"Ready whenever you are, Jack." She warmly smiled.
"Then let's go." I declared.
Krystal and I broke off from the others, approaching the mansion first. Our disguises changed to looking like two ordinary guards of the Diabolos family.
We were able to easily enter and start moving towards our direction, giving excuses to any other guards that were curious as to where we were going.
It wasn't long until the guards started to disappear and run to a commotion. That was no doubt Anna and Lilia making their distraction in the manor.
Which means Dawn has already turned into her bat form and is now discreetly flying to where Luna stated she believed evidence would be.
As for Krystal and I, we have a different destination in mind. After all, there's no guarantee there is any sort of evidence as to the late Duncan's plans.
But Luna did say that her parents should know.
"We're here." Krystal stated.
We stood in front of the doors to the main room. Where Luna and Duncan's parents should be.
"Ready?" I asked.
"Ready." Krystal nodded.
We opened the doors and walked through. Funnily enough, the room looked like a throne room, with a large hall and two "thrones" at the end of it.
"What could possibly be so important that you would come here at a time like this, guard?" Hissed Duncan's father. "That criminal and his group is wreaking havoc around the city and in my very own home!"
He looks exactly like him. Sounds like him too. Makes me angry.
I turned towards Krystal and nodded. In an instant, the illusion on us was shattered. The two looked at us with wide eyes as I gave them a smile.
"This is." I spoke. "It's...not nice to finally meet you, Mr and Mrs Diabolos."
Davon Diabolos. The husband of the family.
Vivian Diabolos. The wife of the family.
"You." Hissed Davon, clenching at the sides of his throne with tight fists.
"Me." I smiled. "This really looks like a throne room. Isn't that presumptuous for a noble?"
"The Diabolos family is one the most noble families." Vivian haughtily replied. "We are as close to royalty as one could be."
"I wonder what the king would think if he heard you said that." I chuckled.
"Silence, criminal scum." Davon stood up, walking down from his throne. From his waist he pulled out a rapier. "You've made a mistake, coming straight to me."
Vivian continued to sit on her throne while Krystal stood by the door. Davon and I started to circle each other in the middle of the room, staring each other down.
"Are you sure about that?" I asked. "I've defeated your son. I've defeated your daughter."
"You killed my son." Davon growled.
"Because he killed someone important to me." I replied. "You know what I'm talking about."
"No, I don't." Davon shook his head quickly.
"Yes, you do. What was your goal in her death?" I asked. "It's obvious why you framed me. But why kill Madam Webb?"
"I didn't kill her." Davon barked.
"You didn't. But you ordered your son to." I replied.
"Enough talking!" Davon angrily yelled, dashing forwards.
In an instant I summoned my [Frozen Iron Sword], parrying his thrust. I swung towards his head, missing as he dodged backwards.
I continued my assault forwards, swinging multiple more times at him. He continued to dodge backwards, loosing footing.
Well, I thought at least. Until he ducked down and almost stabbed his rapier straight through me. I barely dodged, backing up and giving him space.
"Go on. Pull out your wing." Davon grinned arrogantly, pointing his rapier at me. "I know about you, little angel."
"I'm surprised you know what one is." I replied, letting my angel wing and halo appear.
"I know." Davon sneered. "And Hell doesn't need any angels. I will be doing everyone a favor by getting rid of you!"
He dashed at me once again, thrusting his blade. I continued to parry his strikes, but something different was happening. The blade of the rapier isn't rigid, allowing it to twist and poke at me even when I parry the attacks.
As he finally backed down to retrieve some stamina I was left with multiple cuts across my body.
In an instant I dashed forwards, not having the same stamina loss he had. I was able to connect a foot against his stomach, sending him flying into the wall. As I came in for another punch he dodged, allowing my demon arm to create cracks across the wall.
I dodged as he attempted to stab at me once more. I backed up, planning my next move, when suddenly a racking pain erupted through my body.
Not again!
Blood spurted out of my mouth as I shook and coughed into my elbow. As a result, I was left completely open.
And now Davon's rapier was heading straight towards my face.
"Jackson!" Krystal gasped.
Everything went silent. The blade was almost touching my eye. But the only thing stopping it was my grip around the handle with my demon arm.
I clenched my fist, crushing the guard of the rapier from out of his hands and throwing it off to the side.
"Oh, Davon." I sighed. "I hope you had your fun. Because now it's my turn."
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