It was one month since I had upgraded my [Iron Sword] into the [Frozen Iron Sword], and I had leveled up a little more.
My Charm and Wisdom went up to 4 after I did some studying and went on some dates, [Danger Sense] leveled up to 22, the [Frozen Iron Sword] to 23, [Demon Arm Beelzebub] to 11, and [Chains of Holy Fire] to Level 15. Overall I had leveled up to 6, which was pretty awesome.
We had one week of school left until summer break. It should have been an amazing time, about to go into my favorite season of Summer.
It was like any other day. It should have been like any other day. Maybe I should have paid that fortune cookie from Krystal's Grandma more attention.
Maybe if I had done something, this wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't have failed. I wouldn't have her death on my hands.
You're confused, aren't you? I'll explain everything, then make your judgements. Let's do a rewind.
. . .
I yawned, laying my head down onto the table. Anna poked me in the face, looking at me. We were sitting at the lunch table with the others.
"Are you alright?" Sapphire asked.
"What's up with you?" Anna wondered.
"I'm tired." I yawned again. "I just can't wait for Summer Break."
"I'm excited." Angela smiled. "This 'Summer Break' you've been telling me about sounds really fun."
"Oh, it is!" Krystal grinned.
"You'll have a lot of fun." Dawn smiled. "Also, what's up with John? Is he dead?"
We looked over to John, who looked even more tired than I do. He was face-planted into the table, seemingly dead.
Brutus slowly pat him on the back.
"I think he fell asleep." I sweatdropped. "That's tiredness on another level."
"He's always been like this." Sighed Anna. "As soon as Summer is close he gets a sudden case of extreme laziness."
"Hey...where is everybody?" Angela suddenly asked.
We looked around, and barely anybody was here. "Most have left for an early Summer Break. There's not even a week left." Anna informed.
"Oh." Anna nodded.
"I wish we could do that..." Groaned John.
"Oh, when did you wake up?" Dawn asked.
"Just now..." He yawned, rubbing his eyes. "But Mom wouldn't let us go early..."
"Well, she is the headmaster." I stated. "It'd be weird if she promoted skipping school."
A sudden boom sounded out in the distance. We all looked at each other in confusion. What was that?
"That doesn't sound good." Anna stated.
"It's probably another haywire experiment from a Science Class." John stated.
"But...the Science Wing isn't that way..." Sapphire revealed.
"...this is weird." Krystal replied, slightly nervous. "What if something happened?"
Another boom rang out in another direction.
"Something's wrong." John became serious.
"I-I'm scared." Brutus muttered. John pat him on his large Shark head.
"...What is going on?" Whispered Anna in confusion.
A growl reached our ears. Turning around, we quickly jumped up to our feet as we saw a Corrupted Werebeast at the entrance to the cafeteria.
"...a Corrupted?!" Gasped Krystal.
Angela quickly rocketed forwards, punching a whole straight through the Corrupted with her flaming hand.
"How did a Corrupted get into the school?" Dawn asked. "The security should have stopped that."
Another boom rang out.
"Unless something happened to the security..." Anna paled.
"We need to go. Now." Sapphire stated. "Come on."
We ran out of the cafeteria. Immediately to our left we were met with a large amount of Werebeasts, which shouldn't have been possible. Only large amounts like these appeared in the Hollow.
"I don't like this, Host." Sally stated. "Something seems off to me."
I know. But we just need to get out right now. Who knows what is going on?
We quickly dispatched the Corrupted. It was easy with all of us together. As we started to leave I felt a chill down my spine.
And I thought I heard something...a yell for my name. In a familiar voice. And then I realized that Madam Webb wasn't with us. Could she be...?
"Take Boo." I stated, throwing the King Slime on my shoulder to Anna. "I'll be right back." I stated.
"Wait?! Jack, what are y-?!" Anna cried out, but I quickly revealed my wing, running off with an extreme burst of speed.
I turned corners and corners, heading straight towards her office. I was going quicker than I ever had before. I don't know why I felt I heard her voice, it was likely just my imagination. But I needed to make sure she was alright.
She was my future mother-in-law after all.
I kicked open the door to her office, only to be met with a worrying sight. Madam Webb stood in the middle of her office, or what was left of it. Only the floor remained, as the walls were destroyed, revealing the outside.
A huge part of the school was collapsing, at least a whole third of it, and Madam Webb was barely holding it up with her strange telekinesis abilities. Her eyes burned purple as she held it upwards.
Her eyes widened as she saw me.
"Jack?! What are you doing here?!" She gasped.
"Are you alright?!" I worriedly asked.
"I'm fine..." She grunted out. "You need to go! Now!"
"I can't!" I argued. "No while you're still here! We need to go!"
"Jack..." Madam Webb looked at me. "I don't know who is attacking us, but I need to hold this up until my students escape..."
I looked over the edge of the open room, watching as panicking, evacuating students exited the school from under us. They were exiting the school right under where this section of the school would collapse.
"I'd be a terrible Headmaster if I lead them to their deaths." Madam Webb stated. "I've made mistakes, and I refuse to let his be one. You need to go and help the others."
She seemed so calm, but I could see the amount of sweat pouring down her face. I could see how her arms shook, straining under keeping that whole weight up. I needed to help her, but there was no way I could hold up that whole thing.
I needed to help the students evacuate.
"I'll be back!" I called towards her.
I jumped down, falling multiple stories and landing on the ground. Many students had already gotten out, and since most were already gone due to Summer Break, only a few remained.
I was a little worried about my friends, so I quickly texted them that I was alright and to get out of the school since it was collapsing. I also told them I was outside, helping others evacuate.
Which wasn't a lie.
I punched a hole through the wall, ripping through it with my increased strength to create more space for students to exit. They ran out at a quicker pace now, and soon almost all of the students were gone.
I climbed my way back up to the remains of Madam Webb's office. She was still struggling at keeping the school from falling on itself.
"Everybody's almost out!" I called to her.
"Thank you..." She replied. "Now go."
"I'm afraid that won't be possible." A voice said from behind me.
A very, very familiar voice which instantly made my blood boil. [Danger Sense] screamed at me, and I quickly dodged as a sword went flying by my face.
"It's been a while...Jackson Walker." Grinned Duncan.
"Duncan..." I narrowed my eyes at him. "What do you think you're doing?"
"Finally getting my sweet, sweet revenge." He laughed.
"What makes you think you'll win this time?" I growled.
"Oh, I don't think. I know." He smiled. "Don't worry. I don't plan on hurting any of your business is with you and you alone..."
We started to circle each other as Madam Webb continued to struggle. "Damn you...Duncan."
"Oh, I also have a little grudge against Headmaster too." He stated. "You two ruined everything."
"You brought it upon yourself." I replied. "Do you remember what I said last time? I'm sticking to that promise."
"You can try if you want..." Duncan laughed.
"Jack?!" Anna cried from down below. My friends had just exited the building. I saw Madam Webb's eyes widen in the corner of my eyes.
"You need to go!" She yelled towards them.
"Yes, they should probably leave..." Duncan stated. "Or else they may get eaten."
I watched with horror as the largest amount of Corrupted appeared from inside the building. There were mostly Werebeasts, but also a couple different types.
It was more than all of them could handle, and they could handle a lot. But if they got to the other students...
"Go!" I yelled towards them. "Protect the other students!"
Anna wanted to argue, but I cut her off. "Please..." I pleaded. She relented, talking to the others. They then started to run towards where the other students were retreating.
"You better be alright!" I heard them yell.
"Admirable." Duncan stated. "I always hated that about you."
"The feeling's mutual." I replied. In my hands I summoned my [Frozen Iron Sword].
We rushed towards each other, blades clashing together. Metal hit metal as we tried to win the fight, but we're fairly evenly matched.
Duncan was stronger than before.
"Damn..." He growled, backing up. "I hate that part of you as well. Always stronger..." He ripped off his cloak, making my eyes widen at what was under.
His right arm was a spiky purple, with small crystals seeming to jut out of it. It looked like the Corrupted.
"You sacrificed your own arm, didn't you?" He grinned maniacally. "If you could do it, then I could to!"
"Madam Webb, we need to go!" I told her. "Everybody's already out! Let it fall!"
"I can''re still here." She stated. "And I don't think you can fly with one wing...can you?"
She was right. While with my Angel wing out I was much quicker, never have I been able to fly with it despite my numerous tries.
"Leave." Madam Webb told me. "Please."
But if I left, there was no doubt about it. She would be a captain falling with her ship. I couldn't let that happen.
"I know what you're thinking..." Duncan gave me a twisted grin. "But unfortunately you don't get a choice. You see, you've made some..."
Madam Webb let out a sharp gasp. I whirled my head towards her, eyes widening as I saw blood seep from her stomach as she looked down with wide eyes. Her arms started to shake more.
"...enemies." He finished.
Where the once was nobody, suddenly someone appeared. It was Newton, Krystal's childhood friend, with a knife through Madam Webb's stomach.
"You see, I found some people who also hated you quite much." Duncan stated. "And I learn from every unlike the last couple of times, I brought some trusted allies."
"It's been a while...Jackson." Spat out Newton, pulling out the dagger from Madam Webb's stomach.
Another person appeared near me, the illusion on them breaking. It was that vampire guy from way back then at The Blood Ball, Derrick. He viciously grinned at me.
She fell to her knees, gasping for breath as she barely held her hands above her head. The school started to slowly fall down on itself.
I'm a burst of speed I rushed past the three. They swung at me, but all missed. I quickly grabbed Madam Webb, and rushed through the school.
The hallways blurred past me as I ran and ran and ran, before stopping into a random classroom. I held Madam Webb in her arms, staring wide-eyed at her.
I remembered the fortune from Krystal's Grandma. Your past will catch up to you; the start of the countdown to the end.
Oh god.
[System Error]
"Jack, calm down..." Sally said. "You need to calm down, something's going on..."
"Jack...just go..." She whispered.
[Syst3m Error]
"No, no no no. This can't be happening." I gasped.
"Jack...take this..." She said, pulling off her purple necklace and placing it into my hand. "Please...protect John and Anna...that's all I ask..."
[Syst3m 3rror]
"No, no no." I replied, tears falling down onto her wound. "It was just a stab. You can be saved."
"I can feel it..." She whispered. "Poison...this is my end, Jack."
"Jack!" Sally yelled, but I couldn't register her words.
[7yst3m 311or]
"No, no." I whispered. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry..."
"Don't be..." She replied. " for me."
"It's all my fault." I whispered. "What have I been doing...?"
"Jack!" Sally desperately yelled.
[7y2t3m 3110r]
"Jack..." Madam Webb continued. "There's a time for everyone...this is mine..."
"No..." I cried. I couldn't stop the tears. This was the most I had ever cried. She was dying...because of me.
[7y213m 3110r]
"Jack..." Madam Webb's voice barely came out. "Live...for me. And protect them..."
She let out a weak chuckle. "Goodbye..."
"Jack!" Sally yelled once more. "Som3 th1ng 1s-??!?!"
"No, no you can't leave." I sobbed. "Not now..."
But I was asking for the impossible. In my hands, she started to crumble away into dust. I had to watch as she dissolved into ashes in my arms.
[762138 31109]
"Hope you enjoyed those last words." Duncan stated. "Because now it's your turn."
I looked behind me, met with the grinning faces of Duncan, Derrick, and Newton.
And then all I saw was red.
[New Skill Acquired]
A/N: I'm sorry
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