49 - Enter Shippo Village

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"Ah, it's you. Been a while." Dunk stated, looking over towards Anna and I. "Where's John?"

We were going to head towards Krystal's village. Madam Webb had called Dunk up for us, who now sat in front of us in his taxi.

He was pulled off the side of the Hell Highway. Cars zoomed past, many on fire. While it freaked me out before, it doesn't so much now. Especially now that I own a flaming bike.

"He isn't coming with us." Anna stated. "I'll pay."

"Alright." Dunk nodded. "Gotten used to the high speeds yet?"

"Nope." Anna shook her head. "But I learned from last time. I brought these." She pulled out some paper bags.

"Uh...are those puke bags?" Sapphire warily asked.

"Why do we need those?" Krystal asked.

"Let me guess, first time on the Highway?" Dunk asked them.

"Yeah." Sapphire and Krystal nodded.

"Make sure to buckle up." He nodded towards them.

"Should I be worried?" Sapphire asked as we got into the taxi. I took the front seat this time.

"Depends on whether or not you easily get car-sick, sweetie." Dunk replied. He looked over to me. "Did you get any better?"

"Don't think so." I admitted.

"Here." Anna gave me a bag.

"Thanks." I replied.

"Well, good luck." Dunk shrugged, before a huge grin spread on his face. "Now let's ride!"

He slammed on the pedal. We burst forwards, fire spewing from the back of the taxi. He got onto the Highway, our speed rapidly increasing to match with everyone else's.

"OH MY GOD?!" Krystal screamed, clutching onto an already sick-looking Anna. Sapphire seemed unaffected.

My stomach was already starting to get queasy. We continued to speed up, the meter going higher and higher. Eventually we were going even quicker than last time, reaching the 200's in mph.

Hold it in Jack!

"If you puke there are going to be three very upset girls with you." Sapphire stated. "Just a warning."


It took us about an hour to get to our destination. Anna had barfed into her bag once while Krystal started clinging to Sapphire instead.

I was able to hold it in, trying to use the rushing surroundings as a distraction. Watching as everything went by helped keep my mind off of my queasy stomach.

As soon as we finally pulled off the Highway and parked, I stumbled out of the taxi and puked into my bag. Anna promptly did the same.

Sapphire stepped out fine. Krystal wasn't sick, but rather was shaken, still clutching onto Sapphire.

"Not affected, huh?" Dunk asked, looking at the dragon girl. "Respect." He stated, pointing finger guns at her.

"Thanks." She smirked.

"That...was horrible." Krystal groaned, before looking around. "But we've never gotten here so quickly before..."

"You're going to Shippo Village, right?" Dunk asked for confirmation, receiving a nod from Krystal. "Makes sense, practically every Kitsune I know is from there."

He pointed to a dirt path which led towards some rocky mountains. "From here, take this path and you should arrive there."

"Thanks." Krystal nodded, even though she already knew.

"Well, have a good time." Dunk stated. "Anna has my number for when you need me to get back. Also, that's when she'll pay."

"Thanks Dunk..." I groaned.

He gave me a thumbs up. Waving to us, he quickly drove off back onto the highway.

I wiped my mouth, placing my puke bag on the ground. Anna placed her next to mine. Backing up, I quickly incinerated them with the Holy Flames from my chain.

"You really can't handle the speed, can you?" Sapphire chuckled.

"I have motion sickness when things go too fast." Anna stated.

"I think I have the same." I nodded. "I never knew since I never went that fast before I came here to Hell."

"Well, time to go." Krystal stated, straightening her outfit. "Shouldn't be too much of a walk. I can't wait to show me your home!"

I was honestly surprised at how excited Krystal was. With the possibility of her having to stay here if I don't somehow convince her parents.

In a way, that shows her unwavering faith in me. Some faith that I definitely don't deserve, because I don't have a clue on how to convince them.

"Just show them your strength." Sally suggested.

So what, challenge the strongest guy to arm-wrestling?

"Maybe." Sally replied.

I don't really want to risk it if possible. I'd rather do something I know I could win...like a game of Won.

"Wouldn't that be a greater risk?" Sally asked.

You underestimate my power. I live in the cards.

"You're an idiot." Sally sighed.

We walked across the dirt path, heading closer to the mountains.

"If you don't mind me asking." Anna suddenly said. "Why do your parents want you to come back home?"

"They're afraid it isn't safe after a bunch of students got kidnapped by the Devil Riders." Krystal replied.

"But you didn't get kidnapped." Anna stated. "And that was a month ago. Why did it take them so long?"

"Shippo Village is more remote." Krystal informed us. "So it takes a little longer for news to get there. Especially since Hell doesn't have a good widespread internet."

"Huh." Anna replied.

"And then there was that whole incident with Duncan." Krystal added.

"You could tell them that Jack beat his butt twice now and would protect you should Duncan come back again." Anna suggested. "And you also have your illusions."

"Yeah...but there's a small problem..." Krystal sweatdropped. "I kind of didn't tell them about Jack."

"Eh?" We voiced out.

"I was worried that they would make me show Jack to them!" Krystal exclaimed. "Since my father says I don't have good taste in men!"


"And I'm wasn't ready for a parent meeting yet." Krystal shyly shuffled.

"But you met Jack's parents." Sapphire sweatdropped.

"That's different." Krystal bluntly stated.

"No...not really..." Anna sweatdropped.

"But I'm ready now!" Krystal declared. "And I'm sure that Jack can convince them that he's a good man who can protect me!"

"I hope so..." Sapphire sighed.

We reached the base of the mountain in about five minutes. We started to take a winding path up. In another ten minutes we had made it to a gate.

Above the gate it said "Shippo Village". The Village wasn't at the top of the mountain, but seemed to be in a bowl which the mountain tops went around. I couldn't see the village though.

"Welcome to my home." Krystal smiled, spreading her arms wide.

Through the gate was an empty bowl. We couldn't see the Village. Seeing our strange looks, Krystal giggled.

"An illusion." She stated. "So we can get the jump on any hostiles."

"Will they jump us?" Anna worriedly asked.

Krystal shook her head. "Nope! It's hard to explain, but basically have our own version of security cameras. They'll see it's me."

"Oh, that's good." Sapphire sighed in relief.

We walked through the gate. Suddenly a beautiful village appeared, the bowl no longer looking barren and empty.

I immediately noticed the lush grass one the ground. There were Kitsunes everywhere, each one with their own set of fluffy ears and varying numbers of tails. Kids ran around, happily giggling. Many wooden houses adorned this vibrant place.

"I thought the Oasis was the only place that had grass in Hell." I gasped.

"The only natural place." Krystal smiled. "Over time, we Kitsune's have created this amazing place."

"It's beautiful." Sapphire muttered.

We looked around in awe.

"Krystal!" A Kistune happily said, walking over. He had silver armor on, indicating that he was a guard. "Welcome home! Are these your friends?"

"Yep!" Krystal happily cheered.

The guard eyed me suspiciously. "And this man..?"

"He's good." Krystal smiled. She looked towards us. "Sorry, seems they've gotten a little protective due to the ordeal with Duncan."

Well, I can understand that. Duncan was a piece of crap who tricked Krystal. Things could have been a lot worse had things went differently.

"This is the guy who discovered Duncan's cheating." Sapphire stated.

The armored Kitsune placed his hand on my shoulder. [Danger Sense] didn't go off, so I wasn't too worried.

"You are a good man." He decided, staring me in the eyes. "I welcome you into Shippo, the Village of Kitsunes."

"Oh...thanks." I replied, smiling at him.

"Now, let's go see Mom and Dad!" Krystal decided.

Before we could leave the armored Kitsune stopped me one more time.

"Thank you." He genuinely smiled towards me. "Shippo is a little community, so we all look after each other. I thank you for looking after Krystal, one of our own."

"It's no problem." I replied. "She's my friend. Of course I'd help."

"I like you." He grinned, patting me on the back. "You're a good man. Now go on."

These Kitsunes seem to be very friendly, from what I've noticed. Both Krystal and this armored guy have been quite friendly at first meeting. That's not a bad thing though.

Unless they get tricked by someone like Duncan, that is.

We walked through the village, Krystal greeting all of the Kitsunes that we passed. Whether they were young, old, male, or female, they all loved her.

I would be lying if I said the suspicious stares I got from some of them didn't hurt. But I can't blame them, not after Duncan.

We headed to the biggest house in the village which seemed to be right at the center. We stood in front of the door. Krystal turned towards us, smiling.

"This is my parents house." She smiled. "My home."

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