46 - Saving The Students

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"Was this really the best you could come up with?" Sally sighed.

I tried my best, okay?

With how quick Skullface woke up last time, I needed something to tie him up. I only have my chain though, so I had to make do.

I'm not currently walking through the forest, hopefully heading to the others while dragging a tied-up Skullface.

He's definitely going to be sore when he wakes up...

"It's fine. He deserves it." Sally replied.

I guess.

Boo sat on my shoulder, slightly shifting. It was so small, it could completely fit in my palm. I don't think that's right...I think Skullface injured it.

"Let it eat something, then maybe it will grow." Sally suggested.

But what do slimes eat?

"People." Sally stated.

I'm not feeding it a person! I can feed it a...

I looked around for something.

...a leaf?

"You're an idiot." Sally sighed once again.

I try my best.

As I continued to wander through the forest, I came to the realization that I was lost. I had no idea where the others went to free the students and slimes.

And then a roar rumbled the forest and a giant stream of fire bursted into the air. The fire was a crimson red. That's Sapphire's fire, so Sapphire, Anna, and John must be this way!

I quickly ran the forest, heading to where the others were. I'm sure that they're fine, but I still couldn't help but be worried. Behind me Skullface's head smacked against the ground.

I continued to run until I reached an opening. Running outside, I saw multiple busses filled with students, cheering. Like, there were so many. Makes sense, considering almost the whole school came to this.

In front of me John was exchanging hands with another Devil Rider. Anna was riding Sapphire who was now fully in her light blue, three-headed dragon form. She roared, crimson fire bursting out at a multiple fleeing Devil Riders who didn't want to be burned.

...Yeah, they had this handled. Even without their fellow students helping.

Everybody looked over to me in surprise. Even John and that random Devil Rider stopped punching each other.

"Is...is that Skullface...?" The random Devil Rider asked, shakily pointing behind me.

"Oh, yeah." I replied. I looked back at the unconscious leader of the Devil Riders. There were a couple of twigs in his hair.

The Devil Rider stared at me in surprise before suddenly bowing down. The other fleeing ones looked over, before bowing down as well.

Sapphire transformed back into her human form, catching Anna in her arms and jumping off from off top the buses, walking over with a confused look.

"Jack! You're alright!" Anna happily smiled, jumping into my arms and giving me a hug.

"So are you." I smiled.

"So...what is going on?" Sapphire questioned.

"I have no idea." I replied.

"Maybe you're their new leader or something." John laughed, nudging me in the stomach.

"You defeated our leader...us Devil Rider's have a law. The strongest is our leader." The bowing Devil Rider stated.

"...You're kidding me." John replied in shock.

A sudden noise directed our attention to the buses, where a person now stood on top of them. Her spider legs came out as her eyes glowed purple.

"Okay, who do I need to beat-" Madam Webb started. "-Oh you've got it covered."

"Headmaster!" Cheered the students.

"Glad you see you all are safe." Madam Webb smiled.

Another bus pulled into the clearing, parking next to the other buses. Our back-up quickly ran out of the bus, looking around worriedly.

"Jack!" Angela cried, flying over in a second and squeezing the life out of me. "I knew you'd be alright!"

"Please...don't...kill me..." I groaned.

"Hey! Hands off!" Anna growled, glaring at her.

Angela let go of me, letting me fall onto the ground as she glared back at Anna. Sparks flew out of their eyes as they held their staredown.

Lilia ran over, standing next to Angela and glaring at Anna as well, making the sparks even more violent.

Brutus peeked out from inside the bus, seeing if everything was alright. He saw Boo on my shoulder, jumping and hiding back inside the bus.

It's okay, it doesn't bite! I hope...

"Jackson, I just noticed...but is that a King Slime on your shoulder...?" John weakly asked.

His question made everybody look at the small yellow slime sitting on my shoulder. Even Anna, Angela, and Lilia stopped their glaring to look at it.

"Yeah...why?" I asked.

"That's...that's a KING monster, y'know?" John nervously replied.

Even John is afraid? Brutus I understand, but John..?

"I don't get it." I stated. "Why are you afraid?"

"A King monster is a leader of a group of monsters...and are usually the strongest..." Anna stated. "While we usually we only classify King monsters for not as intelligent species...an example would be Madam Webb being the King monster of our group of Arachnids."

"Oh..." I finally realized. "That's a pretty big deal."

"So...why is one on your shoulder?" Sapphire asked. She seemed to be the only one not afraid.

"I made a contract with it. Boo is now my familiar." I stated.

"You...made a contract...with the King Slime?" John asked, just to make sure.

"Yes." I nodded.

"...you...you surprise me every day Jack...every day..." He sighed.

"Impressive." Madam Webb said, surprising us. At some point she had walked over. "This King Slime seems to be intelligent, and I can feel the connection between you two. Good job."

"Oh, thanks." I smiled.

"Did you seriously name it Boo..?" Anna tried to stifle a laugh.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked.

"That's hilarious!" She started to laugh. John and Madam Webb chuckled while even Sapphire seemed amused.

"I tried, okay?!" I groaned.

The sudden sound of footsteps reached our ears. Sheriff Wyn, Dawn, and Krystal dashed into the clearing, heavily panting.

"Why didn't your illusion work?!" Dawn exclaimed.

"Slimes don't have eyes! I didn't know my illusions don't work on things that don't have eyes!" Krystal argued.

"Are you alright?" I called over.

"If after freeing all the slimes and then having those same slimes chasing us to eat us is, then yes!" Dawn panted, running over and clutching onto my shirt.

"I...I don't like slimes." She whimpered. "I think I developed a phobia..."

Her eyes wandered to Boo.

"Eek!" She cried out, hiding behind Anna. "What?!"

Krystal ran over, looking at the slime on my shoulder. "Is that the King Slime? Why is it so...adorable?!"

"Calm down Krystal." Sapphire sighed, holding Krystal back with one hand before she could glomp me to almost-death like Angela did.

Sheriff Wyn ran over. "Looks like you took care of the Devil Riders." She glanced to the unconscious Skullface. "Huh. Good job takin' him out, kid. But we got a problem. All ta slimes are comin' here."

"I actually don't think that will be a problem." Madam Webb smiled, looking over at Boo.

The sound of multiple things rushing towards us entered our ears. Dawn clutched onto Anna as a bunch of slimes, each the size of a head, entered the clearing.

They started to approach us before Boo let out some sort of weird sound, halting the slimes. They seemed to stare at each other for a couple seconds before the slimes relaxed, stopping their hostilities.

Madam Webb looked around at the relaxed slimes and the bowing Devil Riders. "I may be able to make something out of this."

"Anyways, now that everything is taken care of, I'm definitely going to have to take everybody aback early due to this incident." Madam Webb sighed.

"But before that, let's have one day for this school trip!" Madam Webb grinned, the students cheering in response.

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