"Not our bikes!" Cried out the Devil Rider by my feet.
"Too bad." Sapphire crossed her arms. "We're getting the rest of our classmates back."
"Yeah, I hope they're okay..." Krystal muttered.
"You can't defeat the leader of the Devil Riders!" Devil Rider yelled. "You'll be destroyed! So leave our bikes alone!"
"No offense, but if you're the second in command I don't think we'll be destroyed." I replied.
The Devil Rider started to cry into the ground.
"Man, you didn't need to destroy him that badly." John chuckled. "Anyways, let's see these babies."
John got on one of them. He grabbed the key which they had left hanging on the bike and turned it on. He revved it, the bike making a satisfying roar.
"Oooh, it's a Firebolt X. These are amazing." John smiled, patting the bike. "I've always wanted one of these..."
"Well, you can have it." Madam Webb shrugged.
"Seriously?!" John turned towards her with sparkling eyes.
"Yep." Madam Webb replied. "They stole something from us, we'll steal it back. With some extra stuff too."
"This isn't a good idea..." Anna sweatdropped.
I'd argue but we are in Hell...
"How good are these?" I asked.
"Firebolt X's are pretty amazing." Smirked John. "They're the newest from the Firebolt line, coming out last year. These puppies aren't easy to come by."
"And every single one of these is a Firebolt X too, insane." He thought aloud. "Anyways, Firebolts are known for their speed. And there's a reason they are called Firebolts..."
He revved the motorcycle, a small amount of fire bursting from the exhaust pipe. He blasted forwards, fire spewing out from behind. As he drove around the town the wheels started to be covered with fire.
He drive around a little bit, showcasing the motorcycle and it's flaming wheels. He did a couple wheelies before coming back and parking the bike.
"That's amazing!" I gasped.
"Always the show-off with your vehicles..." Anna sighed.
"You really don't like the combination of John and vehicles, don't you?" Angela asked.
"Not at all." Anna shivered. "I still remember when we came back to Hell with Jackson..."
"Heh. Now I know your weakness." Smirked Angela.
"Don't test me." Anna replied, dangerously smiling at her.
"Back!" Lilia replied, hugging onto Angela. "You shall not harm her!"
Anna rolled her eyes. "Always against me, aren't you Lilia..."
I guess I never really noticed before, but Anna and Lilia always had this sort of tension inbetween them. Originally I thought it was just that Lilia didn't trust her, but now...
"It's because she's a Bro-con, you Sis-con." Sally finished my thought.
Yeah...but I'm not a Sis-con.
"She doesn't seem to like you..." Dawn sweatdropped.
"Never did." Anna sighed.
"Uh, we have a problem." John suddenly voiced out.
"What is it?" Sheriff Wyn asked.
"Uh..." John sweatdropped. He pointed at Brutus, who was currently sat on one of those bikes. The problem was that Brutus was just too big.
And I don't mean that in the fat kind of way! Brutus isn't fat. But he's huge, being a Great White Merman. At least, I think that's why.
Anyways, he was just too huge to safely drive the bike. He looked like he was on a kid's bike. He might be able to drive it, but it would be like a grown man riding a ten year old's bike.
Way too big of a difference in size.
"I-I'm sorry..." Brutus muttered.
"Nah, it's fine man." John replied.
"But there's also the fact that there's not enough bikes." John sweatdropped. "And I doubt most of us know how to drive these."
"This is a problem..." Madam Webb stated. "Especially since taking the bus might take too long."
"How about some of us take the bikes." I suggested. "And the rest go in the bus. That way some of us can get there quickly if we need to fight and then backup can arrive when the bus arrives."
"Good idea Jackson." Madam Webb stated. "I want you to be one of the people riding a bike. Sheriff Wyn, do you know how to drive a bike?"
"Of course I do!" Sheriff Wyn proudly smirked.
"Alright. Who else wants to go on the bikes?" Madam Webb asked. "You don't exactly need to know how to drive, we should be able to fit two people per bike."
She glanced at Brutus. "Well, depends on the person...no offense Brutus."
"N-none taken." Brutus replied.
"I'll ride with Jackson. He can drive me." Anna stated, sliding next to me.
"Wait, but I don't know-" I started.
Anna elbowed me in the stomach. "John can quickly teach you." She whispered.
"I can drive one." Dawn stated. "Who wants to ride with me?"
"Mind if I ride with you?" Sapphire asked.
"No problem." Dawn nodded.
"Thanks." Sapphire replied.
"All right, the rest of us will take the bus then." Madam Webb stated. "We'll need you there. Be safe."
"Got it." I nodded.
"Wait, is no one riding with me?" John suddenly asked.
Everybody was silent.
"Oh wow." John muttered.
"I-I would ride with you...but..." Brutus nervously stated.
"Ah, thanks buddy." Laughed John. "I appreciate the sentiment."
John patted Brutus on the back. Brutus lightly nodded at him, before walking with the others towards the bus. John then looked down at his hand, staring at it confused.
"You alright?" I asked.
"Yeah..." He replied. He shook his head. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"Alright then, let's go!" Sheriff Wyn stated, climbing onto one of the motorcycles.
I climbed onto one, feeling the unfamiliar vehicle. I had no idea how to drive one of these...
"This was a bad idea." Sally sighed. "I swear, if this is how you go out..."
Let's not think about that.
Anna got on behind me, taking up the rest of the seat. Her body pressed into mine as she wrapped her arms around me, holding onto my stomach. I felt Dawn and Sapphire's gaze on me as they got onto their own bike.
"John." I whispered. "How do I drive this?"
"...You are screwed." He sweatdropped. "Turn it on. Then push that trigger to make it go faster, and turn it to...well, turn it. To brake, pull both of those levers above the grip, or just the left. But never pull only the right one, trust me."
"Alright." I replied. I put the key in, turning on the bike. It rumbled under me, vibrating our seat.
I looked at the bike. Honestly, it looked pretty amazing. I felt a little weird stealing it from these guys, but they probably didn't get it legally anyway. And they tried to kill me, so it's their fault...I guess.
"Well...let's try this." I stated.
"You got this." Anna smiled.
"Here we go!" Sheriff Wyn yelled, driving the bike through the town. A small trail of fire followed her.
John and Dawn followed, both driving pretty well. I drove after them, noticeably slower. I didn't feel the most confidant.
I was doing it though! I hadn't crashed, and this isn't as bad as I thought. And then we started to go off-road.
We drove across the frozen lava like ground as we headed towards Oasis. I sped up, making sure I wouldn't lose the others.
The wind rushed through my hair, blowing a nice breeze across my skin. With Anna hugging me from behind, this felt really nice and relaxing.
I see why John likes driving fast. Feeling the wind across your skin is very nice. I'm not as much as a speed demon as he is though...
The drive was mostly smooth. We'd pass over some hills and bumps, but the Firebolt X had good handling.
I saw in the distance Oasis. It looked like a random forest in the middle of the barren, burnt plains. It's really weird...
We continued to drive, but with how fast we were going (luckily not as fast as when Dunk drove us), we were covering a good distance.
It only took another minute or two until we arrived, parking outside of the forest. We got off of the bikes, looking into the Oasis. I couldn't really see anything except for trees though.
I looked back to the bike. The forest was too thick to drive these things through, and they'd be too loud anyways.
But it felt like a waste too just leave it here. What if something happened to it? What if they stole it back? I mean, it has fire wheels! That's awesome!
Sally, can I store this in my inventory?
"I think so." Sally replied. "Try it."
I pointed at the bike with my hand, imagining it going into my [Inventory]. Opening my eyes, the bike had disappeared.
Anna looked inbetween where the bike once was and me. "What? What did you just do?"
"My [Inventory]...from the system..." I whispered.
"Oh..." Anna replied. "That's pretty sweet."
"Yeah." I agreed.
Okay Sally, open up [Inventory] please.
"On it Host." Sally nodded.
[Deathbane Bow] Level 5 - A Bow made from the bones of a Grim Reaper.
[Iron Sword] Level 1 - An medieval European styled common sword made from iron.
[Combat Outfit] Level 1 - An outfit gifted from Madam Webb.
[Firebolt X] Level 2 - The newest motorcycle from the Firebolt line, known for their flaming wheels and intense speeds.
Yeah, it worked! Let's go!
Sheriff Wyn clapped, catching all of our attention.
"All right, we're gonna have'ta be very cautious, ya hear me? Especially since the others aren't here yet." Sheriff Wyn asked. "I don't know how they situated themselves en 'ere with all ta slimes, so who knows what they can do."
"Okay." I nodded.
The others follows my lead, nodding as well.
"Then let's go. Get ready, there's bound to be somethin' odd goin' on in 'dere." Sheriff Wyn stated.
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