[Charm] Level Up!
Apparently making four girls fall in love with you finally increases your charm level.
I already checked [Affection], so now I checked the [Harem] tab.
1. Annabeth Webb - Arachnid
2. Angela Ignis - Holy Fire Angel
3. Sapphire Caer - Hydra Dragon
4. Krystal Fox - Kitsune
5. None
6. None
7. None
8. None
9. None
10. None
Well, I can see my premature death in the future.
[Adequate requirements met.]
[System shutting down...]
What the hell?!
[System shutting down...]
[System shut down.]
[System is updating.]
[Please wait for it to completely update.]
Huh. I didn't know the System could do that. Hopefully when it comes back on, Sally will wake up.
Well, I'll just have to wait a while until it finally updates. And it will be a while, it hasn't moved from 1%.
I sighed.
"Hey, what's up?" Asked John, who was sitting to my right. "We're having a celebration over your win earlier. You won! Why the sigh?"
Make an excuse!
"Well, I'm not going to be able to change my arm back to normal." I replied, gazing at my arm. "And I was supposed to meet my family tomorrow for the first time since coming here."
While that wasn't what I sighed about, it was still a problem that I had.
"Ah." John responded. "Uh..."
"I can help with that!" Krystal happily replied, sitting on the other side of me.
"You can?" I asked skeptically. I raised my eyebrow at her, to make sure she could see my skepticism.
"I can!" She cheerfully confirmed. "Illusion magic~. If you take me with you to your family, I can use my Illusion magic to make your arm feel normal!"
"Really?! Thanks!" I replied.
Krystal, you are a lifesaver!
"Hey! Take me too!" Anna suddenly pleaded. "I want to see your family again!"
"I also want to meet Jack's family!" Angela added.
"It would be nice if I could also come..." Sapphire muttered.
I looked over to John. Help me!
"I haven't seen your family in a long time...it would be nice to see them again." John stated.
You traitor!
"T-the human world is scary...I'll stay here..." Brutus replied.
"Oh come on, don't be a scaredy-cat." John replied, creeping up on Brutus.
"Ahhh!" Brutus screamed, jumping away.
"John...Brutus is still scared of spiders, so you can't sneak up on him like that." I sighed.
"Oh, right...sorry man..." John sheepishly replied.
"I-it's fine..." Brutus responded.
"You sure you don't want to come?" I asked. "We'll be gone for most the weekend. All of tomorrow and most of Sunday."
"You'll be gone that long?" Brutus repeated, thinking something in his mind.
His phone suddenly buzzed. He took it out, before paling in fright.
"Please take me with you!" He desperately shouted, bowing down to me.
"Uh, yeah of course..." I awkwardly replied.
What's with the sudden change?!
"Thank you." He replied, before typing something on his phone.
"...What changed your mind?" I asked
"My mom wanted to FaceTime me over the weekend. But I can't! She's so scary!" He replied.
"Is your mom a bad person?" I asked, now worried.
"No, she's great. But she didn't agree with me coming to Hell High, so I'm afraid of talking to her while seeing her face...she can be really scary when mad..." Brutus answered.
"Okay then..." I awkwardly responded. "Hey Krystal, can you do illusions for all of us?" I wondered.
"Anna and I won't need Illusions. We can retract our legs and hide our eyes with our hair." John stated. To prove his point, I watched as his spider legs folded into his back, and he brushed his hair over his extra two pairs of eyes.
Anna copied his movements. They now looked like two normal humans.
"My wings are retractable." Angela added. I watched as her beautiful wings disappeared into her back.
How do they do this?!
"Uh, how do you guys do that?" I asked. "Duncan also did it."
"Oh, everybody has mana inside of them. With that mana they can change into a humanoid form. But since Angels and Arachnids monster forms are already fairly human, we are able to look completely human in our human forms." John explained.
"That's why Sapphire still has horns and a tail. This is her human form." John pointed out. "While the giant dragon is her monster form."
"Oh, okay." I replied. That information is useful.
"What about you Brutus?" I asked.
"I'm in my humanoid form..." Brutus sadly replied.
"Well, your human form is great." I stated, patting him on the shoulder.
"I'm in my human form!" Krystal replied. "But I can use my illusions to hide my ears and tails." Krystal's ears and tails suddenly faded out of existence, making her look like a normal human.
"And I can cover you, Brutus, Sapphire, and I!" Krystal happily answered.
"Alright. Just don't push yourself." I replied.
And so, the next morning our large group left to go visit the human world. John called Dunk, who somehow came with a larger vehicle this time.
It was a van which barely had enough seats, but it worked. Then I got to experience the amazing experience of taking the Hell Highway again.
I absolutely loved it. Loved it so much I puked. Along with a couple others. I think the only two who didn't were John and Krystal.
After we finished puking our guts out, I was eager to show them the town I had called home for all my life. We had exited back into The Webb house, the same place I entered weeks before.
"Welcome to Arcadia." I said as we exited the house.
Krystal's Illusion magic had kicked in, and we all now looked human. My arm looked normal again. Sapphire's horns and tail disappeared as well as Krystal's ears and tails.
The biggest change was Brutus. He no longer had a shark head! He was now blond with sea-green eyes. His teeth still looked extremely sharp though.
"Wow..." Krystal sighed happily. "It's so nice..."
"This air is really fresh." Brutus commented.
"Earth Realm..." Angela gasped.
"It's...been a while..." Sapphire thought aloud.
I don't know what her past with humans was, but I know it wasn't good.
"It'll be alright. I'm here, and so are the others. We have your back." I said to Sapphire.
She lightly pushed my face away. "You can't just say that...dummy..." She replied, blushing.
"Come on! Let's go!" Anna suddenly said, pulling my hand and dragging me into the town.
"Wait!" I heard Angela cry out.
And so we started our trek through the town. Me, John, and Anna all gave a tour around the town to the others.
"Woah! What is that! How are those people moving inside that box?!" Angela wondered, pressing her face up against the glass.
She was looking at a TV on display.
"That's...a television." John replied.
"Amazing..." She gasped. I swear I can see stars in her eyes...
"Well, my house is just down here." I stated.
We walked down to my house, arriving in front of it. Taking a deep breath, I went to the door and rung the doorbell. Immediately the door slammed open and I was engulfed in a hug.
"I missed you so much!" I heard my mother cry.
"Mom...air..." I gasped, trying to breathe.
"Oh! Sorry!" Mom sheepishly replied, letting go of me.
"Oh, who are these?" She asked.
"These are my friends from my new school." I replied.
"That's great! Come on in!" Mom said, opening the door wide for us.
We all entered the house. Moving to the living room I saw Dad and Lilia.
"Jack!" Lilia cried happily, latching onto me like a koala bear.
"Hey Lilia!" I replied, ruffling her hair. "Did you miss me?"
"Yeah!" She responded, snuggling into me.
"It's been a while son." Dad greeted.
"Hey Dad." I waved, before giving him a hug. It was kind of hard though with Lilia still attached to me.
"Who are these people?" Lilia suddenly asked, her grip on me tightening.
"Oh don't worry, they're my friends." I said, patting her hair.
I'm surprised I haven't heard a "Sis-con" yet.
Oh, that's because Sally is asleep.
Suddenly I felt four cold gazes on me. Crap, I just friendzoned four girls, didn't I?
"Mrs. and Mr Walker, I have something to ask you." Krystal suddenly said. Her eyes were serious.
What going on?!
"Oh, what is it?" Asked Mom. My Dad gestured for her to go on.
She suddenly bowed to them. "Please allow me to have your son's hand in marriage."
"What?!" Everybody cried out in shock.
"I also wish for your son's hand in marriage!" Anna yelled, bowing.
"Please grant me your son's hand in marriage!" Angela competed.
"I would also like...your son's...hand in marriage..." Sapphire added, bowing down while blushing up a storm.
Lilia's grip on me tightened. Calm down! Calm down!
"Oh my, I have such a naughty son, don't I?" Mom asked, gazing at me. She gave me a scary smile.
"I haven't done anything!" I desperately yelled, trying to clear up the misunderstanding.
Dad was lost in thought, before he looked over to me and gave me a thumbs up. "Good job son."
"Jack saved me from an evil man~" Krystal happily sung.
"Jack saved my life." Anna seriously responded.
Hey, since when did I do that?!
"Jack...showed me not everyone is bad." Sapphire added.
You're getting sappy now too?!
"Jack saved me from my slumber." Angela replied, just as serious as Anna.
The way you said that sounds really off...
I saw John laughing his butt off in the background while Brutus was just awkwardly standing there.
"No! You can't have him!" Yelled Lilia, still clutching my body.
It took a while for me to clear any misunderstandings my family had. Seriously, I haven't done anything.
"Son, I'm both proud and disappointed in you." My Dad stated once I had cleared up that I hadn't done anything to the girls.
"Hey! I have morals!" I retorted.
"So that's the problem..." I heard the girls mutter.
I don't like the sound of that...
My Mom meanwhile had started showing the girls the photo albums. Even Lilia had joined them. Oh, how many embarrassing pictures are in there...?
"Oh! It's a little Jack in a bunny costume!" Gasped Anna.
"Hey Jack." Sapphire called, gaining my attention.
"Yeah? What is it?" I asked.
"How come your little sister is in all of these but you aren't?" She asked.
"What?" I wondered. She handed me the photo album. Looking through the photos, I saw every single one of them had Lilia in it. Some contained Mom and Dad, but none of them had me.
Lilia. Lilia. Lilia. Lilia. Another photo of Lilia. Where was I? I'm the older sibling, so I was definitely born at this time. Maybe summer camp or something?
Then I reached the last page, and it's words changed everything I thought I knew.
"Dedicated to our first child, Lilia Walker."
"M-mom? What is this?"
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