19 - Grinding With A Demon Arm

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[Mission] - Reveal Duncan's true feelings to Krystal. Completed.


Clicking the button and claiming the mission, I gained 40 more AP.

"I can't believe you got us into this mess..." Sally sighed.

Hey! I had too!

Really, I did. Duncan is the strongest person here. If I don't stop him, who can? No other student can. And I'm not sure if there's a law preventing Madam Webb from interfering or something.

Well, this is Hell...

Anyways, I don't want to risk it.

But for me, this is an uphill battle. Actually, it's more like a cliff than a hill. A really steep cliff.

I barely beat Sapphire, and that was because she underestimated me. Duncan is arrogant, but he knows what I can do. Even if he does underestimate me, he already knows all of my abilities.

So I need something new.

Lottery time. I have to get something good.

I pulled up the [Lottery] screen. I only have one chance at this. I used 100 of my 140 AP, spinning the [Lottery] wheel.

Please. Please be something good. Or else I'm doomed.

"You got a common iron sword." Sally stated.


Can it...do anything?

"It has no special abilities." Sally clarified. She pulled up the information for the [Iron Sword].

[Iron Sword] Level 1 - An medieval European styled common sword made from iron.

I'm doomed.

No, but I have to do something! Maybe I can grind so hard I evolve a skill or something? If I lose who knows what Duncan will do to the others?!

"Host, calm down." Sally said.

How can I-?!

Okay, okay. I'll calm down.

"Thank you. Just give me a moment." Sally replied.

She then went silent, leaving me on hold.


You there?

"I got it Host..." Sally slowly said. "Check the...[Lottery] wheel..."

Checking the [Lottery] wheel I saw I had one more spin left.

Wait, what?!

"I tampered...with the System...and gave you...one...more spin..." Sally stated.

Awesome? But are you okay? You don't sound good. Like, at all.

"I'm fine...it just...sapped all my strength...I won't be able to...do this again...for a long...long time..." Sally responded.

Okay. Thank you.

I now may have a chance.

I rolled the [Lottery] once more. Please, something good. Please!

"You got...Legendary Skill...Beelzebub..." Sally stated.

Yes! Legendary! Wait...Beelzebub? Isn't that a demon or something?

"I think...I'm going...to sleep...for a little while..." Sally sleepily replied.

She then went silent.



She really fell asleep. Giving me this extra chance must have really tired her out...can AIs get tired?

Well, I hope she's okay.

Also, what's this Beelzebub? I moved out of the [Lottery] screen, now checking my [Profile]. A new skill was now listed.

[Demon Arm Beelzebub] Level 1 - A Demonic Arm that overtakes your own upon use. Holds the mysterious powers of the old Lord of Flies.

That doesn't help much...

But this will be my best chance.

Luckily I have all day to figure it out.

You see, I asked Madam Webb if I could have Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off to train for this battle, because I need all the time I can get.

Luckily Madam Webb agreed.

The match starts Friday after school, so I have about three and a half days. This is less days than when I trained for Sapphire, but should be more hours since I'm dismissed from school this time.

So, [Demon Arm Beelzebub]? Let's see what this can do.

I imagined activating the skill, and something strange happened. My arm started to tingle.

Looking at my right arm, I started to change into a more demonic looking arm. It was kind of freaky seeing my own arm change.

It turned a dark, burnt charcoal like color. There were cracks all over it, where it glowed red from. The arm was spiky, and on the back of the hand was what looked like a closed eye.

Woah...it looks cool...

But still, it's strange that it's where my arm is supposed to be. I flexed my arm, rotating it all around. No, it is my arm, despite its new and strange appearance.

I imagined it transforming back to normal. Feeling another tingle in my right arm, I opened my eyes to see my arm transform back to it's normal look.

Suddenly a screen popped in front of me.


What does merge mean?

The screen changed, now showing what "merging" would do.

(Merge) - Your arm transforms into a Demon Arm forever. Enhances the strength of your Demon Arm and unlocks new abilities.


No. I can't. If I did, I could never return back to Earth. To my home. I can't just go walking around with a demonic arm. It would threaten revealing the existence of the supernatural.

But, I have to beat Duncan...

No! I'm not going to do it!

After all, I'm supposed to meet my family this weekend. And I can't do that with a permanent Demon Arm.

Alright, so what can this thing do?

Grabbing a target, I tried to punch through it.

Oh. I definitely punched through it. It went straight through.

Okay, so enhanced strength, check.

After a while of experimenting, I determined something very important about the [Demon Arm Beelzebub].

It only has enhanced strength.

Seriously?! Come on! It's a legendary skill!

Well, I'll make do with it. If I can surprise Duncan, maybe I can get a strong hit to the head and knock him out really good.

Kind of like how I beat Sapphire.

Wait, would he expect it then? Ugh, there's too many variables!

Well, during my experimentation I was able to level up the Demon Arm once. That's a good thing.

Now, I'll do some more training. I'll get better with my [Demon Arm Beelzebub], [Deathbane Bow], and [Chains of Holy Fire].

So, practicing with my weapons for the rest of the day allowed me to level them up some more, making them stronger.

My Demon Arm leveled up once, my bow twice, my chains twice, and while using my bow my [Eagle Eye] skill also ended up leveling up.

Sweet! Made lots of progress.

Heading back to my dorm, I quickly fell asleep in my bed. It was so warm and comfy, I didn't want to get up when my alarm rang.

Groaning, I sat up. I have to train more today as well. Now it's Wednesday, and my short time is running even shorter.

Sally? You there?

All I was met with was silence. It seems she was still asleep.

Please wake up soon Sally.

I never thought I'd miss her annoying voice, but my head feels empty without it. Wait, I worded that wrong.

It feels quiet. And not in the good way. Like I'm missing something, which I am. I'm missing Sally.

Heading back to the training field, I was met with a surprise. Someone was already there!

"Sapphire? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm going to help you. I've fought against Duncan before, so I have experience." Sapphire stated.

"But you shouldn't skip school!" I exclaimed, worried.

"You're the last person that should be saying that." Replied Sapphire, sweatdropping. "Besides, this is more important. I can miss a day."

"Alright, if you say so." I sighed. "Thanks."

"No problem." Sapphire replied.

"So, what happened when you two fought?" I asked.

"I was beating him until I fell under some sort of trance. It was so hard to hit him then, and all of my moves felt sluggish. Hated it." Sapphire replied.

"And he beat you?" I asked for confirmation.

"Yep. The only other person than you." Sapphire replied. "But I only lost against him because I played bad."

I don't know, something feels off about that...

"So, what should I do?" I asked.

"You need to increase your dodging skills." Sapphire said, a red ball of fire appearing in her hand.

"Duncan's power is using his Chaos Flames to overpower his opponents. They're strong, but if you can dodge them and get close you can win." Sapphire explained.

"So, get dodging." She replied, grinning.

She then spent hours torturing-

I mean, training me by throwing fireballs at me and making me dodge. The levels on my [Freerunner] skill skyrocketed!

[Freerunner] - Level Up!

Oh, it just leveled up again! Now it's Level 9!

Sapphire made me dodge so much that I leveled up four times!

Dodging another fireball, [Freerunner] helped me make sure I didn't catch my behind on fire.

"Isn't...this...enough?!" I gasped.

I've been dodging these for at least two hours nonstop.

"Not yet! This is a test of endurance!" Sapphire grinned.

You sadist! You were supposed to be the tsundere!

She continued to throw more fireballs at me for another half an hour before finally giving me a break.

Collapsing to the floor, I was a sweating mess. I feel so terrible...

[Freerunner] - Level Up!

Oh, it leveled up to Level 10!


Wait, what's going on?


Is it talking about [Freerunner]?


Common skill [Freerunner] has evolved into uncommon skill [Danger Sense]!

What?! Really?!

I quickly maneuvered to my [Profile] to see the change.

[Danger Sense] Level 10 - A warning of incoming danger and which direction it is from can be felt.

Awesome! This will be so helpful.

Sapphire, I take it back. That was worth it.

"You okay?" Asked Sapphire, her face leaning into my vision.

"I'm fine..." I replied.

Sapphire then laid down next to me, staring at the sky.

"Hey...why did you do all of that for Krystal?" She asked, looking at me.

"Because, she's a friend." I replied.

Sapphire looked me in the eyes, before smiling.

"You are the kind to do that, aren't you?" She responded.

"I like to think so." I stated.

"It was rhetorical!" Giggled Sapphire.

Holt crap?! Sapphire can giggle?! What's going on?! I'm scared!

"Would you do that for me?" She asked.

"Of course." I immediately replied.

She looked me in the eyes, before quickly turning away...blushing?

Wait, what?!

Sally, pull up the [Affection] tab!

Wait, Sally isn't here...

While Sapphire was blushing and looking the other direction I summoned the [Monster Harem System] menu and maneuvered to the [Affection] tab.


Lilia Walker - 100 - Family

Annabeth Webb - 110 - Love

Angela Ignis - 100 - Love

Sapphire Caer - 88 - Crush

Krystal Fox - 85 - Crush

What?! They're both in the crush levels now?!


Sapphire, you were supposed to be the cool best friend! You were supposed to be the tsundere that doesn't fall!

And didn't I just take advantage of Krystal?!

Why did this happen?!

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