"There are many different kinds of monsters all throughout the Underworld." Professor Teras stated. "The most common and unique monster is the Demon."
Demons exist, huh. Well, Angels do too so I should've known...
"There are seven different sub species of Demons." Professor Teras continued. "Their different manners and abilities corresponds to the Seven Deadly Sins."
"The first is Sloth. These Demons tend to try use as least energy as possible. Due to this, they rarely show full power unless needed." He explained.
"The next is Wrath. These Demons love to fight, and are usually incredibly violent and angry." He stated. "Gluttony Demons love to eat, and have stronger bodies that allow them to digest usually not edible foods."
"Envy Demons always want what someone else has. Many of them are thieves and tricksters, though some are honest." He said. "There's the Greed Demons, which like to hoard items."
"Lust Demons are Demons that feed off of the lustful desire of others through their dreams. Also known as a Succubus, they are usually portrayed with physical lust, but they can also feed off of someone's lust for items, money, or more." He thoroughly explained.
"Finally we have Pride Demons, the most powerful Demons out there. They are incredibly confident, and our own King Lucifer is actually one of them." The Professor stated.
"I myself, am actually a Demon. I am a sloth demon, but this coffee keeps myself going." He revealed.
And that was the end of his lesson for today's class of Monster Examination.
Wow. That's very interesting! It's stuff like this that makes me like Hell High more than Midground High. We have the same stuff to learn as my old school, but there also so many more interesting things like this.
They say the world is a small world.
But two worlds is a large place.
The bell rang, signifying the end of class. Everybody got out of their seats, exiting the class. The guy next to me quickly ran out as fast as he could.
I think people have been getting scared of me. I mean, all I did was hang out with the School's "Delinquent" and beat the second strongest in the school.
Yeah, makes no sense at all.
"You are incredibly dense." Sally stated.
I was being sarcastic Sally.
"And you still wouldn't have known about Anna's love for you if the System and I didn't come along." Sally retorted.
...Well, you got me there.
Anyways, onto the next class!
Second period went by pretty fast. It was all about understanding humans and how to blend in with them. Since I was a human, it was easy.
Third period went by as we learned some good ways to fight Werebeasts, those purple Corrupteds. Hate those things...
Apparently they're weak to anything Holy, including Holy Fire. Good to know.
Usually people have to use a medium to use the Holy Fire, like me. The chain acts as my medium. Angela doesn't have to though, and that's why she was ultimately sealed away.
How sad, and strange.
I wonder why she can do that?
Fourth period was P.E., where we just did some soccer. And now it was lunch, and I was starving. Especially some I just had P.E. It drained all of my energy...
After grabbing my food, I headed to my table. John's face was planted into the table while everybody just acted as if nothing was wrong.
"What's with John?" I asked, sitting down.
"He made a stupid comment and got Anna mad." Sapphire stated.
"H-he should stop doing that. Anna always gets mad and hits him." Brutus stated.
"Well, idiots just don't learn their lesson." I replied jokingly.
"Hey! I'm not the idiot! You're the idiot!" John yelled, suddenly springing back to life.
"Oh, he's alive now. How unfortunate." Sighed Anna.
"Wow, you must have really made the comment." I stated. For Anna to say that, he must have really gotten on her nerves.
"I personally believe you all are idiots." Sapphire butted in. "Except for Brutus."
"T-thank you Sapphire..." Brutus nervously replied.
"You wound me Sapphire, you wound me..." I groaned.
It's the week after our match, and Sapphire has gotten fairly comfortable with everybody at the table. She really was now part of the group.
And every once in a while Krystal stops by, but she is the most popular girl. There are tons of people vying to get her attention, romantically or otherwise.
Though I've never seen her boyfriend, the actual target of her affection. I wonder who it is.
Lunch quickly went by as we chatted away, cracking jokes and overall having a good time. Lunch is the best period, hands down. Especially since I can get fruit snacks. I love fruit snacks.
My next period was Math. Even though this may be a school for Monsters, we're still teenagers, so we still need to end up learning the essentials.
Next period was History. While this may seem boring at first thought, we were in the Underworld. This meant History here was quite different than on Earth.
"Today, we'll be talking about the geography of the Underworld. It's the MOST important thing you'll need to know from this class." The professor stated.
If students weren't paying attention before...they most definitely aren't paying attention now. I am though!
"The Underworld is comprised of three regions. The Volcanic Plains, The Ocean, and The Desert." He continued.
"We are in the Hell Kingdom, which rules over all of The Volcanic Plains. The Ocean is ruled by the Aquator Kingdom. The Desert doesn't have a single ruler, but is rather a bunch of small towns and scavengers." He explained.
The rest of the class soon continued on like that. The Underworld was much larger than I thought...
Once that class ended, I had Fight Class.
Fight Class? Isn't that just the same as Corrupted Fight Class?
No! It isn't!
Corrupted Fight Class is learning how to fight against Corrupted, a mysterious cluster of beasts that is the biggest threat to the Underworld.
Seriously, if you step one foot outside of a populated area into the wilderness, you're going to run into many of the Corrupted.
Fight Class was learning how to go against other Monsters, because there were a lot of bad people in Hell. How fitting...
Anyways, it was a class where you would be taught about how to fight. You also could end up sparring against your classmates, if the day is a spar day.
"Today is a spar day!" The teacher stated. "I'll pick two sticks, and whoever gets them will spar until I end the match."
And today is a spar day...
"Duncan Diabolos and Andrew Chuck!" The teacher said, pulling out the sticks.
"He's going against Duncan? I feel so bad!" I heard someone whisper.
"I know! Duncan's the strongest in the school! Nobody can beat him!" The other person whispered.
Duncan stood up and-
Wait! He's Duncan?!
It was that jerk from the hallway who threatened me because I bumped into him. Seriously, he needs to take a chill pill.
Anyways, he's Duncan?!
Looking at him closer, he looked pretty elegant compared to when he threatened me. He had curly black hair with two crooked horns, and ruby red eyes. But I could see the condescending sneering in those eyes.
Maybe it was because I knew how he really was, since we had that encounter. It seemed everybody else didn't. He was strong, and popular.
"He's so handsome!" Someone gossiped.
"He's really nice too!" The other person said.
"No wonder he's the most popular student in school!" Another added.
Nice, yeah right. He's not nice. He's a liar.
"Do you think the human could beat him?" Someone asked.
I saw Duncan's facade split for a second, before it went back to his regal, kind mask. He walked down to the lockers, getting his equipment ready.
I think he's the first guy I've actually disliked in my life.
"No way! He's a Demon of Pride, you know!" The other person responded.
"I'm going to die..." Muttered a boy sadly.
Ah, that's most likely Andrew.
He picked himself up, before walking to the lockers to get ready. As the two of them came out, Andrew was shaking.
Did Duncan do something to him..?
I mean, his threats are pretty intimidating.
My fists clenched. This guy really irritates me...
The two entered the arena, staring each other down. Despite going to the locker, Duncan hadn't changed at all, still in his casual clothes.
Andrew was in a fighting outfit with light armor. He held a medieval European styled sword, pointing it towards Duncan, shaking.
Duncan just grinned maliciously. Holding his hand out, it suddenly burst into a purple flame. He held the flame uncaringly, pointing it at Andrew.
"Go!" Yelled the professor.
Duncan immediately shot his blast of fire at Andrew. Andrew tried to cut it in half, but missed and was blasted with the fire, crumpling down.
"Stop!" The Professor yelled, stopping the match.
"That's Duncan! He took him out in one blow!" Someone said.
"It didn't even take him five seconds!" The other one gasped.
I saw something though.
Andrew could have easily sliced that fire in half, or dodged. Even with his obvious fear from the shaking.
But he didn't.
Duncan, what did you do...?
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