Day 1 of Training - [Deathbane Bow] and [Eagle Eye]
Finally school had ended for the day, and I could start my training.
I held the [Deathbane Bow] in my hands, examining it. It was a slick, black bow with the design of a skull on the handle.
It looks so cool!
I was currently in a training field that Madam Webb had set up for me, because I need all the help I can get.
Thank you Headmaster!
I looked at the target in front of me. It was ten feet away. This shouldn't be so hard.
A took an arrow, placing it into the bow string. I followed the correct movements, pulling the string to right front of my nose. I took a deep breath, releasing it as I let go of the string.
The arrow went flying towards the target. It's looking good!
Never mind. The arrow hit near the bottom. Wasn't even close to where I was aiming. Which was, of course, the bullseye.
Looks like I need more practice. And a lot of it.
I continued to practice shooting the arrows. I quickly got better, but that was probably because it was only ten feet away.
Alright, let's try twenty feet.
I walked backwards, making sure I was the correct distance away. Pulling the string back, I aimed towards the target.
Oh my god, I suck. I didn't even hit the target. I hit the ground in front of it...
Well, this is why I'm practicing.
Narrowing my eyes, I put the arrow back onto the string. I pulled it back.
Deep breath in, deep breath out.
The arrow went flying, heading straight towards the target. It stabbed straight into the bullseye.
[Deathbane Bow] - Level Up! - Unlocked "bow deals more damage"
Oh! It leveled up? So this makes it stronger?
"Yes Host." Sally confirmed.
I see. This is good. Time to keep grinding!
I kept shooting the bow, over and over again for hours, progressively moving farther away, increasing the distance and making it harder.
By the time I finished, I was drenched in sweat, my arms were heavy, and my stomach was rumbling.
I need some more fruit snacks...
"Sally, pull up the [Profile]." I requested, panting.
"On it Host." She replied, pulling up my [Profile] screen.
Name: Jackson Walker
Race: Human
AP: 0
Charm: Level 1
Strength: Level 2
Wisdom: Level 1
Agility: Level 1
[Freerunner] Level 2 - A small urge in the back of your head helps guide you.
[Hollow Wanderer] Level 1 - You can access the mysterious Hollow Realm through special portals.
[Chains of Holy Fire] Level 1 - You can summon and control chains infused with Holy Fire.
[Eagle Eye] Level 3 - You can see farther and clearer.
In one day I was able to level up my [Eagle Eye] skill twice and level up my Strength Stat once.
"Sally, pull up my inventory." I requested.
She pulled up the [Inventory], allowing me to see my [Deathbane Bow].
[Deathbane Bow] Level 3 - A Bow made from the bones of a Grim Reaper.
I also leveled up the bow once, making it slightly stronger than before.
This is good. Now I'm going to go rest, my arms are killing me...
Day 2 of Training - [Chains of Holy Fire]
"So, how do you use your Holy Fire?" I asked Angela.
I was back onto the the training field, but this time I had brought Angela with me. She could control her Holy Flames, so some insight from her might better my own control.
I had only lit the chains on fire once, and that was only to see if it was possible. Even when I murdered the Corrupted, I didn't use the fire.
So I have no idea how well I can control it.
"Well, you have to make it bend to your will." Angela stated.
I looked at her, confused. "But it's not alive."
"It's not." She confirmed. "But you have to be strong in order to control it. Then you make it bend to your will, and do what you want it to."
" strong and use my imagination...?" I asked uncertainly.
"Yes! You understood quickly. Just what I would expect from you Jack!" Angela happily responded.
Angela, you seriously have too much faith in me. Couldn't you hear the uncertainty in my voice?
"Alright..." I muttered. "Let's do this."
I called the [Chains of Holy Fire], causing them to appear around my right arm.
Alright. Holy Fire, appear.
The white fire suddenly burned to life on the chain, flaring rapidly. It blazed wildly, trying to burn anything.
Stop. Calm down.
Stop. Calm down.
The flames can't hurt you this time.
Deep breath in, deep breath out.
Flames, calm down.
Flames, calm down.
Stop! Stop now!
The flames died down, burning at a much more manageable level than before. Sweat dripped down my face from the strain. It was a lot harder than I imagined.
"You did it!" Angela cheered.
[Chains of Holy Fire] - Level Up! - Unlocked "control over the flames".
Oh, so now I can control the flames. Hmm...
I wonder what I can do with them?
"Angela. How do you use your flames to fight?" I asked her.
"I usually just coat my fists with them, but sometimes I launch a blast of fire from them." Angela stated. "And sometimes I coat other parts, like my legs or wings." She quickly added.
Hmm. Flaming chain whip? Would that work?
I looked at one of the targets. This one was different from yesterday's. Instead of an archery target, it was one of those wooden people target stands.
I swung my flaming chain at the target, hitting it and setting it on fire as it fell onto the ground. The fire burned, turning the target to ash.
"Does it do that to humans...?" I shakily asked, pointing my finger at the target.
"No, it only burns them. More effective if it is a demon or another creature weak to Holy items." Angela said, clearing my worries.
Well, that's good. But it's too bad Dragons aren't weak to Holy Fire. That would make this fight easier. At least, I don't think they are...
How will I attack her if she goes into Dragon form? I can use the bow, but would that work...?
I wonder, how far I can swing this chain?
I swung it once more at a target farther away. It seemed to come out of my arm, even though there was nowhere for it to come from. Is this what the skill meant by "summoning the chains"?
[Chains of Holy Fire] - Level Up! - Unlocked "control of chain length".
Day 3 of Training - [Freerunner]
You can probably guess what I did to upgrade my [Freerunner] skill.
If you guessed I ran, then you're correct!
I ran, and kept following the suggestions of the [Freerunner] skill. It gives you a little nagging feeling of which way you should go.
It could be helpful in the fight against Sapphire. After all, common skills are more useful than you would think.
After hours of running, I had leveled up my [Freerunner] skill twice to Level 4, increasing the usefulness of the skill.
All the running also increased my Agility Stat, allowing it to also level up twice, now at Level 3.
Day 4 of Training - Strength Stat
I didn't work on any skills for today. Today's purpose is purely to make me stronger. I need to be stronger if I want to face a freaking Dragon.
Hell High had a weights room that I was able to use. There were many others there, also working on improving themselves.
I was definitely the most scrawny out of all of them. I have noddle arms and no muscle at all. My pride...
I worked out for hours, until my arms hurt so much I could barely move them. I don't know if that's okay, but I did it anyway.
It ended up with me leveling up my Strength Stat by one, making it a Level 3. I already feel stronger.
And sore. Oh so very sore.
Final Day of Training - Research
Half the battle is knowing your opponent.
Someone important said that one time and I forgot who, but I'm sticking by the quote.
So after school ended I scoured the library, searching for any sort of book on Dragons. But there was a problem.
The library was huge!
Ask the librarian!
"Um, do you have any nonfiction books about Dragons...?" I asked the librarian. She was an older woman, probably about the age of my grandma. She manned the desk, checking out any books that people wanted to borrow.
"Oh, yes I do. Follow me." She said.
I followed her as she moved through the maze that was the library. She suddenly stopped, taking a book off of the shelf.
Handing it to me, I read the title.
"An Analysis of The Mythical Dragon."
"Thank you. This looks perfect." I said, smiling.
"No problem. Just let me check it out for you." She replied.
We walked back to the desk, where she checked out the book for me. Now it was time to study.
It would be smart to study somewhere quiet.
So I studied in the library. Obviously. Where else would I?
I opened the book, and started to read through it's contents.
"Dragons are an extremely old race, one said to be here since the beginning of time. From records, it seems the Dragons were similar to the long gone Angels, as both races are prideful and won't bow down to anyone else." I read.
"This is where the similarities between the two races end. While the Angels were eradicated, the Dragons have lived on to today. But they are extremely rare, and not many are seen around nowadays. It is believed that there used to be tons of them, long ago, before even the creation of the Angels."
I continued through the book.
"Over time, Dragons have learned how to give themselves a Semi-human form, making them look exactly like a human except for they keep their horns and tail, but they have shrunk. The Dragon can also revert certain parts of their body back to Dragon form, while mostly keeping the Human form. They also still have complete access to their Dragon form, allowing them to also be in their original form. The Dragon can live in either the Human or Original form."
"The Dragon's original form is, to put it simply, mythological flying reptiles. As time has moved on, Dragons have split into many different paths, creating all different kinds of subspecies."
What kind is Sapphire?
"The subspecies of a Dragon can be determined through the color of their scales. Every different subspecies has a different colored scales. Red scales mean they are a Fire Dragon, but if they are Dark Red scales, then the Dragon is actually a Lava Dragon."
The book then stated every different type of known Dragon with their respective scale colors. All right, I'm looking for light blue colored scales...
Dark blue is a Water Dragon, not what I'm looking for...
Light blue! Aha! Here it is!
They're extinct...?
They were hunted because of their extreme power..?
But the colors match...
Sapphire is one of them.
Does she know..?
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