Meeting Yuji Itadori

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About seven months had passed since the battle against Geto. With the death of the man, the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons had ended, and Geto's group was disbanded.

Upon seeing Yuta use Reverse Cursed Technique to heal their friends during the fight against Geto, Izuku decided to ask their school nurse, Shoko Ieiri into taking him under her wing in teaching him the technique since he heard that she was the best user of Reverse Cursed Technique.

However, even when the woman had warned him that it would difficult to learn the technique, Izuku assured her that he didn't care, and he didn't mind the challenge, making her surprised before she gratuitously accepted him.

Throughout the six month, Izuku had made extraordinary progress in gaining mastery over the techniques of the Sixth, Third, Second, and First Sorcerers.

In January, Izuku watched as his teacher had sent Yuta off to Africa where he would be training under Miguel, who was tasked by Gojo to help the boy in learning the skills he knew at his homeland.

Though, before he had left to Africa, Gojo had introduced them to someone that would be joining their school later as their underclassmen: Megumi Fushiguro.

After Maki's birthday, Izuku had gotten control over En's cursed technique, called Smokescreen. It allows him to cover a vast area in a thick cloud of smoke. Not only that, but like Banjo's technique, it grants the boy a Shikigami made out of smoke, and it also had the ability to use different types of gases that were in its smoke.

He had also gotten used to Nana's Float, and got creative with the Shikigami from Banjo's cursed technique.

In February, he had gotten control on Bruce's Cursed Energy Boost technique, which allows him to turn the kinetic energy that was created by his movements and stored in his body turn into backup cursed energy for either a boost in energy or release it for explosive power.

In March, he had managed to finally understand Yoichi's cursed technique called Transfer. Basically, it was a combination between Yuta's Copy and Yhwach from Bleach, who had the ability to take back the power he had given to his subordinates.

The cursed techniques that he has copied right now were Inumaki's Cursed Speech and Nanami's Raito, which he copied after being introduced to the man by Gojo.

During April to May, Izuku had created his own Domain Expansion, though it was rendered incomplete due to needing Kudo's cursed technique to be in there.

And lastly during June to July, the boy had made progress in getting a hold on Kudo's Ten Shadows Technique, with in the beginning the boy has received the Divine Dogs, and later tamed Nue, Orochi, Toad, Max Elephant, and Rabbit Escape.

Round Deer, Piercing Ox, Tiger Funeral, and the tenth and last Shikigami—the Divine General Mahoraga weren't tamed yet, with the last one being told to Izuku by Kudo that Mahoraga was impossible to be tamed. Only way that the Divine General could be tamed were to be put against someone strong enough to exorcise him by bypassing its ability of adaption or he could try and do it himself.

Recently, in the present day, they had heard of how one of the first years had been killed on a first mission together, so they were heading over to check on Megumi and his other first year classmate, Nobara Kugisaki.

"He told us to live a long life... What use is he to us if he's dead?" Nobara asked while sitting down on the stairs next to Megumi. "Hey... Is this the first time a friend of yours has died?"

"A classmate, yeah..." He admitted.

"Really? But you seem fine."

"Looks who's talking."

"Obviously, I've only known him for two weeks. I'm not the kind of girl who cries over a guy like that."

However, when Megumi looked at her, he saw Nobara's lips were moving, signaling that she was in grief of losing a friend.

"Man, it's hot!" She complained, wanting to switch the topic of conversation. "Yeah... I wonder when we'll get our summer uniforms."

"Sheesh... You're more moody than usual, Megumi." A voice said as they looked up to see Maki coming towards them, holding her bag that contained her cursed tool. "What is this, a funeral?"


"Don't you dare call me by my last—"

"Maki. Maki!" A voice whisper shouted to her, as she turned to see Panda and Inumaki hiding behind a tree. "He really did die. It happened yesterday! A first year boy!"

"Bonito flakes." Inumaki commented.

"Well, aren't you a little late to tell me that?!" Maki exclaimed before pointing at them. "Now I look like a cold-hearted demon!"

"Well, you pretty much are!" Panda retorted.

"Tuna mayo."

"Who are those people?" Nobara asked, being a little weirded out by their interaction.

"Our school's upperclassmen." Megumi answered before introducing them to her. "That's Zen'in-senpai. Out of all the students here, nobody's a better cursed tool user than her."

"Is taking it easy on them really kindness?" Maki asked back to her friends while being a little embarrassed.

"This is Inumaki-senpai. He's a Cursed Speech user. The only words he says are rice-ball ingredients."

"Salted salmon roe!" Inumaki replied.

"And lastly, there's Panda-senpai."

"But when she's with Izuku, she's kind of nice." Panda muttered while recalling the sight of the two students with a light blush. "They're almost like love birds... Even Eri called them her Mama and Papa!"

"H-Huh?! What are you saying?! I'll kill you!" She shouted in embarrassment with a red hue on her face.

"Cold-hearted may be what you were seen as..." A voice said as everyone looked to see Izuku coming towards them. "But you really did care for people, Maki."

The girl became not so embarrassed anymore as Nobara was taken back by his appearance.

"Uh... who's this guy?" She asked, being a bit taken back by his looks. "That's Midoriya-senpai. He's the vessel of the eight ancient sorcerers, similar to how Itadori was Sukuna's vessel. Out of all students here, he and Okkotsu-senpai have the most potential."


"He's another second year, and is current abroad. He and Midoriya-senpai are the only ones who I can sincerely respect."

"You gonna elaborate on Panda? Or is he just, you know, a panda?"

"Sorry about this... Especially during this sad time. Forgive us." Panda said while putting his paws together.

"But we want you guys to participate in the Kyoto Sister-School Goodwil Event." Izuku asked.

"Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event?" Nobara questioned in confusion.

"It's a goodwill event with the other Jujutsu High in Kyoto." Megumi answered before turning to his senpais. "But isn't it usually second and third-years who participate?"

"Third year Hakari Kinji got suspended due to fighting with the higher ups last year." Izuku repleid. "We don't have enough people, so you guys are in."

"What do we do in the event? Smash Bros.? I'm good at the Wii version. Meteor smash all the way." Nobara stated.

"Actually, maybe the four of us is fine." Panda noted. "Tokyo High. Kyoto High. Over the course of two days... each principal chooses an event for the day. But that's oversimplifying it. Every year follows the same pattern—the first day is team event and the second day is the individual event."


"Individual and team events... against other Jujutsu Sorcerers?!" Nobara exclaimed in shock.

"Yup! A jujutsu battle where 'no killing' is the only rule." Maki answered with a grin.

"We'll make sure to get you guys in tip-top shape so you don't die."

"Hm? Do we have the time?" The orange haired girl asked. "We're low on Jujutsu Sorcerers, right?"

"Good question! Right now, people's depression during the winter and spring season manifests as cursed in huge quantities during the summer. It's the busy season, so to speak." Panda elaborated while imagining four women in bikinis holding up signs that said the reasons on what causes people's depression. Classic perverted Panda.

"There are times when it's busy all year. It's probably gonna calm down a little though." Izuku commented.


"So? You're in right?" Maki asked. "Do it for your fallen friend!" Panda encouraged.

The two looked at each other before nodding. "We're in!" In their mind, the image of their fallen friend flashed for a moment. "I will... become stronger./ I'll do anything it takes."

"But if I think both the training and event are pointless, I'm out." Nobara stated.


"Heh... It should be fun putting you guys in your places." Maki said with a grin.

"Bonito flakes."

Meanwhile, in the city of Sendai, a somehow survived Suguru Geto walked through the streets before stopping at the traffic lights.

However, the strange thing about him was that he had stitches across his forehead.

As a bunch of cars passed by, three cursed spirits appeared behind him.

The first one that was next to him had the head shaped like a mountain, almost like Mt. Fuji, but it was a volcano. He had pale gray skin but the top of his head faded into a brown color where the volcanic opening was. He had a single cycloptic eye, two openings on the sides of his head that served as ears, though they were plugged, and black teeth.

The curse wore an all-black outfit that consisted of a loose shirt with quarter-length sleeves with matching pants and shoes. He wore his signature yellow spotted cape over that along with a white scarf. The cursed spirit also had a cane.

The second cursed next to them is a large tan cursed spirit with black lines running across their entire body. It has a helmet like head that doesn't cover their teeth, branches for where the eyes are supposed to be, and two black lines that zig zag down their face. Underneath the cloth that Hanami wears, Its left arm is entirely black but the fingers are white while their right fingers are black. The curse also has a larger flower on their left shoulder.

This cursed spirit wears black baggy pants that is held up with a white sash, and a white cloth that covers their left arm.

Lastly, the cursed next to the flower curse was a cursed that was still in its curse womb form. It had an appearance similar to an aquatic animal like an octopus. He's bright red with a circular-shaped head, big round eyes, and striped tentacles around his mouth opening. It had two muscular arms with four fingers and a caterpillar-like body. He normally covered himself with a white cloth draped over his head and back.

"Well, tell me." The volcano cursed spirit spoke to the man. "Was it necessary to use a precious finger just to get that information about Sukuna's power?"

"We can't take half measures with this." The man answers calmly. "We got some valuable information."

"Hmph! I hope that's not an excuse." The volcano curse said while the octopus curse muttered "Puff, puff!" and the forest curse began to speak, but it was in backwards, which instantly pisses off the volcano head curse.

"Shut up, you! I can't understand what you're saying, but I can heard the meaning in my head! It's creepy!"

Soon, the group walked into a restaurant, where a waitress walked towards Geto, unaware of the curses next to him.

"Welcome! Party of one?"

"Yes. Only one."

Soon, they sat down at a table. "So, your boss wants to reverse the roles of curses and humans in this world. Is that right?" Geto asked the volcano cursed spirit.

"Not. Quite." He answered with a tone of frustration. "Humans are made of lies. There's always a flip side to the positive emotions they show. But negative emotions, such as hatred and killing intent... Those are pure truths. Curses born from such truths are..."

His volcano bubbled due to reacting to his emotions. "...the purest form! We're the true humans! The fake ones should just be burned away!"

"But the reality is... you'll be the ones who disappear."

"That's why we're asking for help defeating the Jujutsu Sorcerers."

"Before the war, you'll need to meet two conditions to win." Geto said as he held up two fingers. "First, immobilize Satoru Gojo and remove him from the fight. Second, make an ally of Ryomen Sukuna and Yuji Itadori."

"Isn't Yuji Itadori... dead because of what happened?" The curse asked, only making the man smile in response.

"Don't be so sure about that." He said before resuming the conversation.

"Satoru Gojo. So even if we work together, we wouldn't be able to kill him?"

"You might be able to run away. Worst case, he'd exorcise you all. Instead of trying to kill him, focus on sealing him."

"Sealing? How?"

"We used the special grade curse item... the Prison Realm."

"I will be flaking out on my job." A man thought as he looked at Geto, having a weird feeling in his stomach. "I've always been the responsible type. Most of my pay goes toward saving up to help send my four younger sisters-in-law to collage. Even a man like... can't deny this primal sense of fear. If I get close to that table, I'll die!"

"Prison Realm...?" The curse asked as his head bubbled due to the excitement he was feeling. "You have it?! That taboo object?!"

"Calm down, Jogo. It's getting hot in here." The man said to the curse, named Jogo.

"Table five isn't ordering anything." The manager of the place said while standing next to one of his employees.

"He's hogging a table to himself." The female employee muttered.

"Someone go and hurry him up."

"Sorry, boss... I quit." The man said before rushing out the door, surprising his boss.

"Huh? What?! Hey! Wait a second!"

"Want me to go?" The female employee asked.

"It's fine." The manager replied before walking to the table. However, as he did, he noticed how hot it was getting, making him fan himself. "Huh? Is the A.C. working?"

He composed himself when walking up to Geto. "Sir, are you ready to or... der?" In a flash, his body suddenly combusted into flames, making the woman scream as she watched her boss die a firey death.

"I'd rather you not cause a commotion."

"How about this?" Jogo replied with a grin as he moved his fingers like a match stick, causing the rest of the customers and employees to combust into flames.

The female employees fell to her knees and began to crawl towards the exit. "Help me—" When she managed to make it to the door, it was too late as she, too, was burnt to death.

"Good thing I didn't choose an expensive restaurant." Geto said while coughing from the smoke.

"Geto. How strong am I in term of Sukuna fingers?"

"Being generous, I'd say about eight or nine."

"That's plenty! Give me the Prison Realm! I'll add it to the collection! In exchange... I'll kill Satoru Gojo!" Jogo said with a confident grin.

Meanwhile, somewhere else...

"By the time we got to the scene... your son was already dead." Megumi said as he spoke to one of mothers of the prisoners from the detention center.

"To be honest, I wasn't sure about saving people in that facility. But my friends thought otherwise. We weren't able to save him. Even after we confirmed his death, they tried to bring back his body."

Megumi's mind flashes back to the time where he lands back at the main entrance of the detention center, and when he notices the dead body of the man, he ripped off his name tag.

"Unfortunately, the body disintegrated along with the special grade's innate domain." He thought before pulling out the name tag, which was in a zip log bag. "I managed... to get this."

He handed it over to the mother, who looked to see that her son's name was on the name tag. Megumi bowed in front of her.

"I'm sorry we couldn't save Tadashi's life."

"Please don't apologize." The mother of Tadashi said as she slowly began to cry. "I'm the only one... sniff... who will grieve for him."

Megumi exits from her apartment and made his way back to Jujutsu High, where he saw Panda chasing down Nobara, who was having a hard time running.

"You're late, Megumi!" Maki shouted as she and Toge noticed their koudai coming towards them. "Kelp."

"Where were you?"

"Does it matter?" He replied. "Zen'in-senpai... As a Jujutsu Sorcerer, what kind of people do you want to save?"

"Huh? I don't think it about it."

"I wasted my time asking." He mumbled under his breath, but Maki heard it.


"Fushiguro!" Nobara screamed to the boy as Panda was currently swinging her around. "What're you doing, conducting an interview over there?! Trade places with me! This school uniform is a pain. I'm gonna go buy a cute tracksuit."

"What are those two doing?" Panda asked as he tossed the girl, causing her to scream. "You guys are weak in close combat."

"First, try and win against me. Then we'll talk." Maki said as she swung her staff around.

Megumi nodded his head before noticing something. "Hey... Where did Midoriya-senpai go?"

"Izuku? He said he got called by that blindfolded idiot, who needed his help with something."

Meanwhile, in the underground of the school...

"Yuji, you're better than most when it comes to close combat... but right now, you've got to learn how to control cursed energy. And a bit of Jujutsu."

He then noticed his student's excited expression. "What's up?"

"It's just that if I'm gonna learn, I'm glad it's from you, Gojo-sensei. I'm weak and couldn't help anyone. I even almost got Fushiguro killed. I can't see them yet, not the way I am now. I want to become strong. Please teach me how to become the strongest! You're the one who dubbed yourself the strongest!"

"Heh heh... You'be got a good eye." The man said with a grin before turning to a table that had two cans. "Please pay attention to the cans over there, thank you."

In an instant, the can on the left got twisted while the one on the right got blasted around. "Whoa!"

"The one on the right is an example of with cursed energy. The other is with a cursed technique."

"Right. I don't get it." Yuji admitted with an expression of confusion.

"Okay, let's see... Think of cursed energy as electricity, and cursed technique as electronics. It's different to use electricity by itself, right? So you use electricity to power electronics.

This way you can gain a variety of uses. I just hit this with cursed energy. As for this, cursed energy flowed in a technique, to activate it. Then I used Jujutsu to twist the can."

"Ah! That means I'm gonna learn a badass cursed technique!"

"Nope. You're unable to use Jujutsu, Yuji." His sensei answered. "Other than simple Shikigami or barriers, the ability to use cursed techniques is intrinsic. So a Jujutsu Sorcerer's skill set is about 80 percent innate talent."

Hearing this, Yuji felt to the floor in disappointment. "You okay?"

"Ahh... I thought could pull off a Dodon Ray, Bankai, Spirit Gun or Rasengan... or maybe a power bomb. Ah... I'm done for."

"You can still do a power bomb. You a wrestler?" Gojo asked. "You're unable to use it now. In due time, your body will learn Sukuna's cursed technique!"

"Forget about that for now. Let's focus on improving your strengths. We'll apply cursed energy to your physical attacks! Rather than some half-assed cursed technique, I'm more wary of savage attacks. Like I said before, you're awesome in physical fights."

His words make Yuji snap out of his disappointment.

"Hold on! I already know how to do that' that time, I kind of... got it."

"Then do it.

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