When I woke up the next day I was in bliss. Tin was still fast asleep and he even slept proper like royalty. I took this time to look at my amazingly gorgeous boyfriend. I still can't believe that he fell for me. But hey! I am cute so makes sense.
I slid out of my bed carefully so as to not wake him up. As I walked into the kitchen I spotted Khun Tul. I ignored him.
"Good morning Can." He greeted me to which I threw him a curt nod.
"I was just making breakfast for all of us." He tried again to which I nod again. He was making sandwiches that looked pretty appealing just by the spread he was using. I move towards the refrigerator trying to find some milk.
"Did Tin tell you something?" Tul asked curiously to which I nod again while he waited obviously waiting for me to continue. I didn't.
"Can, what's the problem?"
I just shrug at him and proceed to make Tin his morning tea.
"Can, please-"
"You, you are the problem Tul Medthanan. How could you do that to P'Hin? He didn't even tell me everything and I am still upset. And now you come waltzing back in like nothing happened! I forgave you for everything you did to Tin. Not that you or anyone asked for my forgiveness but still he's my boyfriend so yeah I can grant you forgiveness. But P'Hin-" My breathless rant was cut short by an excited Khun Tul.
"Boyfriends? You guys are dating?!" He looked genuinely happy.
"Yes and thank you but that's beside my point." I tell him but that does nothing to deter his smile.
"It's great that me and Tin both sorted our love lives in one night."
"Is that the only thing you got from my rant?" I muttered scandalized that he was so transfixed on me dating Tin more than the pressing questions I had.
His expression dimmed a bit.
"I am sorry, I was just happy. Can, I have been a horrible person and I have absolutely no excuses for that. But I believe I have changed now and I know what to prioritize. It's my Hin and Phu. I am also extremely sorry about what I did to Tin. I have told him and I'll tell you too, I just want you to be happy and I wish I can be a part of that. I am ready to make amends for what I did in past."
I nod at that.
"As your first amend can you give your sandwich to me?" I ask him innocently which he guffaws and pushes the sandwich towards me.
"All yours."
I take it and immediately bite into the good looking food.
"Mmm, perfect."
"Thank you."
Then he continues to make his sandwiches while I make my tea talking about random stuff.
"What about Wadee?" I ask him suddenly remembering my best friend.
"Well, we did talk about getting a divorce long back but I'll talk to her again to make sure we are on the same page. I hope she demands a high alimony in court so that she can start that jewellery buisness."
"Wait, you know about that?" I ask perplexed. It was Wadee's long term plan which not even her parents knew about.
"Yes, I was a bad husband but I am not a robot. I can see stuff like her research about this and her sudden stubbornness to pursue an MBA. I even left a signed blank check one day with a note that said 'do what you want with it'. And she naively chose to give it to my stepmother who encouraged her to shop with it. Can you imagine my frustration when that happened?" Khun Tul asked in disbelief.
"Yes, I can. You could have just told her what you meant that check for. Your wife wasn't gonna assume a blank check to be your investment for their dream buisness.." I chided him with a laugh. My tea was done and he handed me a few sandwiches for Tin and I.
"Can?" He called to me as I left.
"What are you guys planning to do?" Khun Tul asked me.
"We are planning to rebuild our lives so that we can be the main characters." I tell him before I walk away.
Tin was still sleeping peacefully. I quietly placed the tray on the bed side and tried to wake him up by yelling into his ear but when I went close to him he wrestled me onto the bed abruptly.
He gave me a playful grin and began wrestling with me. Tin pushed me down onto my stomach and began swatting my backside with his hand. I laughed at first because he wasn't smacking me too hard, just hard enough to sting.
But after a flurry of light swats, he whacks me with that and I jump out of my skin. I backed up on my hands and knees and scrambled away from him.
"Don't tell me you get off to spanking." I teased him playfully.
"No, I just get off to you." Ah shit, there we go again with the flirting.
He scooted forward, taking my hands in his. He locked his gaze on me and gave me a wild look. He pushed me forward even further and kissed me. We hugged and rubbed our hands over each other's bodies. Our cocks pushed against each other, each one growing in delight. He took off his pants, and I took off mine.
Our breathing became more rapid. I kissed up and down the side of his neck, squeezing his body against mine. I could feel him rubbing his hands up and down my ass. Our bodies began to heat up, and I noticed a small amount of sweat forming. I moved my hands down to stroke his penis, and he took a sharp breath in, tensing his body. I was about to give him a handjob when I heard
"wait, let me adjust."
"Are you alright?"
"More than alright." He responded with a smile. We were sweating and breathing so heavily that I couldn't hear or feel anything else other than us.
He straddled me as I lay on my back. I took his organ in my hands and began working on him. I stroked him, keeping his foreskin back and caressing his exposed head. I teased the very tip of his penis with my thumb. His breathing became more rapid.
His stomach began to clench. He was perspiring even more. And I, too, felt sexual anticipation as I waited for the dramatic moment. I kept an eye on his cock's eye, waiting for the eruption that was about to happen. It all started with a growl. His eyes were closed. His expression became a little grimaced. There was then a grunt and a thrust. A long white jet of fluid squirted from his cock and splashed in a line across my chest and stomach.
"I want to wake up like this everyday." He declared breathlessly and I couldn't help but agree as he relieved me.
Shit, how long has it been since an update π¬ sorry but here you go.
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