Flying back

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I don't know what I wrote on my answer sheet. I have been trying to recollect but I don't remember shit. The entire exam went in a blur like my hands were writing of their own volition. Wadee was still telling me stuff about the paper and everything felt foreign to me. Maybe Lay is right, I am too stressed for my good.

Tin said he wanted me to move in cause it would help in reducing the workload. But God was he wrong! I am on leave as a call center manager even then my body hurts and my three brain cells are still on a vacation.

"There is a meeting today. Even my father-in-law is attending because it's with this scary rich woman. When did Tin say he was gonna land?" Wadee asks me snapping me out of my trance.
"He just said he'll come here today," I respond. I might sound casual but I know that is what kept me going. It's been a horrible ten days and even if Tin pulled out time every day to call me, I still missed him.

Wadee nods at my answer.
"Well, guess I'll get going. Wouldn't wanna be late for Ms Kirakorn. See you tonight then." That surname abruptly catches me off guard. But before I can question Wadee is gone. I take the bus to the stop near Medthanan Mansion and find myself a seat.

Well, it's not like my long lost mother is the only person in the world with that surname. Also, why would my mother be a rich woman? I mean she is probably out there enjoying her peaceful life. I hope that.

But it still brought out memories I didn't want to think about. I still don't know why my mother left us. I remember her vaguely, she was with us until Lay was six and then one day my father told me and my sister that our mother left and god is all we have.

As a kid, I was terrified of my dad and his religious punishments so I didn't question much. And when I questioned him as an adult, I didn't get many answers. Just vague stuff about her not understanding her duties as a wife and a mother.

Anyway, to be brutally honest, I understand why she would leave my father. I have no problem with God and I believe in him. What I am against is the notion that everything has to go according to a book which we don't even know God approved in the first place.

My dad took everything to the extreme and did not understand the concept of evolving with time.
I did try to search for her on my own and failed badly. How could I? I barely had the resources and the only thing I knew about her was her name. Suya Kirakorn.

Even Google didn't show up any results.

Before I knew it I had reached my stop and I started walking towards the Mansion of my doom. As soon as I step in I immediately notice the chaos in the usually calm house. There was a very handsome and confused man standing in the middle of it.

"What happened?" I ask Mary who very frantically explains to me that Khun Tul had misplaced a pen drive which is very important for the meeting that is to be in an hour.

Oh, Khun Tul and I had done the final touches to a presentation just last night. Could it be that he left it in my room? I rush to check and I find it almost instantly.
"I found it!" I announce loudly only to be ordered by Khun Razaa to immediately deliver it to the main office.

"Khun I don't know where that is. I have never actually been there." I tell her and she turn to look at the handsome man from earlier.

"You what's your name?" She asks him quite aggressively.
"Hin mam." He tells her just as respectfully.
"Drop Cantaloupe to your boss." Khun Razaa orders him and walks away.

He looks at me awkwardly and dangles a key in front of my face.

"It's a bike sir. Is that okay?" He asks me.
"Anything is fine. You can call me Can, sir." I tell him smiling.
"Oh then I'm Hin for you."

It's almost evening by the time I land in America. And as much I want to just go home and sleep my jet lag away or just see my Cantaloupe, I had to attend this important meeting.

This woman was particularly difficult and didn't listen to anyone. Ms Len Kirakorn was almost as old as my dad and owned a huge fashion magazine and clothing line. The woman was known for the fabulous parties she held every year in our New York hotel with all the celebrities, business folks and other influential people. It was great publicity for the hotel if nothing.

Every year she demanded all our attention and got extremely upset if anyone involved with the Medthanan handlings was absent. I just hope Tul has all the plans sorted out. I collect my luggage and go outside to see my driver waiting for me.

"Hello, sir welcome back." He greets me and I nod in acknowledgement.
"Take me to the main office," I order and decide to take a power nap in the car.

I reach the office exactly ten minutes before the meeting time. Good, wouldn't want Ms Len to think I am tardy. She probably already thinks that given the string of disagreements we have every year.

I reach the meeting room only to find Wadee and Tul pacing around anxiously. Tul heaves a sigh when he sees me.
"Thank God you are here."
"That has to be the first time you are happy to see me." I quip and settle down on a chair. "What happened? Where is Por?"

"He just yelled at me and left cause I- I accidentally misplaced the pen drive." I was more shocked about the fact that Tul sounded ashamed than the fact that he lost the drive.

He's showing me sides that didn't know existed.
"Don't worry, I informed mother and they are searching for it. We'll just have to stall it a bit with pleasantries." He follows up quickly before I speak.

I nod in affirmation. Another day, another issue.

Heyyy! See I am fire 🔥 🤣
I hope I am not writing crap in a hurry. So does this Ms. Kirakorn character sound interesting? I know most of you have probably guessed what's the relation but guess that I still to confirm 😉 Take care.

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