November 14, 1831
It has been two weeks since I have run away. Much like other slaves who have escaped to the North, I have as well. I heard of Nat Turner's rebellion, and I could not bear watching all the cruelty any longer. A man named William Curtis took me in. He told me he is a leader of an abolitionist movement, hired specially by Northern congressmen, and working alongside William Lloyd Garrison. We are so alike, William and I, though William is more patient and calm than I. I trust him, perhaps more so than is wise. But I feel so safe in his arms, and I never want to leave his side. I even want to tell him of my own little group I have myself, although I have a feeling he would be against it, as what the Scarlett Legion is doing is strictly illegal. We steal from Southerners, especially men in politics, and use it to fund and help slaves flee. I understand that is illegal, and perhaps even wrong, but I despise the dragging conflict, and I simply do not understand how we can abolish this injustice once and for all without violence.
I couldn't help but to see the uncanny resemblance between Sloane and I. Except while she ran away from what she was against, I ran to it. But we were both fighting for what was right. At least I hoped I was. And I wondered if Sloane was right, about violence. Would violence be necessary to overcome the Shadow Legion, just like the Civil War?
Ever since "Anna Waltmann" commented on my photo, who I was definitely sure was either Brook or Kyle, I was at least more comfortable knowing the fact that the Office knew I was safe for now. I noticed many of the other trainees had said they go to "Hawaii Military Academy" which is a supposedly legitimate school, but only on transcripts. Those trainees also often post pictures of them in gear or in combat, so I thought I would do that as well to let them know I was training as well. Now that I had gotten contact with the Office, there was no time for fooling around. I had to train, convince as many people I can of my loyalty and competence, but mainly get as many people to trust me as I could.
Reading Sloane's diary had definitely given me a new sense of purpose, and perhaps that was why Aunt Helen had given the book to me in the first place. Once I had wrapped up my studies, I changed into a worn out T-shirt and jeans and headed to the training room. I went to the artillery storage and grabbed a gun, a rifle, and silencing ear muffs, and head for the shooting range. I was less scared to handle weaponry now, but it didn't mean I didn't suck any less, and I needed to start practicing my skills whenever I could.
I adjusted my handgun, as Trevor had taught me how to do, and pointed it at the target. My aim was sloppy, hitting literally anywhere but the target. I grew frustrated, because I was doing exactly how I was taught to shoot. Point, Pull, Follow through. I huffed as the bullet passed way over the target's head. I groaned and pulled the gun up again. Then someone unexpectedly tapped my shoulder, and I shrieked, almost dropping my gun but instead pointing it at the person who had snuck up on me.
In front of me stood a very shocked Niko with raised arms. I gasped and immediately put my arms down, turning the safety on and putting my gun aside. The fact that I could have so easily killed him made me beyond nervous.
"God, please don't scare me like that when I have a gun in my hands."
"Didn't expect you to be so jumpy."
"I thought I was alone," I grumbled, looking around at the dark, eerily quiet training area. "Besides, it's kind of creepy down here."
Niko smirked. "Scaredy Cat."
"A scaredy cat who could have killed you just now."
His smirk deepened. "You're not wrong."
I sighed, leaning against the railing. "So about the other night..."
"Which one?" He asked, obviously enjoying my discomfort.
"You know the one. Friday night."
"Ah. The one where you almost smoke weed. Are you still going to tell me it was none of my business, because someone could have taken a picture of you high off your ass, and you would lose all the respect because the rumors would spread so quickly among the trainees—"
"I know." I stopped him, raising my voice a little more than I intended. "I wasn't going to rant, I wanted to thank you."
He looked surprised and amused at the same time. "Oh? Do go on."
I suppressed rolling my eyes. "I think I lost my purpose somewhere along the way. I knew coming here wouldn't be easy, but it's...been rough. And I guess I thought getting high was the easy way out, which is just...stupid. There's a lot at stake for me right now, and you were right. So thank you for stopping me before I did anything I'd regret."
I didn't know why I was purposefully making myself so vulnerable in front of him. Chances were he had a voice recorder stuck in his pocket and he would expose me to the world come tomorrow. But he surprised me.
"I haven't really been making your life easy."
I shrugged. "No, but in some ways maybe I deserve it. I haven't done anything to prove my worth, so why should I be treated like the rightful heir?"
"I think you've done a lot already." He said, and reached over to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Probably more than you know."
I couldn't comprehend what was going on. Was Niko being kind and... romantic? But the things he was saying were words of validation that I was craving, especially from someone like Niko who was making my life hell.
He kept his hand by my chin, and the feeling was comforting. But it also made me feel like I was cheating on Kyle. "That day when you won capture the flag for us... I could have just kissed you."
My eyes widened. Was this really happening? "Like Julianna." I said, trying to laugh it off.
"Sure." He said, and he visibly leaned in. I started to panic, and I gently put a hand to his chest.
"I...I can't. I told you, I have a purpose here. And my purpose doesn't include any romance."
Niko looked serious for a second, but then rolled his head back and laughed. I exhaled in relief.
"Damn you're wound up. Have you never flirted before? It doesn't mean anything."
"Oh." I said, but that wasn't my problem. If you had a boyfriend, flirting with anyone else is bad. At least for me, and I was sure Kyle wouldn't be okay with me flirting with this hunky man standing in front of me.
"So what are you doing here?" Niko asked, already changing topics.
"I could ask you the same." I replied, trying to act as casual as possible and shaking off the guilt that was building inside me.
"I couldn't concentrate. Everyone was being so damn loud in my room."
"You share rooms?"
Niko gaped at me for a second and laughed again. "Of course the princess wouldn't know. There's eight people per room. Just enough space for four bunk beds."
My mouth made an 'O' shape and I looked down, feeling kind of stupid. They lived like military men, of course they would think I lived like royalty.
"So are you going to answer my original question?"
I waved my hand over my weapons. "I'm training, what do you think?"
I wondered if he was just making fun of me. "Because if I don't, I'm never going to catch up."
"That's if you ever do." Niko's tone indicated that he doubted that would happen.
"I will." I didn't know who I was trying to convince, him or myself. But I had to believe in myself, because how else would I continue on?
"I can help you. You're pathetic otherwise, and you're never going to improve this way."
I ignored his insults and swallowed my pride. That was more like the Niko I knew. "Actually, I would appreciate that."
"Cool. I can meet you here everyday. Maybe a few hours earlier."
I shook my head. "I can't. I have tutoring until 10."
Niko looked confused, so I clarified. "I haven't even graduated high school yet, and they want me to have a pristine education."
"But aren't you fucking exhausted?"
I shrugged. "So can you come at this time every night? I understand if it's too late."
"No, this is fine. Let's start now." He said, and made me take the gun again.
"Let me see how you shoot." I cleared my throat and concentrated on the target. I pulled the trigger, held onto the gun steadily, yet the bullet missed the target entirely. I braced myself for his offensive critiques, but they never came.
"You need to ease up." He said, laying a hand on my shoulder. "Your rhythm with the gun is completely off. Try breathing as you pull the trigger, and expect to squeeze tighter than you actually think."
I followed his instructions, rolling my shoulders back, and taking a deep breath. As I exhaled, I breathed out, bracing for the force. The gun was more controlled, but it was still off the target.
"Don't be so scared of the force. It's powerful, but there's no need to tense up your entire body for it."
"Use the force, Luke." I said in a low voice, gaining a chuckle from Niko, before aiming again. I channeled all my focus into what he had told me. Relax, Breathe, Pull, Steady. The bullet fired, and I could almost see it go in slow motion as it hit the head of the target.
Niko grinned, triumphantly, and slightly wickedly. "Head shot. Vicious."
* * * * *
I'm so glad I'm back into the groove of writing :D I hope you all have a restful holiday full of friends, family, and food! Merry Christmas everyone!
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