I stared at the small box in front of me.
Should I open it?
I was curious to find out what was inside it, but I also didn't want to be emotional about it afterwards. After another moment, I grabbed the box and shoved it deep inside one of my cabinets.
I decided to keep Zayden's present unopened.
I took my bag off of where it was hanging and rushed down the stairs. Henry drove me to school, with me being slightly nervous—and lazy—about driving.
When I entered my classroom, five minutes before class starts, instead of the teacher sitting at his desk, on the board at the front of the table were large block letters that read:
I groaned. At Lockwood Academy, once a month we had manners and etiquette lessons for an entire day. I quickly went to my locker to put away all my things because I wouldn't be needing them, and made my way to the west hall, where Madame Kristine was no doubt preparing our lesson.
When I got there, a few students were already there. Groups of people were talking in low, tired tones, and freshmen huddled around their newly-made friends in confused chatter. I looked around the tables and the name cards on each table, and finally found myself in one of the most center tables. I looked at the other names and grinned when I saw Kyle's name on one of them.
"Why are you so happy?" Suddenly, a low voice said from behind me, and I twirled around. Kyle was standing there, casually running a hand down his blonde hair. "Are these etiquette classes fun?"
I shook my head. "They're super boring and ridiculous."
Kyle smirked, "so were you happy about being able to sit next to me?"
"What? No, I just—" I started rambling, completely caught off guard. But it was obvious he saw straight through my lie, and decided to answer honestly.
"In fact, yes I am happy to be able to sit next to you. Just about everyone here doesn't want to hang out with me, and quite frankly you're the only person who's around me at their own will." The moment I said my last sentence, I felt my cheeks flame. Kyle wasn't hanging out with me at his own will, this was literally his job. I felt like more of a loner than I usually did, and I looked down at my toes.
But instead of embarrassing me, Kyle said, "I have grown fond of your company." He smiled kindly at me, and my heart skipped a beat at the sudden emotion he was showing.
"Is this where I have to pull out the seat for you?" He asked, and pulled out my chair for me. I thanked him in an overly polite way, and he went over to sit at his own chair. We talked for a little while until people were crowding inside and it was literally impossible to hear my own voice. That's what happens when you put an entire high school body inside one room.
"Ladies and gentlemen, if you would so kindly take a seat!" Madame Kristine's voice echoed through the class as she talked into her bullhorn. Yes, you needed a bullhorn in able to be heard from the back of the room.
Madame Kristine was a short, petite woman with a halo of curly blond hair around her head. She was probably near her 60's, even though she looked more in her mid 40's. She yapped on about table manners, and how to use a napkin when wiping around the mouth, and a whole bunch of other things no one felt like listening to.
"Now, we will be serving a small appetizer," Madame Kritine said, and everyone started whispering excitedly. I felt my own spirits being lifted.
We get food!
But when Madame Kristine said small, she meant, really, extremely, ridiculously, small. A small plate with a tiny square of bread and a dot of tomato-basil sauce on it.
"Now, we can eat this with our hands, but I would like you to use your rightmost fork and knife and eat it little by little." The moment Madame Kristine said that, mostly everyone took their knives and forks and digging into it excitedly.
When I looked at Kyle, he looked disbelieving.
"Screw that, I'm eating this with my hands." He said, grabbing the bread and stuffing it into his mouth. I giggled, taking the bread with my hand as well. Kyle grinned at me approvingly, and a warm feeling swelled into my chest. At that moment I felt like we were friends, instead of him having a job to protect me.
A few teachers looked at us with disapproval, but I couldn't care less. What were they going to do, flunk me? There weren't grades in this class.
Once out plates were taken away, Madame Kristine talked about social skills and great ways to smile and yada yada yada. I felt my eyes getting heavy, and I wondered what Kyle was thinking now. Did he think this school was ridiculous and snobby and fake, being that they teach us how to smile? But when I looked at Kyle, I found that he was already looking at me, and he flashed me a smile.
I couldn't understand it, but this gesture made me blush, and it made me even more confused as to what he was thinking.
When we were let out for lunch, everyone piled out of the rather large classroom into the wide, cosy space of the dining hall.
I got a pre-packed contaier of pesto ribbon pasta and a bottle of orange juice, and flashed my Student ID into the monitor so that the money would go into my account. By the time I got to my favorite tree, Kyle was already there.
"You act as if you have a right to sit here now." I complained to him, even though I actually liked being able to sit with someone during lunch.
"And you do?" He asked.
"I conquered this place early on in freshman year."
Kyle shook his head, "you're ridiculous." I felt myself smile as I plopped down next to him and started digging into my pasta.
"So, you're not sitting with your clique anymore?"
I rolled my eyes at the thought of sitting next to Wendy and her friends. "I decided hanging out with nosey girls isn't my thing."
Kyle chuckled, and he left me in silence to feed my hungry stomach.
As lunch ended, Kyle and I started walking back to Room 15 of West Hall.
"So, what honestly is the point of this etiquette class?" He asked me, and I shrugged.
"Usually, they remind us about table manners and dress code and stuff, oh, and..." I trailed off, remembering what the first annual etiquette classes brought.
"What?" Kyle asked, his brilliant green eyes meeting mine.
I let out a breath of air slowly, "you'll find out soon enough."
* * * * *
Our etiquette class started yet again, and I started feeling drowsy again. An hour painfully passed by, and school was almost over. Maybe, she might not mention it, I thought.
Maybe, the plans have changed this year....
"The Ballroom Dance is coming up!" Madame Kristine chirped, making me groan inwardly.
And, there it is....
The Ballroom Dance happened every year, and it was where the guys asked the girls out to the Dance and everyone dressed up nicely. It took place in the huge Ballroom we have here at school that they rarely ever used. So, it was basically a Homecoming, except it's mandatory to go, much more formal, and if you're not asked out, you're doomed to complete embarrassment.
And guess who the only girl last year who wasn't asked out was?
Yep, you guessed right.
So I was forefully paired up with this disgusting, awkward freshman called Gayle, who didn't have the guts to ask a girl out, but he was brave enough to grab my ass while we were doing the modern tango.
I shivered at the thought.
"Please make sure you get a partner soon enough, and practice the five modern dances!" Madame Kristine hollered over everyone, who was starting to talk and flirt excitedly as they exited the class. My eyes automatically moved to Kyle, who looked bored as he stood up and stretched. I stared at his toned arms and expressionless face. I wondered who he was going to ask out, if he was planning to go. Any girl would love to go with him, even if he wasn't at all popular. I mean, just look at him—
"Are you going to sit there forever?" Kyle's voice snapped me out of thoughts. For a split second I panicked if there was drool on my face, but I recovered quickly and shook my head.
"Yeah, I'm just tired of sitting all day."
Kyle smirked at me. "Weakling," he said, and I pouted.
"Am not!"
"Sure," Kyle said, and put his hand out for me and I took it, suddenly pulling me up. I didn't expect him to be that strong at all, and I fell into his arms. My hands laid on his ridiculously hard chest, and I instantly felt my face heat up.
"I...sorry..." I mumbled, and Kyle was still smirking at me.
"No problem."
* * * * *
I sighed, kicking around the pavement. My brothers were late, and so was Henry. My brothers being late always happened, but Henry? It was rare. I was actually starting to worry, when I heard someone say my name.
I whirled around, and instantly felt my heart rate pick up—but in a bad way. Zayden came rushing over to me, his face flushed and wearing his field hockey jersey.
"Hey." He said, his breath slightly ragged.
"Hi..." I murmured hesitantly, looking around to see if Henry had come yet. Dammit, where was he?
"I was wondering," he started. This couldn't be good. "Will you go to the Ballroom Dance with me?"
Oh God. I should just refuse. He played me and I absolutely despised him for it. But if I'm not asked out again this year, I don't think I'd be able to take the embarrassment.
"I..." I started, and couldn't finish the sentence. Zayden's face filled with sadness.
"Just as friends," he clarified, "I want to prove to you that I'm not a bad person, and I want you to forgive me."
Anger started boiling inside me. How could he say he wanted my forgiveness, when I've barely been holding myself together? He placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, and I tensed up, remembering the night when he almost—
Fear coursed through me, the blood rushing out of my face, down to my toes.
"Please?" He said, looking straight into my eyes.
And just when I felt like I was about to faint, a voice rang through the deserted school entrance.
"Get your hand off of her!" Kyle bellowed, charging towards us. Zayden immediately took his hand off me and backed off. I let out a sigh of relief.
His voice was like music in my ears.
This was literally the second time Kyle saved me from Zayden. I was really falling into a damsel in distress, and that idea irritated me. I wished I was stronger than this.
"You can't go with her to the Dance, she's going with me." Kyle spat at Zayden. I looked up in surprise, and Zayden mirrored my emotion.
"Okay, man, sorry. I'll be going now...." He said, and took off the other way. It was pretty obvious Zayden was damn scared of Kyle.
"Are you okay?" Kyle asked, and he put a hand to my cheek. I was surprised at his contact, and feeling his warm hand against my face, I started feeling better.
"You're a little pale." Kyle commented, and I shook my head.
"I'm fine."
Kyle shrugged, and he sat down on one of the benches. I sat next to him. "Thanks." I murmured softly, resting my forehead against his shoulder.
"Always at your service."
I chuckled softly, my heart returning to its normal pace. After a minute, I lifted my head to look at Kyle.
"I didn't know I was going to the Dance with you." I said, and Kyle smiled.
"Really? I thought it was pretty obvious. You know, with my job, and me being your only friend."
I laughed. "You need to explain sometimes. I'm not a mind-reader."
"I can't understand what you're thinking either." Kyle murmured under his breath.
"Huh?" I asked, looking at him with wide eyes.
Kyle smiled innocently. "Huh?" His voice was high and mocking.
"I don't sound like that!"
"You so do." He teased and I giggled, and he beamed at me, really beamed, like I was one of the most beautiful things he'd seen in his life. My breath hitched, and my heart started hammering in my throat. What was wrong with me?
My eyes stared into his, and his eyes stared into mine. A hint of amusement were swirling around those beautiful eyes, and the specks of blue and green danced together in a perfect waltz. I heard something come from his mouth, but I couldn't catch it.
"—ere." His voice said. His voice was so smooth and relaxing, and hot. How was a voice hot?
"Cass?" I heard him say.
"....yeah?" I murmured, still in my trance.
"Your ride's here." When I understood what he said, I snapped out of my trance and twirled around. Henry was looking at me through the window, with this knowing smile, and I just realized exactly how awkward I was being.
"Oh!" I sort of exclaimed, and jumped up from the bench.
"Uhm, I'll see you later Kyle." Kyle grinned nonchalantly and waved, and I tensely stepped into the car.
"Sorry, miss Cassandra, there were some extra security being set up today, and I couldn't leave the house until they finished enforcing the gate." Henry explained, and I smirked, thinking about how Kyle had told me countless times that the security at my house was sloppy.
"It's fine, Henry." I said, and my brothers piled into the car and Henry pulled out of the school campus.
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