Partly United

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“There is another garden there.” I pointed to a parallel balcony that led to a corridor which led to the other garden, what I talked about. “It is mostly for guests and lower guards to enjoy the sun unbothered. And if you turn that corner, there are the training rooms down the dungeons. Also they didn’t use it much. The guards like to practice in action.” I explained it to my family while we were led to our residence at the Red Tower.

Now that I am not the only guest from my family, we got a room or I would rather call it a fancy old apartman in the castle where we can rest peacefully until the date of the trial comes.

Master Aro and Corin walked before us leading the way while Alec and Jane were trailing behind. Esme was in step with Bella as the calming force as she was. Our mother held me tight while Renesmee clinged on her back as I was introducing the place to them as we passed by.

All my company listened to me intently. My twin was overly curious over everything as her life was almost whole again. Now she could open her mind for new experiences, and the ancient city of vampires was an experience that she would regret later on if she missed it. So I started to tell her various interesting facts about the leading coven of our society. Corin was quite alarmed by my knowledge. She didn't understand how I could name the rooms and the guards' habits when I stayed with the wifes all the time and by her knowledge I never roamed the castle freely.

Those who knew me, weren't as surprised. Aro of course was intrigued. He didn't really grasp the depth of my telepathy until now. The feeling of knowing something or someone only by experiencing it from other’s memories wasn't an alien concept to him since he used tactile telepathy himself. To think my ability was at the level of his was marvelous. Such a shame it was locked behind my shield that I inherited from Bella. He could only glimpse into my growing mind if I speak about my observations, which I didn't do until now.

“And what’s that?” Renesmee pointed to a large two winged mahogany door. It was decorated richly, like everything in this place with golden painted wines and leaves.

“That is the collected library. All the books that exist can be found here.” Renesmee’s eyes lit up from this. Our group stopped before the door so I continued. “There are a lot of visitors who only came to Volterra just for this room. If you want to find something this is the best place to search since it contains writings that are long lost from human history. “Renesmee sighed a wow in wonder. “Guests can add books for the collection too. Basically this library started from gifted writings and the costume of adding a new copy when someone came to read is still alive. Grandpa Carlisle likes this place too. He spent a lot of time here when he was living here. He has a pile of books about medicine and stuff that he wants to bring here when he visits again.” I finished. My sister was completely in awe. I couldn't blame her.

“Did Carlisle really collect books to bring here?” Bella asked.

“Oh yes. He wants to share the development that he saw in human medicine over the decades. He is sure there are others who are interested in it but can't live close to humans to learn it themselves.” Esme smiled warmly.

“That’s wonderful, I am eagerly waiting for the day when he finally wishes to visit us. We always had such exciting conversations.” Master Aro cheered lightly, like someone who hadn't met his best friend for a while.

I was a bit recoiled by that. How can he think of him so fondly when in the films he was ready to rip Carlisle's head off just to get possession over Alice and my parents? It didn't make sense. In his mind he really admires our grandfather and his way of life yet he is so jealous of him he almost dies in it. Friendships mean so little to him when it comes to power? Friends are changeable, while gifts are unique. Immediately it made my blood boil. It isn’t like he couldn't ask for help if he needs something. He didn't really need Alice under his roof just to ask about the future. I am sure our sweet aunty would accept a few requests if he asks nicely. My eyes suddenly gleamed up. I had an idea.

“You know you could call grandpa if you want to speak with him.” I commented innocently.

“Call?” Aro tilted his head. I mean calling him here? He thought. I almost rolled my eyes at his cluelessness.

“By phone.” I told him.

“Oh, my. Of course.” He laughed immediately. “These new tools are quite useful aren’t they? The young ones always have one in their hands nowadays.” He smiled lightly.

I stared at him unsure. He talked like an old man. Well he was a very old man if I think about it, he just didn't look like one.

“You didn't use a phone? Why? It's so easy.” Renesmee cut in.

It was an interesting fact to her that Aro didn't use a cell phone. Renesmee learnt how to call someone when she was just a week old.

“I find them a bit difficult. I admit I didn't really like them despite their usefulness. If I wish to send a message I am willing to wait until the answer comes to me rather than suffering with a device that I can not handle.” He explained to us in a more teatrial way than I would've liked.

“Wow. You are such an old man.” I blurted out. My plan was a dead end I realized.

Our little group broke into a united laughter. Even the twins allowed themselves a giggle.

“Carlie! Where are your manners?” Bella scolded me lightly.

“It’s perfectly all right. Children are just like that.” The master smiled.

Our mom sent him a small smile back. Also she wasn't at ease I could tell. She has been overly stiff since we reunited and I was sure it was due to this place. I could understand that. Almost everyone here is a two faced power hungry creature and I am pretty sure she knows that.

“Mom. Can we call dad?” Renesmee’s asked.

“He must be busy now, but we can try later. ” Bella reassured her.

I snorted at that. Busy is a light term for a furious hunt, but she doesn't have to know.

After I told everything I could about the library we arrived at our quarters right under the wife’s floor. It had an antique style as everything in here. It was a similar design as the wife’s. A central common room joined the doors that led to three bedrooms. Also we will only use one as Esme and Bella don’t have to sleep. The hundred year old windows were open widely to get rid of the ancient smells. It appeared that we were the first guests here like forever.

Esme walked up and down wondering, why were we given such a high respect, to put us into the family levels?… But I knew. We are the largest gifted coven. The strongest vassals so to speak. The masters want us content and maybe defenseless of their intentions. Shame on them with two telepaths and with a seer we are hardly surprisable.

Renesmee, who was an innocent child, enjoyed our room quite a bit. She ran around observing the smallest details. She pulled out the drawers, looked into the wardrobes, and sat at every chair that she could found.

I told Ren that she shouldn't be surprised when we go to bed cause the covers have a heavy musty smell. Bella was pretty upset when she learned that I was sleeping in dirty sheets. So she put us under Esme’s care and went out to find something in which she could wash out every fabric that she will lay her daughters on. How I missed this overprotectiveness…

Our days were pretty peaceful aside from that. Sulpicia and Athenodora came to visit us everyday. Or rather they stayed with us the whole time enjoying the new company that my mother and grandmother presented. It must be pretty boring living locked away in a castle just so they wouldn't be murdered by their husband’s enemies, just like Marcus’s wife was.

“Carlie look!” My sister rushed to me with a sparkling tiara on her head.

I was sure those stones in the jewelry were diamonds as our mother was on high alert to catch that expensive thing if it may fall to the floor. She got it from Sulpicia of course, who finally could live out her dreams by dressing my sister up like a pretty living doll. An act that she couldn't do with me.

“It’s pretty.” I told her from my window seat.

While Ren was basking in unwavering attention I did what I liked the best. I sat in a quiet spot and observed the room.

“There is one for you, if you would like it.” The ancient lady told me. She just couldn't give up, I realized.

“No thank you. I would just ruin it.” I told her and my hand unconsciously wandered to my empty wrist where one of my bracelets was supposed to be.

“One of them is missing.” Renesmee stated when she saw my motion.

“I lost it.” I looked down sadly at the single golden jewelry.

“Aren’t these the ones that Aro sent as a gift?” Sulpicia asked.

“Yes it is.” Bella answered for me.

“Well in that case.” The ancient woman stepped next to me. “You don't have to worry about them. This one came from the Habsburg collection a few centuries ago.” She pointed at my bracelet. “I am sure if you ask my husband kindly he will allow you to pick another one. A prettier one.” She smiled.

“But just because I got a new one this one will never be whole again.” I let my depression out.

My first grief in this life has to be a bracelet. Bella recognised my feelings and she was immediately by my side pulling me into a hug. We sat like that.

“Can I still see them?” My sister stared at Bella for her approval.

“If we are allowed.” She smiled tightly while she caressed my ginger locks.

“Yey!” Ren squealed at that.

I glanced outside from the window as a movement grabbed my attention. Two gray coated guards were accompanying a man on the streets. I recognised him as a vampire who was visiting the coven. He was the fifth just today.

“Are there always so many guests here?” I asked out loud.

“We always have visitors, but the news about your trial went around wide. The folks are interested.” Athenodora told us in an uncaring tone. She rested her chin in her palm as she resided on the sofa next to Esme.

“We will have an audience, won't we?” Bella started to braid my hair to hide her nervously fidgeting hands.

“It's always like that. Aro likes a good show.” Caius’s wife remarked with a sly smile clearly enjoying my mom’s distress. Bella only nodded at that and started to observe the streets. A sixth vampire, this time a woman entered the gates of the city. Both of us sighed at that.

I tried to count how long it would take for my family to find Joham and his daughters. To be honest I was a bit worried about that. Surely that man deserves every punishment that will befall upon him, but his children… My heart ached when I thought about them. They couldn't choose where to be born or who would raise them. They are merely an experiment for their father, and they learnt to obey rather than act from their free will. For their good, I hope they won't get caught, just their dad. I didn't know how much mercy the Volturi would show them, especially if they really wanted to make a show out of it… I just wasn't ready for that.

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