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Hi everyone! I thought that it would be best to post some updates here instead of on my account so I could reach out directly to the readers of this book. I feel really bad for not making this sooner and just not updating, but I PROMISE I'm going to start publishing in this book regularly soon. After my school let out, I was taking a bit of a break because, if anyone remembers me saying this, I wasn't feeling really motivated to write. Right when I was planning on updating again, I received the news that an entrance exam that I thought was scheduled for the end of summer is actually on the 25th of June. It's given me a lot of mental strain in these past weeks, and I've found that, recently, I feel less stressed when using my time in my creative headspace drawing or playing music. Even when I feel like writing, I find it hard to construct an entire plotline in my head then condense it, which is why I have been updating my Little book more than this one. Thank you all so much for your patience, though, I honestly appreciate it so much during times when I put out fewer updates. 

I hope you are all staying safe and doing well! : )

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