Chapter 3 "Masked Girls"

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I gladly welcomed the softness of my bed after a long stressful day from school. I felt like I could breath easily again knowing that tomorrow would be Saturday and that meant party. I was really looking forward for tomorrow not just because it was Brad's birthday but also I deserved a break from school drama and Samantha. She began making my school life a living hell since she arrived. It was ironic because it was my job to make one's life hell but now I was like living in hell because of her. She just basically screamed the devil.

She was full of surprises. It was surprising how beautiful she was when I first laid eyes on her. I thought she was like a lame brat who happened to be my co-captain but I was wrong, she was a real beauty. The thing that captivated me the most was her eyes. They hid a lot of emotions and everytime those eyes found mine, they seemed to bore into my soul which gave me goosebumps. That was why everytime I got to look at her face, I always tried avoiding her eyes which was hard by the way since they were the most beautiful eyes I ever saw. 

She surprised me by how easily she pissed me off with just her smirk or her confidence to talk back at me or how she infuriated me for always hanging out with Sara. She was always around with Sara like all the time and what angered me was that I couldn't get my hands on Sara because of her. I wasn't afraid with her or anything, she just always knew to what to say to piss me off which would end badly for me because I would lose my cool and ended up being the laughing matter to every student. It was mortifying!

 And it was a surprised how she made me feel like I was going crazy. Even though I hated her so much, to the moon and back, I couldn't resist looking at her from time to time. Everytime she caught me looking at her, all I could do was turned my stare into glare so she wouldn't suspect I was studying her. It was just that her face was hard to miss, I couldn't helped it. And yeah you heard right, I just complimented the devil. Like I said, I'm going crazy!

I couldn't tell what was happening to me but was it possible that I was attracted to her? But It couldn't be because I was as straight as a pole or am I?  So many questions were running through my mind since then that was why I needed a distraction and tomorrow's party would be perfect for me.

Rubbing my eyes gently, I pushed my thoughts to the back of my mind and shifted in a comfortable position to get some sleep. It was still an early night but I was too tired to stay up late or hang out with friends which was I usually do during Friday nights. 

After staring at an empty space on my side, my eyes were starting to get heavier, my consciousness was starting to fade and when I was about to excitedly welcome a dreamless sleep, I heard scratching sounds which snapped me awake. I reluctantly got off the bed and slowly made my way downstairs. My heart was thumping against my chest in every step that I took and my hands were getting clammy. Whoever was scratching the door better not mess with me or else what? Shit! I don't have anything with me.

I ran towards the kitchen, not worried about making any sounds since I was in barefoot. I hastily grabbed the knife from the island counter and walked towards the living room. I was sweating pretty hard but I felt cold throughout my body. I wished my parents were here so that I wouldn't have to fight alone whoever was behind the door. What I was doing was pretty stupid but if I didn't do anything, who would? 

Taking a deep breath, I was about to unlock the door when suddenly the scratching stopped. Is it gone? 

I quietly hitched the chain lock and turned the door knob before swinging it open, ready to stab someone when I was unexpectedly greeted with an empty space. My knife was suspended mid-air, thankful that there was no one. I looked around but seemed like no one had even stepped in the area. I released a breath I was holding but yelped in surprise when I felt something touched my foot. I looked down and found a beagle puppy trying to scratch my foot.

"Awww, you scared me little one. Come here," I picked him up without second thought and locked the door behind me. "How'd you ended up here huh?" I chuckled at his cuteness but when I turned around my smile vanished when I saw a masked figure standing in the middle of the room. I could tell she was a girl because of her black hair tied up to a high ponytail, wearing a white mask that covered her whole face.

"You didn't tell me your owner is here little pup," I said, my voice was shaking. Her hand moved to her back and when I saw what she was holding, I felt like the air escaped my lungs when she pointed it at me. "If you want your puppy back, you can just say so." I knew what she wanted but it wasn't the puppy.

She laughed making the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. "You think I want that puppy? That's not even mine." Her voice sounded familiar but I couldn't tell whom since it sounded a little deep because of her mask.

I slowly brought down the pup and he immediately scurried away. If I was gonna die tonight, I didn't want that pup to die with me. "Why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you?"

"You were a pretty bad girl Olivia and bad girls go to hell."

I gulped my fear down, "Um, I was thinking of going to heaven."

"Aww, but hell is where you belong."

If there is something I could do to distract her so I could close the distance between us. I forced myself to think clearly while she was busy babbling nonsense. For a killer, she was pretty talkative. 

I applaud myself mentally when an idea popped into mind. Forcing a confident smile, I spoke, "You're busted!"


"Come on, you can stop the act." Come on, baby steps at a time. My plan was working. She wanted to play for a while because if she didn't want to, she would have pulled the trigger by now.

"What are you saying, you bitch!"

"Your acting is lame. You're practically ruining everything." Almost there.

"Shut up! I swear to Satan if you don't shut your fucking mouth, I'll blow your head off." Her hands were faintly shaking while holding the gun. She was angry.

I chuckled nervously, "Oh come on, you think you can prank me?"

"What?" Seconds later, she burst out in laughter. Her one hand flew to her stomach while she was in her fits of laughter while the other was on the gun. What an unprofessional killer. "Gosh, you are funny," she added after she queited down, "You think this is a prank? Well,!"

"I know. I'm just distracting you." Before she could reply, I dashed forward and ducked myself out of the gun range before slamming my body to her body. I knew I had a knife, but I couldn't stomach stabbing someone. I wasn't a killer.

My knife and her gun slipped from our grasps and slid to random directions. I was hovering above her and punched her face which I immediately regretted as I hissed in pain from punching her solid mask. Distracted from the pain on my knuckles, our position was instantly reversed when she pushed and rolled atop of me. She brought her hands on my neck, crushing my windpipe. It was hard to breath because of the pressure and I started seeing black spots. My mind has gone haywire, thinking of ways how to get out of her hold when suddenly I remembered a video from Youtube I came upon while I was lazily browsing. 

Building what remained of my strength, I crossed my arms, held both of her wrists and brought up my waist before bringing it back down with enough force, pinning her elbows on my stomach. Her hold loosened which gave me time to squirm my feet and brought them to her upper thighs. Gathering my strenghth, I used my feet on her thighs to pushed me upward, making her upper body moved up with me. Thank God I love Youtube! 

She wriggled on my hold trying to free herself from my hold so I did what she wanted and kicked her in the stomach, making her stumbled back. I promptly stood up and kicked the side of her head before she could recover. I frantically looked for my knife and spotted it in the corner. I ran and reached for it then turned to my attacker. She was already standing up and ran to get the gun.

Shit, I forgot the gun. Well done Olivia!

I stood frozen when she was reaching for her weapon. When she was about to point it at me, someone slammed their body to her. I couldn't see who it was since the new visitor was wearing a black hoodie jacket and its back was onto me. The masked girl recovered quickly and they both now standing face to face. I saw hoodie's side of her face, yes her, lower half of her face was covered with a black mask.

Seriously, what's with the masks?

I watched in awe as the two started fighting. If I had popcorn and coke now, it would feel like I was watching an action movie. Neither of them wanted to back down but I didn't mind really, I was entertained by the two of them. 

"Go get her hoodie girl," I cheered. She looked at my direction which was a bad move for her as I heard her 'oof' when the white-masked girl punched her in the gut. "Sorry!" I shouted. Thankfully she recovered that quick and was able to land a punch also.

Minutes later, I could see they were breathing heavily as they continued on. I would have stop them but decided not to when I watched hoodie girl was getting the upperhand. Soon after, I gaped when hoodie girl delivered a spinning kick to the side of white-masked girl's head which instantly put her to sleep.

I jumped in cheer while clapping my hands knowing that it was over, "Yes! That was an amazing kick. You are awesome hoodie girl! You rock!"

She huffed in response which stopped me, "Sorry." 

She turned towards me, unfortunately I couldn't see her face since it was obscured by her hoodie. 

"Thank you by the way. If you hadn't came, I would be in hell right now, as what she said."


"Atleast a nod or a you're welcome from you would do?"


"Wait, was it your puppy I found? That's why you're here right?" She tilted her head but didn't speak. "Are you mute? Sorry if I didn't know earlier."

Instead of answering me, her hand moved to her back. "Wait, I know that gesture, you're not gonna shoot-" before I could finish what I was about to say, a prickling sensation on my thigh cut me off. She shot me! This is not how I imagine my death. 

I looked down and saw something sticking out on my thigh. It looked like a red dart but before I could grab it, my world started spinning. Everything was getting hazy and I felt like my eyes were getting heavier. I was able to make out the hoodie was approaching me before I let go the knife and my kness buckled underneath me. Expecting an impact, I felt warm hands around my body instead. Gathering my remaining energy, I was able to shrug the hood of the girl and saw a beautiful pair of eyes staring back at me. And before I passed out, I thought of the person who only has those beautiful eyes. 



I jerked up, ready to punch anyone near me when I noticed that I was in my bed. I frowned as I scanned the room. Everything was calm and silent and the sun was already up as it shone through my bedroom window. 

Thinking about last night, I jogged downstairs and found the living room the same. Nothing seemed unusual, everything was in place.

Was what happened last night a dream? No it coudn't be, it was real, it felt too real. Looking at my knuckles, they were red and a little painful when I touched it. Bruised knuckles proved that what happened last nigh did happen.

Maybe you just accidentally bumped your knuckles to a table or something.

What am I, an idiot? I didn't accidentally bump into something, I punched them on a mask.

What mask? It was all just a dream. You just hit your knuckles on your bedside table while sleeping.

No, it was real. It did happen. And why am I talking to you again?

Shaking my head, I started looking for the cute puppy I found last night. Bruised knuckles weren't enough to prove that the killer, the fighting and my savior were real. It could be that I unintentionally hit something while sleeping. So finding the puppy, would prove everything.

I searched all around the house and outside but I couldn't find him. It was possible that he ran away or he wasn't even here in the first place. Messing my hair, I flopped down on the bed and stared at the ceiling, contemplating. 

Am I going crazy? Or am I already crazy? Was I just seeing things or did all of it really happened last night? If it was all just a dream, then that dream felt too real. The white-masked girl who wanted to kill me, choked me to death and the hoodie girl who rescued me, they both felt real, that they had been here and I actually saw them. It made me curious though, why that sudden dream, if it was actually a dream? It was a very strange dream. Well even though it was a dream, I was actually curious about what the white-mask and hoodie girl looked like behind those silly masks of theirs. 

Scratching my head, I tried to dig deep the memory from last night. I remembered the hoodie won the fight and I was able to thank her for saving me but what happened after that was kind of blurry. I didn't know why but I was pretty sure something happened after that.

Sighing heavily, I got up and grabbed my phone from the bedside table. Calling Elle's number, I walked towards my full-body mirror and checked my appearance. With four rings, I heard Elle's familiar voice on the other line.

"Elle, I like you to go shopping with me."

"Oh I'm gonna hang out with a boy later."

"Forget about him. What I want always comes first right?"

She was silent for a moment before she spoke up, "Okay, I'll see you later."

"Good girl."

I threw the phone on my bed and looked back at the mirror for one last time when I noticed faint red marks on my neck. They were unnoticeable afar but faintly visible when looking near. I remembered getting choke last night. This wasn't an accident anymore, the bruised knuckles may be but not this. Everything was real. What happened last night did happen and it wasn't just a dream.

I bounced in rejoice knowing that I wasn't crazy. I wasn't seeing things or dreaming things. It was real. The white mask and hoodie girl, yes they were real, they were  actual human beings which meant that someone wanted me dead last night. 

Shit! Not good, not good! I take it back, it was just a dream, everything that happened last night was just a dream. Shit! 

I literally jumping in joy when I thought I wasn't going crazy but now I was terrified, someone was trying to kill me and I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to die so young, I still had dreams to reach, boys to fall in love or girls maybe, and people to ruin, I couldn't die, not just yet.

I looked up at my reflection in the mirror. Gosh, I didn't want to feel terrified all the time, I didn't look good when I was terrified. Shaking my head and blinking my eyes, I tried to compose myself and took a deep breath, breathe, breathe, breathe, wait eyes...eyes, beautiful eyes.

Staring at my blue eyes in the mirror, I started to remember what happened and what I saw. I saw the hoodie girl's eyes, her eyes, beautiful eyes I ever saw in my life and there was only one person who has those beautiful eyes that captivated me.


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