Diane's part 4

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It's been a few days since something interesting happened to me after I moved to my new house, I go to classes as usual, i take the fridays off, and then I get back home because I got nothing better to do.

When it comes to the little astreed, I noticed that she is going to school really early, sometimes I wake up and the first thing I do is look through my window, I always done that, but these days I could see Astreed going to school, maybe she goes early to avoid me, but this wouldn't last long, she might be kinda pretty but it's a pretty dumb girl, so I will molest her anyway. When I finish my breakfast I go to the school of course, I need to go after some classes and see if I learn something. On the recess I go to the cafeteria and have my lunch as usual, I always look after that girl on the distance and I notice she is always walking fast and she doesn't even bother looking at my direction, yep, she is definitely avoiding me.

After the classes are over we need to go back home, I can always spot that girl walking pretty fast without paying attention to the fact that she might get followed, but in this case I'm the one who is following her, she always go into her house quick and I could say that's basically her whole routine and so I am done as well.

Tomorrow is saturday, so no school, I am relaxed laying in the couch without doing nothing but enjoy myself a little bit, I heard mom arriving as well, she went directly into the bathroom, I could hear a sound that it was similar to the multiple drops of waters falling and splashing out, that similar sound normally meant that it was raining, but this time that sound was only heard from the bathroom, so that meant that my mom was going to take a shower.

After twently minutes I saw my mom coming down from the bathroom already dressed with her pijamas and heading to the refrigerator to grab some food, I wanted to start a conversation, but she actually started it.

-Honey, remember the neighbors I told you about last time?

-You mean the woman who lives with her daughter 2 houses next to us?

-Exactly, she invited me tomorrow morning to have breakfast with them, you wanna come and meet them?

-Oh, ok.

-Great, wake up early tomorrow, Ok?

-Ok mom.

So I'm going to have breakfast with Astreed tomorrow? Interesting, I wonder if she knows, it would be a nice surprise for her to find out that her bully is going into her house to eat along side her.


I touched the doorbell of the house and waited a few minutes for someone to open it until I heard someone yelling in a sweet tone, how is that even possible.

-honey, can you open the door please?

A few seconds passed and I could see the door open, I saw the girl who's been avoiding me the last few days in a "Casual" state, she was wearing her pijamas and had a messy hair, I could see the expression in her face and I could tell that she was surprised but worried at the same time, I guess I am scary for her, She kept like this a few seconds until her mom came to save her.                That was cute.

-oh thanks for coming, sorry that you had to see my daughter this way, she's normally not like that, but anyway come in please

We stepped into the house and headed into the kitchen, I knew where it was located because I noticed that this house is the same in terms of architecture, the only difference was the decoration.

I could hear Astreed's mom talk to her back at the door, I could hear that Astreed didn't notice that I was coming today.

We started eating, Astreed's mom made some pancakes for all of us, they were delicious, so delicious that I saw Astreed eating kinda fast, maybe she is hungry, or maybe she doesn't want to be here and is eating fast to go somewhere else once she's done. Maybe is both.

-honey, why don't you eat slower? Your not gonna digest your food

And now her mom is complaining about her eating speed, which I could see that this was pretty annoying for her.

My mom wanted to go social of course, she needs to stablish some conversation for reducing the tension that she has over me.

-So, you two are classmates ri..

-thanks for the food

She didn't even let her finish her sentence and went straight to the kitchen to leave the dishes and then go as quickly upstairs, where her room was probably located.

I kept eating my pancakes as usual, but I could see that my mom was having a really good conversation with our host, she had a really nice semblant in her face, something that I haven't seen in years, I could see the way my mom is looking at her, the small blush when in her face, the little mumbling her lips were causing. I could immediatly what was going on.

So you like this woman?

I realized how things might get from now on, they could bould a relationship in some time, which means I will be attached to that little girl Astreed because of that, and if they have a relationship, she might become my stepsister.


I thought I would only be messing with her, but it might become more serious, and I might get in trouble if I mess with her if they are really planning of having a relationship, but I guess It is how it is, I  need to talk to Astreed to make things clear if this really happens.

-Excuse me ma'am, where is your daughter's room? I might go and see her.

-Oh, she is upstairs at the first door after the stairs. Treat her well, ok? It is not common she is with other people of her age.


As I was heading to where I was directed I remembered the words from that woman, it is pretty sad and dissapointing that your own mom tells a girl that her daughter doesn't have any friends, I feel kinda bad for that.

I knocked the door once I was there, I got no answer and decided to get in, I saw Astreed laying on her bed trying to sleep or something

-I'm sorry mom, I know that I shouldn't have left like that, but right now I just don't want to be there, I fell ti....

-I'm not your mom.

i could see how she got up from her bed surprised and shocked like before on the door. This totally confirms that she thinks I'm scary, anyway I needed to make things clear.

-wh-what are you d-doing here?

-I need to talk to you


-listen here you idiot, I don't like you, and I know you don't like me either, but I need you to at least try to do something for our mothers

-what are you t-talking about?

-our mothers like each other, and mine's happiness is something that I really care about, and I'm not gonna let your mom or your stupid ass ruin her happiness, so let's try to fake being friends at least when we're in front of them

-is your mom in love with mine?

-yes you idiot , it was so obvious, but seems like you dumb bitch didn't even realize, so do we have a deal?

She looked at me a few seconds stranged and nervious, without mentioning scared, until I got an answer from her.


-I want to make something clear, I don't consider you as a stepsister, or even a friend, so don't start giving yourself dumb illusions, ok?


-alright, I'll leave........ you got a really nice house, a dumbass like you shouldn't be living here.

I closed the door and headed back to where my mom was, thinking about what just happened.

Maybe all of those insults weren't necessary.

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