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august 17th, 2014

"school literally starts so soon." i groaned, laying on my bed with marcel. "when am i gonna see my boyfriend?"

marcel smiled, looking at his phone. "after school.. the weekends.. when you're not with me."

"i think i'm doing a pretty good job splitting time between you guys." i added, looking over at him. he nodded.

"but what about cam?" "huh?" marcel rolled his eyes with a slight smile. "you're not seeing him as much."

"uh, i live with him."

"you know what i mean." i pursed my lips, scrolling on my phone.

he rolled on his side to give me a look. "just this week he's tried to do three different things with you and you've been busy. that's just what i've seen."

i furrowed my eyebrows, thinking. "i guess i've never thought of that." "i think i should go. you should do something with him." marcel stood up. "are you sure?"

"yes, stupid." marcel hit me and went to the door. "have fun with your brother."

i sighed, sitting up in my now empty bed. i brushed my hair and put on some regular jeans with a cropped hoodie and vans.

i hurried down the stairs, seeing cameron in the kitchen. "hey, brother." i smiled and he nodded towards me. "wanna go get fro-yo?"

"you actually have time for me?" he mumbled, looking at his phone. i nudged his shoulder. "i guess."

we didn't talk much on the way to his car. "so what's new?" i asked as if i hadn't seen him. he shrugged a little, backing out of our drive way.

"nothing, really. been hanging around the guys." i nodded. "what about you?"

"same stuff i guess..." i pursed my lips together and we didn't talk much until we got to the frozen yogurt place.

after about twenty minutes we sat down with our yogurt. "why aren't we close anymore?" i asked randomly.

"cause you're more focused on shawn and other things." cameron said, freely. "you're busy all the time and don't have time to do things like we used to."

i took a bite. "i'm trying to balance things. when you were dating that girl, i let you live."

he rolled his eyes with a faint smile. "her name was tiffany, and no, you didn't! you told me how much you hated her all the time."

"ohh, that's right." we started to laugh but it died down. "i want you to like shawn and i'm sorry. i'll try hard to spend more time with you."

"i appreciate that," he took a spoonful of my yogurt. "and i do like shawn."

i nodded with a smile. "because things are really good. like, good."

cameron sent me a proud smile. "i'm happy for you, regan."

"i'm happy, too."

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