Final Dance

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- Back in the UK -

George and I came home a few weeks ago. After the camping trip, Clay took you everywhere he possibly could. We went to laser tag, 3 different beaches, an escape room, he even took you to the mall a couple of times. And you have to admit you missed being around him, sure we've called a few times since I got back but it's not the same.

"Earth to y/n?!" Your best friend says

"Oh hi sorry" you say taking out your headphones  as they sit on your desk

"Are you ready for prom?" They ask. This evening was the school prom and you couldn't wait

"Of course I am!!" You exclaim

"Great! Are you sure your brothers alright with me coming over to get ready?" They ask

"Yeah for sure" you say

"Brilliant!" They say "See you later tonight then!"

After Math and Drama class the final bell rung indicating the end of the day. You make your way to the school gym to help set up for prom.

- A few hours later -

"Hey y/n, could you please help me hang these last few streamers and then I believe we're done" someone asks

"Yeah sure" you say

You hang a few streamers and stand back to admire everyone's work with a smile. It looks incredible!

"Well, I'm going to go home and get ready. See you guys in a few hours" and with that, you waved goodbye and walk out of the gym

Since your house wasn't too far from the school it only took about 10 minutes to get home. You walk through the door to see your best friend and George talking.

"Hello!" You say with a huge smile

"Someone's happy" George says with a small giggle

"The gym looks amazing! I think you'll love it (insert best friends name)" you say

"I can't wait!!" They say getting up and getting their things before you both go up to your room. You take a shower, get into your dress/suit (or whatever you feel comfortable wearing) and put on a bit of makeup. You walk out and see your best friend standing in your room.

"You look so beautiful/handsome!!" You say shocked

"Don't I always?" They say and you both laugh "We should probably start going though, don't wanna be late!"

"Oh right!"

You exit your bedroom and hear faint voices coming from the kitchen. As you walk down you see your brother talking to a short brunette in a hoodie and a pair of jeans, and a tall blonde in a suit. George looks up at you and smiles as the two boys turn around. Nick and Clay.

"Hi babe" Clay says casually with a smile

You run towards them and hug them while your best friend walks towards George and says "Told you she'd love it" with a small nudge

"You knew?!" You shockingly say

"Yeah. Your brother said they were coming over for a while and I said it would be awesome if they turned up just before prom" they explain

"Wait are you guys coming to prom?" You ask them

"Well he is, I'm not, I'm staying here with your brother" Nick says

"I mean that is why I'm wearing a suit. This isn't what I normally wear y/n" Clay laughs

"Oh whatever dork" you say and slap his shoulder "We should probably get going"

Clay, your best friend and you all walk towards school happily talking about Clays flight and how you were setting up the decorations for prom.

When you enter you're all given drinks and you stand around and talk for half an hour-ish with your friend group until a slow song comes on.

"May I?" Clay asks with his hand out

"Yes you may" you reply with a giggle

While you were dancing together, you say

"I must be the luckiest girl in the world to have such a special person to love. You are everything that I ever needed in this life and I cannot imagine life without you. I love you."

He pulls back slightly to kiss your forehead

"I love you too" he states as he rests his head on top of yours with a huge smile plastered on his face.

You think 'If I never agreed to go to the US, I wouldn't be standing here right now with the love of my life... with my brothers best friend'

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