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*Rileys POV*

/Christmas morning/

There was a soft knock on my window and I opened my eyes enough to unlock the window. I layed back down and Reed came in.

"Merry Christmas baby." Reed says laying next to me. I was too tired to say anything so I just smiled. It took me a couple minutes to wake up. "What did you get yesterday?"

"Mostly clothes and iTunes. You know, the usual. But guess what u got from my mom?"

"A new phone?"

"I wish."

"Ummm money."

"That came with it. You are really bad at this. I got two plane tickets to Hawaii."

"What? That's awesome. So are they for you and Ryder?"

"Nope. They're for you and me. Ryder got two of his own."

"And you said your mom gave these to you?"

"Ya. I know right."

"Well that's awesome. When are we going?"

"I don't know. Ryder is figuring it out."

"Riley, have you heard from... Oh hey." Ryder says coming into my room. Well after yesterday, this is really not the way I wanted to start the day. "Umm, we're opening presents so get up!" Ryder says like a little kid. He loves Christmas.

"Well, I should get up now." I say just laying there. Reed puts his arms around me and pulls me closer to his body.

"Probably." I put my fingers through his hair and not once, break away from looking into his eyes. He puts his finger on my lip and then kisses me. He softly bites my bottom lip.

*BANG BANG BANG* "Riley! Hurry up!" Ryder says banging on my door. I smile and back away.

"Coming!" I get up and Reed follows. We go downstairs and there is so much stuff. My grandparents always come over bright and early to put their stuff for us under the tree too. They looked kind of confused with me coming down the stairs holding hands with Reed.

"Who's this?" My grandma asks as I get to the bottom of the stairs.

"Reed. Grandma you met him a couple years ago."

"Oh Reed! You look so much older." He smiles and we sit down on the couch. Ryder likes handing presents out, mostly cause he finds all of his first.

"Here you go Riley. It's from dad." I grab the present and start to open it.

"Wait. I want you and Ryder to open yours together." My dad says stopping me. Ryder grabs his. "Ok, open away." We open them and have to same surprised looks in our faces. iPhone 5's.

"Wow! Thanks dad!" I get up and give him a hug.

"Your welcome. And there is some money in the boxes so you can buy a case for it. And Reed, since your pretty much part of the family, here you go." My dad says hanging Reed a box. Reeds mom doesn't really do Christmas so he always gets little things from our family. He opens he box and its also an iPhone.

"Wow. You didn't have to do this."

"Yes I did. You are always there for my kids and your like one of mine."

Reed starts to open his mouth again about how my dad really didn't have to do it and I whisper in his ear "Just say thank you. You won't win." He laughs a little and says thank you. We opened more presents and I got an underwater camera from my grandparents, and some new clothes. Ryder got a decal pack for his dirt bike and money and clothes.

After about an hour, my grandparents left and my dad had to go. He's been gone a lot and nobody knows where.

"I'm gonna go over to Jackies." I tell Reed and Ryder. I thought maybe Ryder would like a little time with him. I grab my keys and start to walk out the front door when Ryder stops me.

"I know what your doing Riley." Ryder says.

"That's cause I told you." I pat him on the cheek and try for the door again, and he stops me again.

"Riley I'm serious. You don't have to leave."

"I want to. I will see in a little." I walk out the door before he gets another chance to stop me. I'm not really sure where I'm gonna go cause Jackie is in Florida. I get in the car and call Paige.

'Hey. Marry Christmas.' Paige says answering the phone.

'You to.'

'So what's up?'

'Umm, well I'm letting the guys have some dude time and I need a place to go.'

'You can come hang here for a little. We're going out to my other grandparents in a couple hours for dinner. I mean you can come to that to if you want.'

'Im havin dinner with Reed, but thanks for the offer. I will be over in like, well two minutes because I was already driving to your house.'

'Haha ok. See you in a couple minutes.'

I pull down the driveway and get a call from my mom.

'Hey mom.'

'Marry Christmas.'

'Thanks. You to.' I get out of the car and walk into Paige's house.

'So what are you up to today?'

'I'm hanging at Paige's for a little and then going to dinner with Reed. What about you?'

'Ehh, you know, hospital stuff. Do you think you could come down for a little?'

'I can try. Paige will probably come with me.'

"What am I doing?" Paige says as I walk into her room.

'Ok. See you later. Love you.'

'Love you to mom.' I hang up and put my phone on the bed.

"You wanna go see my mom for a little? Don't really wanna go alone."

"Sure. Wait, is that an iPhone?!"

"Yep." I say smirking. "Ryder, Reed and I got one."

"Wow." She puts her hand in her pocket and pulls out an iPhone. "Hehehe. I did to."

"Yay! Now we all have iPhones!"

We go to see my mom for a little and then I head back home to get ready for the dinner with Reed.


Sorry it took me so long to update. Busy busy busy. Things are finally starting to slow down so I will be updating more. Thanks for reading!!!!

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