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*Rileys POV*

This week has been deathly slow. I have only talked to Reed a few times. I have got lots of pictures though. I went school shopping with Kyle and Jackie and Paige. We got lots of clothes. I have been out at my grandparents a lot this week to. I still haven't told Reed about what my mom said. I still don't know how to react to it all. Reed comes back tomorrow, so for now I'm just playing call of duty with Ryder and one of his friends, Jack, I think. My phone starts to buzz in my pocket and I take it out.

It's from a blocked number.

'Look outside.' Is what the text said.

"Who is it?" Ryder asks.

"I'm not sure. It's blocked." I say standing up and walking to a window.

"What did it say?" Ryder asks pausing the game. I keep walking and look out the window. I didn't see anything. I walk out the front door and I saw Reeds pickup in my driveway and he was leaning up against it. I run up to him and rap my arms around his neck. He raps his arms around my waist and I burry my head into his neck.

"I thought you weren't gonna be here tell tomorrow." I say into his neck.

"I came back early so you could come school shopping with me. Since school starts in two days."

"I'm so happy your back. I missed you so much." I lean against him and kiss him.

"I missed that a lot." Reed says against my lips.

"I have to." I was staring into his eyes and he kissed me on my forehead and rapped his arms around.

"I want hug!!!" Ryder says running out the front door. Reed laughs and Ryder runs up and joins in on our hug. "Don't you just love group hugs?!" Ryder says squeezing tighter. We go inside and Reed and I go to my room. My dads not home cause he said he was going to lunch with a friend. Ryder had to go to work so it was just me and Reed.

"How was it?" I ask closing my door.

"It was really fun. The beach was really nice." He sits down on my couch and takes his shoes off. I sit down on the couch and lay my head on his lap. "I wish you could of come. Maybe next time." Reed says rubbing my head.

"It was a long week for me. I got my school shopping done. Got lots of clothes. And then you know, the actual school supplies."

"Well that sounds like it was a lot of fun. I wanna see the clothes." I stand up and walk over to my closet. I show him all the new clothes I got and he told me which ones where his favorite. "So you never told me what your mom said." Reed says all serious. It sounded kind of hot but still, Im still kind of mad at my mom.

"It doesn't matter." Reed stands up and grabs my hand.

"It does matter."

"She said, that if I wanted to ever come over and stay, we couldn't see each other. I want to see my mom, but I can't loose you." Reed stood there and kind if looked like Ryder when I told him.

"Why don't you tell her we broke up?"

"It's not a bad idea. I'm just afraid she would catch us. We would be right back to where we were in the beginning. I don't want to have to sneak around."

"I don't know what you want to do, I know you love your mom and she loves you."

"Does she?" I ask looking down. Reed moves my head up so I look at his face with his finger.

"Yes, she does. How could she not?"

"You've seen the way she talks and looks at me."

The rest of the day we just layed around. Watched a couple movies and then fell asleep in my bed.

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