Penelope's P.O.V
"He's in a coma."
no. I punched the mirror i was staring into, looking at my red eyes and tight lipped, tear streaked broken face. instantly, blood gushed from my knuckles trailing down my arm as a mocking reminder of the pain ive caused upon everyone.
I spotted a small decorative vase on the bathroom counter. I picked it up and chucked it across the room. My body started to shake, out of my control.
How could i let this happen!
I dragged my nails down my forearm drawing blood. look what you've done.
I released my arms from there death grip only to punch through one of the wooden cabinets on the wall. You've forced my hand.
I stifled a sob that was clawing up my throat demanding to be heard. I yanked my arm out of the cabinet and crumbled to the ground. Weak.
I cry in pain passes through my lips, I clutched my chest. You Never learn. You never learn.
(6 years old)
"Look what You've done!" My father yelled before the loud crack of the whip met my ears. I curled in a ball, The pain hadn't hit yet but i knew it would come, it always did. "You've forced my hand."
Another crack This time i felt the pure sting of flesh splitting open. Warm blood ran swiftly down my back. I deserved this, Didn't i? I was Weak, I Threw a fit and now I'm paying the consequences.
"You never learn.You never learn!" The words echoed off the walls hitting me heart deep. My wolf and i whimpered. It was close to the end and we could feel it.
(10 years old)
Beads of sweat dripped down my face. I tried again for what was probably the hundredth time, but like all the other times the space in my heart was vacant. where she once was is a deep void, never being filled. The crunch of bone snapping that was once painful was now thankfully welcome, if only to not be alone anymore.
Kicking the pile of falls crisp leaves in frustration i whispered. "Please, Give her back."
(12 years old)
"Were leaving." My father stated. I knew well enough now to not argue with his decisions and went to my room to start packing. Getting my beat up old suitcase from under my bed, already filled with my clothes, I lugged it behind me. Hopefully this time it will be different, but then again i knew better than to hope.
(16 years old)
"Penelope, i need your help." My brother hastily pulled me into his room as soon as i stepped out of mine. There i found one of my pack sisters sitting on his bed with her head in her hands.
"Whats wrong, Rhett?" I Took in the scene in front of me as Rhett moved to stand by layla. My brother and i both turned 16 yesterday. "Rhett she's our sister! Do you know how dad would react if he found out?!"
"Pen she isn't our real sister, Dad just wants you and all the other young ones that so they don't date or think they found there mate. I'm your only blood brother."
I shook my head."You have no idea what your talking about, Your sick rhett! If you tell dad now he wont be that angry. come on." I grabbed his arm and headed towards the door but he didnt budge.
"He.Will.Kill.Her. we've already completed the bonding process, were planning to run, there's much better in the world than this." I was struck with speechlessness. It will never work. My disbelief must have shown on my face because Rhett continued.
"We have it all planned out pen. Were leaving tonight, and your coming with us." I Shook my head so hard my body started to shake.
"Its a suicide mission Rhett! You of all people know that i cant just leave?"
"And you of all people should know that we have to,You have to, You must understand." Layla looked up and spoke for the first time since i walked in the room. "No one. can or should live like this. especially you penelope."
I looked from Rhett to Layla and back again. i turned and headed to the door. opening it and glancing back. " Good luck" I said bitterly with sarcasm as thick as molasses.
I shut the door behind me not knowing that that would be the last thing that i would say to my brother and his "Mate" Layla before Rhetts disappearance and Layla's gruesome death that had i caused, I had caused my own pain.
**End of flashback**
I tugged the hair at my scalp trying to keep the memories from flooding back into my once safe mind. I was hyper aware that there was someone near me yet i couldn't see a thing, just red, was it my blood? So much of me has spilled on the cold hard floor. I could hear the shuffling of clothes and the light touch of a hand on my cheek but i couldn't focus on anything except the red
It was everywhere but no where. It moved in swirls yet it stayed still. It was searing my heart with heat but the rest of my limbs were ice cold.
Without saying anything chale, i realized, picked me up and carried me for what seemed like minutes. This seemed to be a routine for us. I cant put him through this..
As i turned my face more towards chales chest i felt a drop of water on my face i stilled for a moment as it cascaded down my face.
Did he take me outside? Another dropped to my cheek. Not realizing i had closed me eyes I forced my eyes to open, although they didn't open far i could make out that it wasn't raining at all. Chale was crying.
My own eyes started to water and pool over at the thought of the pain im causing him. Chale layed me down on a hard floor but cradled my head in his hands. Chale kissed my temple and stayed like that not drawing back. Somehow i could feel his pain through mine, with mine.
As dark thoughts crossed my mind Chale struggled for breath and held me tighter as tears swam down both of our faces.I knew, he knew my subcousious thoughts. even if he knew i would never...never.
I could get rid of everyones pain. Just a couple of pills
just a flick of the wrist
just a step in a direction...
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