My Day Summed Up

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Welp, today was a day full of mixed emotions-

Let's go down my list here! :D

1. I was almost late for school because McDonalds was taking their sweet time to give me my breakfast-

2. I had a Science test today. Thankfully I only missed one question XD

3. I had a substitute teacher in one class ;-;

4. In English, as usual, kids would not shut up while we were supposed to be reading =_=

5. Art class was just as chaotic as usual

6. I had two Math tests. T W O.

7. I was called fat- I'm aware that I'm plus sized. If we weren't at school, I swear to God I would have went O F F

8. I got a haircut! :D

9. I went to eat at a restaurant. The wait was WAY too long, and the food wasn't even that amazing-

Now I'm finally home, just chilling in bed and bored-

I also haven't drawn in a while. I really need ideas- πŸ’€

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