Chapter 864

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Black Rose and Willa began shooting at the same time. Bullets flew through the thick billowing fumes of smoke. It was a shower of bullets.

However, what followed the rain of bullets was the killer's endless ridicule. "You don't even know where I am. I'm so disappointed. With your current strength, you can't even get past the Whitlock family gates. You two are so pitiful! Alright, no more fooling around!"

Her voice faded to silence.

Instantly, the silence was disrupted by a loud gunshot! A bullet flew out! It contacted Black Rose mercilessly. It was quickly followed by another! Instantly, Black Rose's arm was pierced.

She grasped the sniper rifle in her hand tightly. However, she could not keep her grip.

It fell to the ground.

That was because the shot had torn one of her muscles.

In that brief moment, Eleanor covered the distance between herself and Black Rose.

Then, she kicked at Black Rose's chest. Her speed was astonishing! How could she have approached them and gotten so close?

The number one killer, Black Rose, had been unexpectedly cornered.

Instantly, Black Rose understood why she had successfully assassinated Karen.

Eleanor launched a kick at Black Rose.

Like a rag doll, Black Rose sailed through the air as she was kicked. The impact of her landing filled the air with a loud sound.

Upon landing, Black Rose coughed up blood. Three of her ribs were broken. The cracking sound pierced through the air. She herself heard them clearly. Black Rose attempted to rise to her feet.

At the moment, blood was continuously spewing from her mouth, her entire body strengthless.

A gunshot pierced through the air again. It was from Black Rose! It was quickly followed by a second one and a third one!

Eleanor smiled faintly. She deftly dodged the bullets and pulled the trigger of the gun in her hand.

However, she was not holding a sniper rifle. Instead, it was a pistol.

Nevertheless, her shots were so accurate. Once again, gunshots rang loudly in the air. Bullets were fired!

They hit Willa's side. Willa instinctively dodged.

"Eh, you didn't get hit? No wonder you could survive last time! Not bad!" Eleanor giggled lightly.


She pulled the trigger with her finger again. Bullets flew through the air!

This time, they ruthlessly pierced Willa's shoulder.

The sound of bullets piercing her flesh could be heard. Blood began to spew from Willa's wound.

The accurate shot precisely severed the strength in Willa's arm. Her gun fell to the ground.

Eleanor delivered a swift blow to Willa. The impact rang through the air. Willa clenched her fist to retort. However, ...

With another punch, Willa was sent flying upside down. The blow was loud and heavy.

Just like that, she was sent flying in the air.

In the process, she threw up a mouthful of fresh blood. Even if she tried, she could not get up.

"The two of you don't have the qualifications to use guns at all! The guns in your hands are a waste! In that case, I won't waste my bullets either! I'll just kill you one by one!" Eleanor smiled.

She took one step forward.

With a single kick, she sent Willa again.

At that moment, Black Rose gritted her teeth and rose to her feet. With a cold gaze, she rushed towards Eleanor.

"To be honest, you're really weak. I don't know how you became the number one killer... But then again, the strongest ones will be selected by the hidden families. You both were filtered out by the hidden families! Trash!"

Eleanor delivered a simple punch.

Once again, Black Rose was sent flying.

The difference in their combat skills was too vast.

Blood gushed out of Black Rose's mouth as she tried to get up. Similarly, Willa was also standing. So what if it hurt?

So what if she died?

She still had to die with dignity!

"You're really hanging onto a thread. Karen was also aware that she was about to die, and she reacted just like that too! Forget it, I can't be bothered to waste my time on both of you anymore," Eleanor commented as she stepped forward.

She darted through the air, her steps light as if she was flying.

Then, she delivered a blow to Black Rose with her fist! The collision of flesh upon flesh rang through the air.

The impact knocked Black Rose back ten meters away into the grass. This time, there was no movement.

Sorrow was visible in Willa's eyes.

She would not have been acquainted with Black Rose if they had not fought. They had not communicated much, yet they became friends.

Although they had no chance to exchange words, they understood each other in their hearts.

"l'm sorry, I ended up dragging you down!"

She wanted to seize the opportunity to let Black Rose leave.

However, Eleanor was too powerful. Willa stood no fighting chance against her.

She knew that Eleanor was already on par with Karen!

In the world, there was probably only one person who could deal with Eleanor. Chuck was not yet strong enough. There was not enough time.

The only candidate was Karen. However, Karen had already passed away... Eleanor was currently the number one combat expert in the world.

Unless Chuck had enough time, Eleanor's strength would be uncontested. Willa felt melancholy.

She had failed to deter and hurt Eleanor, much less kill her. She had not done anything.

Squinting, Eleanor observed, "She's not moving? Is she dead? It's your turn, Willa!"

She approached her step by step.

As for Black Rose, if she was not yet dead, she would be with a single kick. It was nothing.

Her ultimate goal was to kill Willa.

To kill Willa and Chuck's father, Chadrick.

"Eleanor, how many more people do you want to kill?" Willa's tone was calm yet icy.

"Lots and lots! Let me tell you, after I kill you, the next person I want to kill is Chuck's father, Chadrick! After that, it will be Yvette!" Eleanor chuckled lightly.

Step by step, she approached Willa.

Knowing that Yvette would not be able to escape death, Willa was bitter. It was because Yvette was Chuck's wife.

Considering Adriana's avid desire for control, how could she tolerate that? "lt 's your turn to die now!"

With a smirk, Eleanor landed a heavy blow on Willa. Once again, the heavy impact echoed through the air.

Although Willa tried to block it with her hands, it was useless. She let out a grunt in the process.

Following Black Rose's example, Willa fell into the grass and laid there motionless ...

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