Chapter 7:

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(Jamie POV)

Me,mum and dad have been sat here for a long one now waiting for news about Kay's dad.

"We might now home now honey!" mum said

"Ok well I'm going to wait here for news" I replied. I can't leave Kaylee now.

"Well honey Kaylee needs privacy with her dad for a while."

"Well I will till she comes out." I wish mum wouldn't test my patience. I waited for another hour or so Until Kaylee came out of two double doors.

"Kay?" I shouted.

"Hey Jamie, I didn't know you was still here!"

"Yeah well I stayed."

She had bags under her eyes and you could tell she has been crying.

"Kay, how's your dad?" I asked.

"Well you know he's got cancer right?" I nodded.

"Er well he got really sick but he's better now so he should be out soon."

"Kay, that's good news."

"But he gone to stage four which isn't that good." she said crying a little.

"Kay baby I'm sorry."

"Its okay I mean I thought he stopped but apparently not but I told him he he would die but he still didnt listen and-" I grabbed her face and kissed her.

"What was that for?"

"You had to shut up and calm down."

She doesn't know I've been in her shoes with my Grampy.

"You wanna know my story kay?" I asked, I mean I trust her and she does work for me.

"What story?" she asked, plus she's cheered up bit a now.

"I know what your going though Kaylee and I know it's hard but it might get better and I'm not gunna promise that it will because it didn't get better for me, ok?" She nodded.

"I was eighteen, I was at the park with my friends when I got a call. It was from the hospital saying that my grandad was really ill. The nurse kept saying I had to come straight away,so me and my friends ran from the park to the hospital as fast as we could. As soon as we got there they told us that gramps had a bad case of pneumonia and they was treating him for it." I took a deep breath.

"Two or three days after they realised that gramps wasn't getting better and something was wrong, so they took him to a MRI scan to find out the real problem. During the MRI they found out gramps actually had cancer and it became so bad because they didn't see it in time, so it became untreatable and my gramps had to suffer with it. Gramps died 2 weeks after the MRI and we all took it hard even though we knew it was coming." I finished with a tear coming down my cheek, Kaylee wiped it away and kissed it.

"Do you still miss him?" Kay asked, I nodded.

"Every day I miss him, I wish he was here to see my company, to see what I've grown into, to meet you." I whispered the last part.

"You know, he can see you even though you can't see him. He's looking at us right now saying that he's proud of you and he wouldn't wanna meet me." she said.

"Yes he would, why do you think that?"

"I'm rude and extremely moody, I kinda think your grandad wouldn't like me." she finished with a laugh.

"I think my gramps would love you." I said, giving her a kiss on the forehead but Kaylee wanted more because she kissed me on the side of my mouth and then moving towards my lips. It wasn't a fast kiss, it was one that shouldn't be rushed. Once we broke apart, there was a nurse.

"Sorry but your father would like to see you."

Sorry I've kept a few people waiting. so here's chapter 7.

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