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I have a hard time breathing. My eyes are still shut and I don't think I have the strength to open them. I feel my chest heavy and a lot of wires around me so my best guest is that I am in a hospital. I don't really remember much except for the fact that I crashed.

I finally open my eyes and the lights blind me. The light is coming from a window. I look around the room and this time I am a hunderd percent sure I am in a hospital. I look down at my chest beacause it feels a little too heavy. I can say I am shocked, she is here with her head is laying on my chest and she is sleeping. She has mascara all over her face, she was crying. Her arms wrapped around me holding me like I am going to run away and she is holding me back.

Flashbacks start coming to me but they didn't come alone, sadeness is surrounding me again.  She is here though I tell myself. Maybe she doesn't hate me after all. I don't know what I am feeling right now but it's weird. 10 years ago all we wanted is to spend time with each over and talk and right now we don't now how to talk to one another. I take a deep breath and make her flinch. She is waking up, she raises her head from my chest and stares at me.

She immediatly wrappers herself around me. <<Thank god you are awake>> she says with a sob, tightening her arms more around me. <<Don't you ever dare to do that again>> she lets go of me. She is wearing her favourite perfume, the one that I bought for her last year. Maybe if I had said to her how I felt we wouldn't be here now. Maybe she would have rejected me and I could finally move on or maybe she feels the same but either way she would still be my friend. Even if she knew I liked her she wouldn't leave. 

I will talk to her, I feel somehow brave and now is the best time to tell her everything, now that I have got the courage. <<Cloudy I->> I am struggling. <<Sshh loser I know I am sorry>> she says staring at me, her eyes mixed with emotions. You don't really know though what I was about to say. My braveness is now leaving my body. <<We should talk>> I manage to say. <<Yeah okay after the doctor checks you>> she presses a button next to my bed.

She is just smiling at me and then seconds later a nurse comes in the room. <<Do you need any help?>> the nurse asks Cloudy. The nurse hasn't realized I am awake. <<He just woke up>> Cloudy nods at my direction. <<Oh I will call the doctor>> she says and sprints away.

Cloudy looks back at me smiling again. <<I thought you were dead>> she says with a deep breath. <<I would never leave you>> I say with a chuckle. She hugs me again, this time I hug her back. <<I am sorry Lando I didn't mean what I said, I love you>> she says so quickly like she waited all day to say it. We both let go of each other and I smiling at her like an idiot.

A woman with a white uniform comes in the room that I suppose is  the doctor. <<Good to see you awake mister Norris>> the woman says. I smile at her while she sits in a chair looking at the machines next to me. She writes something in her notebook and then she turns back to me and Cloudy. <<Your heart is working a lot better, you have overcome the danger but you have to stay one more day so that we can run some more tests to make sure you are okay>> she gets up from her chair. <<Thank you doctor>> Cloudy says. <<The others can visit him now but only for an hour>> the doctor says again and then she leaves.

<<I will call your mother and Max and let them know you are okay and that they can come>> she gets up and starts searching her bag. She is talking in the phone but I am not paying attention. She makes two phone calls in total. She ends her last phone call and looks at her phone saying <<Oh shit>> .  I am still not paying attention until I hear his name. <<I am so sorry Charles I had my phone on silence mode>> she apologises. I really want to know what he is saying to her. <<Yes I am still in the hospital>> she runs her fingers in her hair. <<Bye>> she says again and closes the phone.

<<You stayed with me the whole time?>> I ask her. <<Yes>> she says and sits next to me again.

We are just watching tik tok together when my mom burges in the room. <<Hi mom>> I smile at her. She gives me a tight hug and turns at Cloudy. <<I told you he would be okay>> My mom says with a smile. Cloudy is looking at me again, her smile is strange, different than usual.

<<What did the doctor say?>> my mom asks breaking the akward eye contact with Cloudy. <<He can leave tomorrow after they run some more tests>> Cloudy answers. <<You scared us mate>> a familiar voice. We all turn to look at Max and Kiara walking in. Kiara runs towards me and hugs me. <<Omg babe I love you>> Kiara says and I look at my mother and Cloudy rolling their eyes at her words. I laugh at the thought of it. <<Nah you are not getting rid of me that easily>> I say and Max laughs at my remark.

<<Cloudy we will stay with him you should go get some rest>> Max looks at Cloudy. <<I slept while waiting for this dumbass to wake up but I could use a shower>> she pauses <<Charles will come to pick me up but I will be back in an hour>> she continues. 

15 minutes pass were my mom was talking with Cloudy and Kiara was trying to talk to me but I was talking to Max when Charles walks in. <<Hi babe>> he says to Cloudy. My mom turns to look at me and shakes her head and I freeze. Does she know I like Cloudy?

<<How are you mate?>> Charles asks me. <<Better>> I fake smile at him. <<Let's go>> Cloudy stands up from her chair. <<See you guys later>> she says again and they walk out the door.

<<Could you guys give us a moment alone?>> Kiara looks at Max and my mother. <<Yeah of course>> my mom says and her and Max walk out the door. Kiara starts kissing me when I stop her. <<You wanted to talk to me the last time I saw you so go on>> I tell her. <<Oh, I want you to stop talking to Cloudy>> she says with a serious face. <<Or what?>> I say sarcastically. <<I will break up with you>> her voice is turning annoying. <<I don't think you will get the chance because I am breaking up with you>> I say a little louder.

<<What?>> she looks suprised. <<Yeah it's over>> I glare at her. <<I knew you liked her, I fucking new it but I thought making our relationship public would stop you>> she yells. <<Did you just admit that you made our relationship public on purpose?>> I am speechless. <<I->> she pauses <<Just admit that you like her>> she screams again. <<Yeah I like her a lot  and you should get out now>> I scream back at her.

She walks out the door and I grab my phone and start typing when my mom and Max walk in. <<What happened?>> Max asks. <<We broke up>> I answer him.

I look at my phone again and press the post button. I just posted a story saying

"Me and Kiara decided to end our relationship. Please respect her privacy"

<<I don't want to talk about it and I didn't even like her>> I say. My mom doesn't look socked in compare with Max. <<Okay>> Max says. The door opens again and Cloudy walks in <<I am back>> she says with a smile. <<You just missed a break up>> Max says laughing. <<Wait really?>> she says confused. <<Yeah it's a long story>> I say to her.

<<Max we have to go now one hour has passed>> my mom interrapts us. <<Oh I totally forgot, see you tomorrow mate>> Max sits up from his chair. <<Good night>> I look at my mom and Max. <<Good night>> My mom says to me and Cloudy and they leave.

I chat with Cloudy about my break up for the rest of the night.


Hey again!! I twisted my leg and I am in bed. This chapter was a mess see ya next weekend.

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