poor baby

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when I wake up I notice alex is no where to be found. He wasn't in his room nor in the bathroom that connects to his room. i decide to go downstairs and I see him and his mom cooking.
"good morning, we wanted to let you sleep in but you woke up before breakfast was ready" alex says giggling
i smile and sit down at their island table.
once it was ready we all ate.
"I have work so Alex your going to need to babysit" his mom announces
"fuck" he whispers under his breath
"alex." She says
"sorry mama" he says smiling showing his braces
god this man is so fine I thought to myself

"okay bye hermoso bye jules, bye Mario!!"
"bye momma, I love you" alex says. she blows a kiss to the two of us and closes the door.
I just sit at the island still and Alex takes my plate, his plate and his brothers plate to the sink and washes them.
Once he finishes, he stands in between my legs. "you okay julie?" He says slightly frowning
i nod in response
we go upstairs and I ask Mario if he wants to watch a movie with us and he accepts the request.
during the movie Mario coughs and sneezes a lot.
"god damn Mario you got covid or sum?" alex says disgusted
"no! I'm just allergic to annoying ass bitches" the immature 7 year old replies
surprised, alex says "oooo I'm telling mami you swore" he jokes
"noo stop alex snitches get stitches!" the little one says
"yeah facts and they get no bitches and end up in ditches" I say agreeing with the kid
"shut up but no fr Mario are you good?" the brother says actually sounding concerned
"yes but I'm gonna go take a shower because my head hurts" he gets up and leaves
i sit on Alex's lap sitting towards him, I wrap my arms around his neck and let them sit.
"that was kinda hot when you sounded concerned" I say
he smirks and quickly pecks my lips
the small peck quickly turned into making out. Just as we get further in Mario walks in.
"forgot my- ooooo I'm telling mami" the boy mocks his older brother
i get off of alex and act like what happened didn't happen.
"Mario your just jealous she doesn't kiss you" alex says
"no! I always steal your bitches now if you don't tell mami I say bad words I won't tell her you and Julie were having sex" he pleads and negotiates
"we weren't having sex dumbass and you shouldn't even know what that is!" the older brother responds frustrated
"ok ok kissing. Happy? I won't tell her you were kissing" he corrects himself
"she won't care" they argue
"yes she will! if I tell her you guys kicked me out just to kiss while you were supposed to babysit" The clever boy says
"we didn't kick you out tho but fine fine no snitching at all" they settle
Finally he leaves and showers
a little later I hear Mario yelling my name
"jules!! Julie!! Julianna please !!"
I finally go see what he needs.
"yes my love?" I say being gentle
"I don't feel good can you get me medicine?"
"sure I'll go have Alex go buy some and he can get you snacks and Gatorade as well"
the sick boy nods

"what'd he want?" Alex says as I enter the bedroom
"He wants medicine so can you pretty please go to the store and get him snacks and medicine and Gatorade" I say practically begging
Alex groans "I'm too lazy but fine I'll go in a little"
"no go now he doesn't feel good" I say demanding
"okay okay I'll go geez"
he leaves and then I go to his brothers room.
i put on a movie for him and make sure he's comfy in bed. I lay down with him until alex gets back.
before I give Mario the medicine he ran to the bathroom and started throwing up.
"oh shit i thought he was just being dramatic and asking for attention" alex said
i slap his arm and quickly get Mario water. i clean up his mouth and take him back to his bed and give him water and medicine.
i use vapo rub on his head and kiss his fourhead before asking him if he wanted me to stay and he said that he was fine.
I go back to Alex's room. "poor baby" I say feeling bad for him
"are you good? You look a little pissed off" I say
"nah I'm chillin"
"mmm no your clearly upset"
"well maybe if you didn't give my brother all the attention in the world and actually hung out with me since I'm the one who invited you over I'd be okay but that's not the case" he responds
"calmate! geez is someone jealous of their little brother?" I say teasing him
i grab his chin and kiss him which made him loosen up a bit.
"hey I'm gonna head out they let me know if anything happens with Mario" I say grabbing my stuff
"okay" he says hugging me before I leave

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